path: root/pages/whats_on.ecpp
diff options
authorChristian Wieninger <cwieninger (at) gmx (dot) de>2008-01-10 19:23:57 +0100
committerChristian Wieninger <cwieninger (at) gmx (dot) de>2008-01-10 19:23:57 +0100
commite3f72a5ad92ce4c75f8d91f1925491f53fbdbe52 (patch)
tree6d70f1ff1f81e99707046f3f2c18e24fab856dd5 /pages/whats_on.ecpp
parent513a4f2a4d63e5e3221891b9f1cef42dd58ad45c (diff)
- favorites in 'detailed mode'
Diffstat (limited to 'pages/whats_on.ecpp')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/pages/whats_on.ecpp b/pages/whats_on.ecpp
index 9a60e7f..a902ae6 100644
--- a/pages/whats_on.ecpp
+++ b/pages/whats_on.ecpp
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ if (type == "now") {
// last result?
SearchResults::iterator nextres = result;
bool bottom = (++nextres == results.end());
+ if (mode == "list") {
<& pageelems.epg_tool_box detail=(0) epgid=(epgId) title=(result->Title()) startTime=(result->StartTime()) endTime=(result->StopTime()) lastCurrentChanel=(bottom ? 1 : 0) &>
@@ -239,14 +240,35 @@ if (type == "now") {
% if (!longDescription.empty()) {
<& tooltip.hint text=(longDescription) &><& tooltip.display domId=(epgId) &>
% }
- ><span class="title"><$ (result->Title()) $></span><br /><span class="short"><$ (result->ShortText()) $></span></a></div>
- </td>
+ ><span class="title"><$ (result->Title()) $></span><br /><span class="short"><$ (result->ShortText()) $></span></a></div>
+ </td>
<td class="topaligned rightcol <? bottom ? "bottomrow"?>"><div class="station withmargin"><a href="schedule.html?channel=<$ channelnr $>" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("View the schedule of this channel")) &>><$ (channelname) $></a></div></td>
- </tr>
-% }
+ </tr>
+% } else {
+ <div class="event">
+ <div class="station">
+ <div><div><div><a href="schedule.html?channel=<$ channelnr $>" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("View the schedule of this channel")) &>><$ channelname $></a></div></div></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="content">
+ <div class="tools">
+ <& pageelems.epg_tool_box detail=(1) epgid=(epgId) title=(result->Title()) startTime=(result->StartTime()) endTime=(result->StopTime()) &>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <div class="info"><$ (FormatDateTime(tr("%I:%M %p"), result->StartTime())) $> - <$ (FormatDateTime(tr("%I:%M %p"), result->StopTime())) $></div>
+ <div class="info"><$ diffstring $></div>
+ <div class="title withmargin"><$ (result->Title()) $></div>
+ <div class="short withmargin"><$ (result->ShortText()) $></div>
+ <div class="description withmargin"><$ truncDescription $></div>
+% if (truncated) {
+ <div class="more withmargin"><a <& tooltip.hint text=(longDescription) &><& tooltip.display domId=(epgId) &>><$ tr("more") $> ...</a></div>
+% }
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<%cpp> }
+ }
- </%cpp>
% if (mode == "list") {
% }