path: root/pages
diff options
authorChristian Wieninger <cwieninger (at) gmx (dot) de>2007-04-30 06:58:39 +0000
committerChristian Wieninger <cwieninger (at) gmx (dot) de>2007-04-30 06:58:39 +0000
commitbc9b54a0777db878cccc541a1e71b61dacecd7bb (patch)
treeed16b3885fc51d43f1f796d3f0c38811efcec5ee /pages
parent18a5cf0a2da3c19222bef7d97a03182a51358e8e (diff)
- fixed a memory leak with new search timers
Diffstat (limited to 'pages')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/pages/edit_searchtimer.ecpp b/pages/edit_searchtimer.ecpp
index c1e2695..a9f66e7 100644
--- a/pages/edit_searchtimer.ecpp
+++ b/pages/edit_searchtimer.ecpp
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ using namespace vdrlive;
bool logged_in(false);
<%request scope="page">
-SearchTimer* searchtimer;
ExtEPGInfos extEPGInfos;
ChannelGroups channelGroups;
Blacklists blacklists;
RecordingDirs recordingdirs;
+SearchTimer* editsearchtimer;
@@ -96,29 +96,26 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
#define CHECKIF(x) reply.out() << ( (x) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" );
SearchTimers searchtimers;
- searchtimer = 0;
- if ( !searchtimerid.empty() ) {
- searchtimer = searchtimers.GetByTimerId( searchtimerid );
- if ( searchtimer == 0 )
- throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?") );
- }
bool testmode = !test.empty();
+ editsearchtimer = NULL;
if ( request.getMethod() == "POST") {
- if ( !searchtimerid.empty() && !testmode)
- searchtimer = searchtimers.GetByTimerId( searchtimerid );
- else
- searchtimer = new SearchTimer;
- searchtimer->SetSearch(search);
- searchtimer->SetSearchMode(mode);
- searchtimer->SetTolerance(tolerance);
- searchtimer->SetMatchCase(matchcase);
- searchtimer->SetUseTitle(usetitle);
- searchtimer->SetUseSubtitle(usesubtitle);
- searchtimer->SetUseDescription(usedescr);
- searchtimer->SetUseExtEPGInfo(useextepginfo);
+ SearchTimer searchtimer;
+ if ( !searchtimerid.empty() && !testmode) {
+ editsearchtimer = searchtimers.GetByTimerId( searchtimerid );
+ if ( editsearchtimer == 0 )
+ throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?") );
+ searchtimer.SetId(editsearchtimer->Id());
+ }
+ searchtimer.SetSearch(search);
+ searchtimer.SetSearchMode(mode);
+ searchtimer.SetTolerance(tolerance);
+ searchtimer.SetMatchCase(matchcase);
+ searchtimer.SetUseTitle(usetitle);
+ searchtimer.SetUseSubtitle(usesubtitle);
+ searchtimer.SetUseDescription(usedescr);
+ searchtimer.SetUseExtEPGInfo(useextepginfo);
if (useextepginfo)
vector< string > infos;
@@ -129,30 +126,30 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
os << extinfo->Id() << "#" << (i<extepgvalues.size()?extepgvalues[i]:"");
- searchtimer->SetExtEPGInfo(infos);
- }
- searchtimer->SetUseChannel((SearchTimer::eUseChannel)usechannel);
+ searchtimer.SetExtEPGInfo(infos);
+ }
+ searchtimer.SetUseChannel((SearchTimer::eUseChannel)usechannel);
if (usechannel == SearchTimer::Interval)
- searchtimer->SetChannelMin(channelfrom);
- searchtimer->SetChannelMax(channelto);
+ searchtimer.SetChannelMin(channelfrom);
+ searchtimer.SetChannelMax(channelto);
if (usechannel == SearchTimer::Group)
- searchtimer->SetChannelText(changrpsel);
- searchtimer->SetUseTime(usetime);
+ searchtimer.SetChannelText(changrpsel);
+ searchtimer.SetUseTime(usetime);
if (usetime)
- searchtimer->SetStartTime(StringToInt(start_h) * 100 + StringToInt(start_m));
- searchtimer->SetStopTime(StringToInt(stop_h) * 100 + StringToInt(stop_m));
- }
- searchtimer->SetUseDuration(useduration);
+ searchtimer.SetStartTime(StringToInt(start_h) * 100 + StringToInt(start_m));
+ searchtimer.SetStopTime(StringToInt(stop_h) * 100 + StringToInt(stop_m));
+ }
+ searchtimer.SetUseDuration(useduration);
if (useduration)
- searchtimer->SetMinDuration(durationmin);
- searchtimer->SetMaxDuration(durationmax);
- }
- searchtimer->SetUseDayOfWeek(useweekday);
+ searchtimer.SetMinDuration(durationmin);
+ searchtimer.SetMaxDuration(durationmax);
+ }
+ searchtimer.SetUseDayOfWeek(useweekday);
if (useweekday)
int dayofweek = 0;
@@ -163,169 +160,172 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
