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1 files changed, 34 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/epg_events.cpp b/epg_events.cpp
index f4547f4..a514769 100644
--- a/epg_events.cpp
+++ b/epg_events.cpp
@@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ namespace vdrlive
- bool ScanForEpgImages(string const & imageId, list<string> & images)
+ bool ScanForEpgImages(string const & imageId, string const & wildcard, list<string> & images)
bool found = false;
- const string filemask(LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir() + "/" + imageId + "*.*");
+ const string filemask(LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir() + "/" + imageId + wildcard);
glob_t globbuf;
globbuf.gl_offs = 0;
if (!LiveSetup().GetEpgImageDir().empty() && glob(filemask.c_str(), GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf) == 0) {
- for(int i=0; i<(int)globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
const string imagefile(globbuf.gl_pathv[i]);
size_t delimPos = imagefile.find_last_of('/');
@@ -322,19 +322,38 @@ namespace vdrlive
string imageId = epgid.substr(delimPos+1);
list<string> images;
- if (! ScanForEpgImages(imageId, images))
+ // Initially we scan for images that follow the scheme
+ // '<epgid>_<distinction>.*' where distincition is any
+ // character sequence. Usually distinction will be used
+ // to assign more than one image to an epg event. Thus it
+ // will be a digit or number. The sorting of the images
+ // will depend on the 'distinction' lexical sorting
+ // (similar to what ls does).
+ // Example:
+ // 112123_0.jpg first epg image for event id 112123
+ // 112123_1.png second epg image for event id 112123
+ if (! ScanForEpgImages(imageId, "_*.*", images))
- // if we didn't get images try to work arround a bug
- // in tvm2vdr. tvm2vdr seems always to use one digit
- // less, which leads in some rare cases to the bug in
- // LIVE, that unrelated and to many images are
- // displayed. But without this 'fix' no images would
- // be visible at all. The bug should be fixed in
- // (Perl version of tvm2vdr). There exists
- // a plugin - also called tvm2vdr - which might not
- // have that bug.
- imageId = imageId.substr(0, imageId.size()-1);
- ScanForEpgImages(imageId, images);
+ // if we didn't find images that follow the scheme
+ // above we try to find images that contain only the
+ // event id as file name without extension:
+ if (! ScanForEpgImages(imageId, ".*", images))
+ {
+ // if we didn't get images try to work arround a
+ // bug in tvm2vdr. tvm2vdr seems always to use
+ // one digit less, which leads in some rare cases
+ // to the bug in LIVE, that unrelated and to many
+ // images are displayed. But without this 'fix'
+ // no images would be visible at all. The bug
+ // should be fixed in (Perl version of
+ // tvm2vdr). There exists a plugin - also called
+ // tvm2vdr - which does not have that bug.
+ imageId = imageId.substr(0, imageId.size()-1);
+ ScanForEpgImages(imageId, "*.*", images);
+ }
return images;