path: root/pages
diff options
authorJasmin Jessich <>2017-05-14 23:57:33 +0200
committerJasmin Jessich <>2017-05-18 23:33:01 +0200
commit95625cfeb04659d9419b12642458e3d5a139a899 (patch)
tree884dc5252a2dbc68b72c2a08299d6cd1bea34938 /pages
parentbe4f333e60a6d992e11610d9918ca745db23902b (diff)
Patched with osd-patch.txt
Diffstat (limited to 'pages')
3 files changed, 189 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/pages/Makefile b/pages/Makefile
index 1e56731..cfe482c 100644
--- a/pages/Makefile
+++ b/pages/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ OBJS := menu.o recordings.o schedule.o multischedule.o screenshot.o \
searchepg.o login.o ibox.o xmlresponse.o play_recording.o \
pause_recording.o stop_recording.o ffw_recording.o \
rwd_recording.o setup.o content.o epginfo.o timerconflicts.o \
- recstream.o users.o edit_user.o edit_recording.o
+ recstream.o users.o edit_user.o edit_recording.o osd.o
SRCS := $(patsubst %.o,%.cpp,$(OBJS))
ESRCS := $(patsubst %.o,%.ecpp,$(OBJS))
diff --git a/pages/osd.ecpp b/pages/osd.ecpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7cf24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/osd.ecpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <locale>
+#include <vdr/i18n.h>
+#include <vdr/keys.h>
+#include <vdr/device.h>
+#include "grab.h"
+#include "setup.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "users.h"
+#include "osd_status.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace vdrlive;
+</%pre><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<%session scope="global">
+bool logged_in(false);
+<%request scope="page">
+if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
+reply.setContentType( "application/xml" );
+reply.out() << LiveOsdStatusMonitor().GetHtml();
diff --git a/pages/remote.ecpp b/pages/remote.ecpp
index 8dc4703..d76b208 100644
--- a/pages/remote.ecpp
+++ b/pages/remote.ecpp
@@ -74,12 +74,60 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<& pageelems.stylesheets &>
<& pageelems.ajax_js &>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
- var newImg = new Image();
+ var newImg = null;
var imgsrc = "";
+ var osdAjax = null;
+ var osdTimeout = -1;
var interval = -1;
+ var clkTimer;
+ function changeScreenContent(){
+ var screenCon= document.getElementsByName('screenCon');
+ for ( var i=0; i < screenCon.length; i++){
+ if (screenCon[i].id == 'screenCon_grab'){
+ if (screenCon[i].checked){
+ newImg = new Image();
+ StreamLoad();
+ ChangeInterval();
+ StreamLoad();
+ '';
+ } else {
+ window.clearInterval(interval);
+ 'none';
+ newImg = null;
+ }
+ } else if (screenCon[i].id == 'screenCon_osd'){
+ if (screenCon[i].checked){
+ osdAjax= new Ajax('osd.xml', {method: 'get'});
+ osdAjax.lastUpd= -1;
+ osdAjax.addEvent('onComplete', function(text,xmlDoc){
+ try{
+ var upd= parseInt(xmlDoc.firstChild.getAttribute("data-time"),10);
+ if ( osdAjax.lastUpd != upd ){
+ $('osd').empty().setHTML(text);
+ osdAjax.lastUpd = upd;
+ $$('#screenshot .osdItems')[0].scrollTop= $$('#screenshot .selected')[0].offsetTop - 40;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ window.clearInterval(osdTimeout);
+ osdTimeout= window.setTimeout("OSDLoad()",1000);
+ });
+ $('osd').style.display= '';
+ OSDLoad()
+ } else {
+ $('osd').style.display= 'none';
+ osdAjax= null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
function StreamLoad()
+ if (!newImg)
+ return;
uniq = new Date();
uniq = uniq.getTime();
@@ -88,11 +136,24 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
function StreamInit()
- imgsrc = document.images.vdrlive.src;
- uniq = new Date();
- uniq = uniq.getTime();
- newImg.src=imgsrc+"?"+uniq;
- interval = window.setInterval("StreamLoad()", 1000);
+ document.getElementsByName('screenCon')[0].checked= true;
+ if (document.images.vdrlive)
+ imgsrc = document.images.vdrlive.src;
+ FillIntervals();
+ changeScreenContent();
+ $('osd').addEvents({
+ 'click': function(ev){
+ $clear(clkTimer);
+ clkTimer = (function(){
+ handleOSD(, false);
+ }).delay(200, this);
+ },
+ 'dblclick': function(ev){
+ $clear(clkTimer);
+ handleOSD(, true);
+ }
+ });
function ChangeInterval()
@@ -103,14 +164,66 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
interval = window.setInterval("StreamLoad()", timeout);
- function KeyPress(keycode)
+ function OSDLoad(){
+ if (osdAjax)
+ osdAjax.request();
+ }
+ function handleOSD(elem, doEnter){
+ switch (elem.className){
+ case 'osdButtonRed':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kRed $>);
+ case 'osdButtonGreen':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kGreen $>);
+ case 'osdButtonYellow':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kYellow $>);
+ case 'osdButtonBlue':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kBlue $>);
+ case 'osdTitle':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kBack $>);
+ case 'osdItem':
+ var hits= 0,
+ cur= elem,
+ keycode= <$ kDown $>;
+ while (cur && cur.className.indexOf('selected') == -1 ){
+ cur= cur.previousSibling;
+ hits++;
+ };
+ if ( !cur){
+ hits= 0;
+ cur= elem;
+ keycode= <$ kUp $>;
+ while (cur && cur.className.indexOf('selected') == -1 ){
+ cur= cur.nextSibling;
+ hits++;
+ };
+ }
+ for(;hits > 0; hits--)
+ KeyPress(keycode, true);
+ if ( !doEnter){
+ OSDLoad();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case 'osdItem selected':
+ return KeyPress(<$ kOk $>);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function KeyPress(keycode,DonotLoadOSD)
- LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('keypress.xml', 'keycode', keycode);
+// LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('keypress.xml', 'keycode', keycode);