if (wday_thu) dayofweek |= 0x10;
if (wday_fri) dayofweek |= 0x20;
if (wday_sat) dayofweek |= 0x40;
- searchtimer->SetDayOfWeek(-dayofweek);
+ searchtimer.SetDayOfWeek(-dayofweek);
- searchtimer->SetUseInFavorites(useinfavorites);
- searchtimer->SetUseAsSearchTimer(useassearchtimer);
- searchtimer->SetSearchTimerAction(searchtimeraction);
- searchtimer->SetUseSeriesRecording(seriesrecording);
- searchtimer->SetDirectory(directory);
- searchtimer->SetDelRecsAfterDays(delrecafterdays);
- searchtimer->SetKeepRecs(keeprecs);
- searchtimer->SetPauseOnRecs(pauseonrecs);
- searchtimer->SetBlacklistMode(blacklistmode);
+ searchtimer.SetUseInFavorites(useinfavorites);
+ searchtimer.SetUseAsSearchTimer(useassearchtimer);
+ searchtimer.SetSearchTimerAction(searchtimeraction);
+ searchtimer.SetUseSeriesRecording(seriesrecording);
+ searchtimer.SetDirectory(directory);
+ searchtimer.SetDelRecsAfterDays(delrecafterdays);
+ searchtimer.SetKeepRecs(keeprecs);
+ searchtimer.SetPauseOnRecs(pauseonrecs);
+ searchtimer.SetBlacklistMode(blacklistmode);
if (blacklistmode == 1)
- searchtimer->ParseBlacklist(blacklistids_internal);
- searchtimer->SetSwitchMinBefore(switchminbefore);
- searchtimer->SetAvoidRepeats(avoidrepeats);
+ searchtimer.ParseBlacklist(blacklistids_internal);
+ searchtimer.SetSwitchMinBefore(switchminbefore);
+ searchtimer.SetAvoidRepeats(avoidrepeats);
if (avoidrepeats)
- searchtimer->SetAllowedRepeats(allowedrepeats);
- searchtimer->SetRepeatsWithinDays(repeatswithindays);
- searchtimer->SetCompareTitle(comparetitle);
- searchtimer->SetCompareSubtitle(comparesubtitle);
- searchtimer->SetCompareSummary(comparesummary);
- }
- unsigned long catsselected = 0;
+ searchtimer.SetAllowedRepeats(allowedrepeats);
+ searchtimer.SetRepeatsWithinDays(repeatswithindays);
+ searchtimer.SetCompareTitle(comparetitle);
+ searchtimer.SetCompareSubtitle(comparesubtitle);
+ searchtimer.SetCompareSummary(comparesummary);
+ }
+ unsigned long catsselected = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i< avoidrepeatscatselected.size(); i++)
catsselected |= (1<< (avoidrepeatscatselected[i]-1));
- searchtimer->SetCompareCategories(catsselected);
- searchtimer->SetPriority(priority);
- searchtimer->SetLifetime(lifetime);
- searchtimer->SetMarginStart(marginstart);
- searchtimer->SetMarginStop(marginstop);
- searchtimer->SetUseVPS(usevps);
+ searchtimer.SetCompareCategories(catsselected);
+ searchtimer.SetPriority(priority);
+ searchtimer.SetLifetime(lifetime);
+ searchtimer.SetMarginStart(marginstart);
+ searchtimer.SetMarginStop(marginstop);
+ searchtimer.SetUseVPS(usevps);
if (!testmode)
- searchtimers.Save(searchtimer);
+ searchtimers.Save(&searchtimer);
return reply.redirect("searchtimers.html");
- searchtimer->SetId(0);
- string md5 = SearchResults::AddQuery(searchtimer->ToText());
+ searchtimer.SetId(0);
+ string md5 = SearchResults::AddQuery(searchtimer.ToText());
return reply.redirect("searchresults.html?searchtimerquery=" + md5);
- pageTitle = searchtimer ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer");
- if ( searchtimer != 0 ) {
- search = searchtimer->Search();
- mode = searchtimer->SearchMode();
- tolerance = searchtimer->Tolerance();
- matchcase = searchtimer->MatchCase();
- usetitle = searchtimer->UseTitle();
- usesubtitle = searchtimer->UseSubtitle();
- usedescr = searchtimer->UseDescription();
- usechannel = searchtimer->UseChannel();
- channelfrom = searchtimer->ChannelMin();
- channelto = searchtimer->ChannelMax();
- if (!channelto.Valid() && channelfrom.Valid())
- channelto = channelfrom;
- if (usechannel == SearchTimer::Group)
- changrpsel = searchtimer->ChannelText();
- usetime = searchtimer->UseTime();
- ostringstream os;
- os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ( searchtimer->StartTime() / 100 ) % 100;
- start_h = os.str();
- os.str("");
- os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << searchtimer->StartTime() % 100;
- start_m = os.str();
- os.str("");
- os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ( searchtimer->StopTime() / 100 ) % 100;
- stop_h = os.str();
- os.str("");