+ var req = new Ajax('keypress.xml', { method : 'post'});
+ if (!DonotLoadOSD && osdAjax)
+ req.addEvent('onComplete', OSDLoad);
+ req.request('keycode=' + keycode + '&async=1');
+ return false;
function FillIntervals()
var element = document.getElementsByName('interval').item(0);
+ if (!element)
+ return;
var items = new Array(1000, 2000, 5000);
element.options.length = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
@@ -123,50 +236,49 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
% reply.sout().imbue(locale());
- <body onload="StreamInit(); FillIntervals();">
+ <body onload="StreamInit();">
<& pageelems.logo &>
<& menu active="remote" component=("remote.remote_actions")>
<div class="inhalt">
- <div class="screenshot">
-<{ if (!LiveGrabImageManager().CanGrab()) { }>
- bloek
-<{ } else { }>
- <img src="screenshot.jpg" name="vdrlive" /><br />
+ <div class="screenshot" id="screenshot">
+<{ if (LiveGrabImageManager().CanGrab()) { }>
+ <img src="screenshot.jpg" name="vdrlive" />
<{ } }>
+ <div id="osd"></div>
<img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "remotecontrol.jpg") $>" width="162" height="378" border="0" usemap="#remote" alt="" />
<map name="remote">
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,36,10" alt="Power" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kPower $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="27,60,59,75" alt="1" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k1 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="64,59,98,75" alt="2" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k2 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="103,59,137,75" alt="3" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k3 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="25,82,60,98" alt="4" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k4 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="65,82,98,99" alt="5" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k5 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="103,83,137,99" alt="6" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k6 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="26,106,60,121" alt="7" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k7 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="65,105,97,121" alt="8" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k8 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="104,106,137,122" alt="9" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k9 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="66,128,98,144" alt="0" onclick="KeyPress(<$ k0 $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,157,13" alt="Vol+" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kVolUp $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,190,13" alt="Vol-" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kVolDn $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="125,157,13" alt="P+" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kChanUp $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="125,190,13" alt="P-" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kChanDn $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,174,8" alt="Mute" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kMute $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,202,11" alt="Record" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kRecord $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="39,215,29,227,30,235,39,236,51,222,49,215,43,213" alt="Menu" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kMenu $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="119,213,127,219,135,230,132,235,127,236,119,231,114,223,113,215" alt="Exit" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kBack $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="33,289,31,298,43,310,51,308,54,300,41,287" alt="Subtitles" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kSubtitles $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="131,289,133,298,122,310,112,308,110,300,122,287" alt="Audio" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kAudio $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="58,230,70,223,82,223,91,223,105,231,96,240,87,237,78,236,69,240,66,241,58,232" alt="Up" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kUp $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="111,237,119,249,121,259,119,275,113,285,109,284,101,276,104,270,107,260,106,253,101,245" alt="Right" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kRight $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="66,281,75,285,86,285,95,281,106,291,100,295,87,300,73,300,58,291,57,289,58,289" alt="Down" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kDown $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="51,236,61,245,56,256,57,266,61,277,52,285,47,278,42,264,43,252,49,240" alt="Left" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kLeft $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,261,17" alt="Ok" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kOk $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="25,324,52,339" alt="Red" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kRed $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="53,324,81,339" alt="Green" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kGreen $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="83,324,109,339" alt="Yellow" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kYellow $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