- os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << searchtimer->StopTime() % 100;
- stop_m = os.str();
- useduration = searchtimer->UseDuration();
- if (useduration)
- {
- durationmin = searchtimer->MinDuration();
- durationmax = searchtimer->MaxDuration();
- }
- useweekday = searchtimer->UseDayOfWeek();
- if (useweekday)
- {
- int dayofweek = searchtimer->DayOfWeek();
- if (dayofweek >= 0)
- {
- wday_sun = (dayofweek == 0);
- wday_mon = (dayofweek == 1);
- wday_tue = (dayofweek == 2);
- wday_wed = (dayofweek == 3);
- wday_thu = (dayofweek == 4);
- wday_fri = (dayofweek == 5);
- wday_sat = (dayofweek == 6);
- }
- else
- {
- wday_sun = -dayofweek & 0x01;
- wday_mon = -dayofweek & 0x02;
- wday_tue = -dayofweek & 0x04;
- wday_wed = -dayofweek & 0x08;
- wday_thu = -dayofweek & 0x10;
- wday_fri = -dayofweek & 0x20;
- wday_sat = -dayofweek & 0x40;
- }
- }
- useinfavorites = searchtimer->UseInFavorites();
- useassearchtimer = searchtimer->UseAsSearchTimer();
- searchtimeraction = searchtimer->SearchTimerAction();
- seriesrecording = searchtimer->UseSeriesRecording();
- directory = searchtimer->Directory();
- delrecafterdays = searchtimer->DelRecsAfterDays();
- keeprecs = searchtimer->KeepRecs();
- pauseonrecs = searchtimer->PauseOnRecs();
- blacklistmode = searchtimer->BlacklistMode();
- switchminbefore = searchtimer->SwitchMinBefore();
- useextepginfo = searchtimer->UseExtEPGInfo();
- vector< string > infos = searchtimer->ExtEPGInfo();
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
- {
- if (i<infos.size())
- {
- vector< string > parts = StringSplit( infos[i], '#' );
- extepgvalues.push_back(parts.size() > 1?parts[1]:"");
- }
- else
- extepgvalues.push_back("");
- }
- avoidrepeats = searchtimer->AvoidRepeats();
- allowedrepeats = searchtimer->AllowedRepeats();
- repeatswithindays = searchtimer->RepeatsWithinDays();
- comparetitle = searchtimer->CompareTitle();
- comparesubtitle = searchtimer->CompareSubtitle();
- comparesummary = searchtimer->CompareSummary();
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
- {
- bool selected = searchtimer->CompareCategories() & (1<<i);
- avoidrepeatscatselected.push_back(selected);
- }
- priority = searchtimer->Priority();
- lifetime = searchtimer->Lifetime();
- marginstart = searchtimer->MarginStart();
- marginstop = searchtimer->MarginStop();
- usevps = searchtimer->UseVPS();
- }
- else
- {
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
- extepgvalues.push_back("");
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
- avoidrepeatscatselected.push_back(false);
- usetitle = true;
- usesubtitle = true;
- usedescr = true;
- }
+ pageTitle = !searchtimerid.empty() ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer");
+ if ( !searchtimerid.empty() ) {
+ SearchTimer* searchtimer = searchtimers.GetByTimerId( searchtimerid );
+ if ( searchtimer == 0 )
+ throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't find searchtimer. Maybe you mistyped your request?") );
+ search = searchtimer->Search();
+ mode = searchtimer->SearchMode();
+ tolerance = searchtimer->Tolerance();
+ matchcase = searchtimer->MatchCase();
+ usetitle = searchtimer->UseTitle();
+ usesubtitle = searchtimer->UseSubtitle();
+ usedescr = searchtimer->UseDescription();
+ usechannel = searchtimer->UseChannel();
+ channelfrom = searchtimer->ChannelMin();
+ channelto = searchtimer->ChannelMax();
+ if (!channelto.Valid() && channelfrom.Valid())
+ channelto = channelfrom;
+ if (usechannel == SearchTimer::Group)
+ changrpsel = searchtimer->ChannelText();
+ usetime = searchtimer->UseTime();
+ ostringstream os;
+ os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ( searchtimer->StartTime() / 100 ) % 100;
+ start_h = os.str();
+ os.str("");
+ os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << searchtimer->StartTime() % 100;
+ start_m = os.str();
+ os.str("");
+ os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ( searchtimer->StopTime() / 100 ) % 100;
+ stop_h = os.str();
+ os.str("");
+ os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << searchtimer->StopTime() % 100;
+ stop_m = os.str();
+ useduration = searchtimer->UseDuration();
+ if (useduration)
+ {
+ durationmin = searchtimer->MinDuration();
+ durationmax = searchtimer->MaxDuration();
+ }
+ useweekday = searchtimer->UseDayOfWeek();
+ if (useweekday)
+ {
+ int dayofweek = searchtimer->DayOfWeek();
+ if (dayofweek >= 0)
+ {
+ wday_sun = (dayofweek == 0);
+ wday_mon = (dayofweek == 1);
+ wday_tue = (dayofweek == 2);
+ wday_wed = (dayofweek == 3);
+ wday_thu = (dayofweek == 4);
+ wday_fri = (dayofweek == 5);
+ wday_sat = (dayofweek == 6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wday_sun = -dayofweek & 0x01;
+ wday_mon = -dayofweek & 0x02;
+ wday_tue = -dayofweek & 0x04;
+ wday_wed = -dayofweek & 0x08;
+ wday_thu = -dayofweek & 0x10;
+ wday_fri = -dayofweek & 0x20;
+ wday_sat = -dayofweek & 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ useinfavorites = searchtimer->UseInFavorites();
+ useassearchtimer = searchtimer->UseAsSearchTimer();
+ searchtimeraction = searchtimer->SearchTimerAction();
+ seriesrecording = searchtimer->UseSeriesRecording();
+ directory = searchtimer->Directory();
+ delrecafterdays = searchtimer->DelRecsAfterDays();
+ keeprecs = searchtimer->KeepRecs();
+ pauseonrecs = searchtimer->PauseOnRecs();
+ blacklistmode = searchtimer->BlacklistMode();
+ switchminbefore = searchtimer->SwitchMinBefore();
+ useextepginfo = searchtimer->UseExtEPGInfo();
+ vector< string > infos = searchtimer->ExtEPGInfo();
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i<infos.size())
+ {
+ vector< string > parts = StringSplit( infos[i], '#' );
+ extepgvalues.push_back(parts.size() > 1?parts[1]:"");
+ }
+ else
+ extepgvalues.push_back("");
+ }
+ avoidrepeats = searchtimer->AvoidRepeats();
+ allowedrepeats = searchtimer->AllowedRepeats();
+ repeatswithindays = searchtimer->RepeatsWithinDays();
+ comparetitle = searchtimer->CompareTitle();
+ comparesubtitle = searchtimer->CompareSubtitle();
+ comparesummary = searchtimer->CompareSummary();
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
+ {
+ bool selected = searchtimer->CompareCategories() & (1<<i);
+ avoidrepeatscatselected.push_back(selected);
+ }
+ priority = searchtimer->Priority();
+ lifetime = searchtimer->Lifetime();
+ marginstart = searchtimer->MarginStart();
+ marginstop = searchtimer->MarginStop();
+ usevps = searchtimer->UseVPS();
+ editsearchtimer = searchtimer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
+ extepgvalues.push_back("");
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<extEPGInfos.size(); i++)
+ avoidrepeatscatselected.push_back(false);
+ usetitle = true;
+ usesubtitle = true;
+ usedescr = true;
+ }
<& pageelems.doc_type &>
- <title>VDR Live - <$ searchtimer ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer") $></title>
+ <title>VDR Live - <$ editsearchtimer ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer") $></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<& tooltip.javascript var=("domTT_styleClass") value=("domTTepg") &>
<& pageelems.ajax_js &>
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<input type="hidden" name="blacklistids_internal" value="<$ blacklistids_internal $>" id="blacklistids_internal"/>
<table class="edit" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <td class="head" colspan="4"><div class="boxheader"><div><div><$ searchtimer ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer") $></div></div></div></td>
+ <td class="head" colspan="4"><div class="boxheader"><div><div><$ editsearchtimer ? tr("Edit search timer") : tr("New search timer") $></div></div></div></td>
<!-- Search term -->
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
% if (blacklists.size() > 0) {
<select name="blacklists" multiple="multiple" size="5" onchange="changedblacklistsel(this)">
% int i=0; for (Blacklists::iterator blacklist = blacklists.begin(); blacklist != blacklists.end(); ++blacklist, i++) {
- <option value="<$ blacklist->Id() $>" <{ SELECTIF(searchtimer && searchtimer->BlacklistSelected(blacklist->Id())) }>><$ blacklist->Search() $></option>
+ <option value="<$ blacklist->Id() $>" <{ SELECTIF(editsearchtimer && editsearchtimer->BlacklistSelected(blacklist->Id())) }>><$ blacklist->Search() $></option>
% }
% }