- <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="110,324,137,339" alt="Blue" onclick="KeyPress(<$ kBlue $>)" nohref="nohref" alt="" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,36,10" alt="Power" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kPower $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="27,60,59,75" alt="1" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k1 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="64,59,98,75" alt="2" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k2 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="103,59,137,75" alt="3" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k3 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="25,82,60,98" alt="4" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k4 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="65,82,98,99" alt="5" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k5 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="103,83,137,99" alt="6" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k6 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="26,106,60,121" alt="7" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k7 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="65,105,97,121" alt="8" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k8 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="104,106,137,122" alt="9" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k9 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="66,128,98,144" alt="0" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ k0 $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,157,13" alt="Vol+" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kVolUp $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="37,190,13" alt="Vol-" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kVolDn $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="125,157,13" alt="P+" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kChanUp $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="125,190,13" alt="P-" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kChanDn $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,174,8" alt="Mute" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kMute $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,202,11" alt="Record" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kRecord $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="39,215,29,227,30,235,39,236,51,222,49,215,43,213" alt="Menu" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kMenu $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="119,213,127,219,135,230,132,235,127,236,119,231,114,223,113,215" alt="Exit" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kBack $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="33,289,31,298,43,310,51,308,54,300,41,287" alt="Subtitles" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kSubtitles $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="131,289,133,298,122,310,112,308,110,300,122,287" alt="Audio" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kAudio $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="58,230,70,223,82,223,91,223,105,231,96,240,87,237,78,236,69,240,66,241,58,232" alt="Up" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kUp $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="111,237,119,249,121,259,119,275,113,285,109,284,101,276,104,270,107,260,106,253,101,245" alt="Right" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kRight $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="66,281,75,285,86,285,95,281,106,291,100,295,87,300,73,300,58,291,57,289,58,289" alt="Down" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kDown $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="poly" coords="51,236,61,245,56,256,57,266,61,277,52,285,47,278,42,264,43,252,49,240" alt="Left" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kLeft $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="circle" coords="81,261,17" alt="Ok" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kOk $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="25,324,52,339" alt="Red" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kRed $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="53,324,81,339" alt="Green" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kGreen $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="83,324,109,339" alt="Yellow" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kYellow $>)" />
+ <area href="#" shape="rect" coords="110,324,137,339" alt="Blue" onclick="return KeyPress(<$ kBlue $>)" />
@@ -175,5 +287,10 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<%def remote_actions>
-<$ tr("Snapshot interval") $>: <select name="interval" onchange="ChangeInterval()"></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<& pageelems.vlc_stream_channel channelId=(Channel->GetChannelID()) &>
+<b><$ tr("Selection") $></b>:&nbsp;
+<{ if ( LiveGrabImageManager().CanGrab()) { }>
+ <input type="radio" name="screenCon" id="screenCon_grab" onchange="changeScreenContent()"/>&nbsp;<label for="screenCon_grab"><$ tr("Snapshot interval") $>:</label> <select name="interval" onchange="ChangeInterval()"></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<& pageelems.vlc_stream_channel channelId=(Channel->GetChannelID()) &> -
+<{ } }>
+ <input type="radio" name="screenCon" id="screenCon_osd" onchange="changeScreenContent()" />&nbsp;<label for="screenCon_osd">OSD</label> -
+ <input type="radio" name="screenCon" id="screenCon_none" onchange="changeScreenContent()" />&nbsp;<label for="screenCon_osd"><$ tr("Stop") $></label>