diff options
4 files changed, 243 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/css/styles.css b/css/styles.css
index 4fd23b1..35b2119 100644
--- a/css/styles.css
+++ b/css/styles.css
@@ -867,6 +867,76 @@ table.listing a {
font-weight: bold;
+/* ##################################
+ # table schedule
+ # (this is used for the MultiSchedule)
+ ##################################
+table.mschedule {
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+table.mschedule tr {
+ height: 12px;
+table.mschedule tr td.event {
+ background: transparent url(img/bg_line.png) bottom repeat-x;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #C0C1DA;
+table.mschedule tr.odd td.time {
+ background-color: #D0D0ff;
+table.mschedule tr.even td.time {
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+table.mschedule tr.current_row td.time {
+ background-color: #ffB0B0;
+table.mschedule tr td.leftcol {
+ padding-left: 7px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+table.mschedule div.content1 {
+ min-width: 20em;
+ max-width: 30em;
+table.mschedule div.tools1 {
+ float: right;
+table.mschedule div.start {
+ float: left;
+table.mschedule tr td div.title {
+ padding: 3px;
+ clear: both;
+table.mschedule tr td div.short {
+ clear: both;
+ overflow: hidden;
+table.mschedule tr td div.description {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ clear: both;
+table.mschedule a {
+ color: black;
+ font-weight: bold;
# Blue Background Thingy
diff --git a/pages/menu.ecpp b/pages/menu.ecpp
index dbcb862..5721e42 100644
--- a/pages/menu.ecpp
+++ b/pages/menu.ecpp
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ if (!component.empty()) {
<div> <!-- inner -->
<& menu.component current=("whats_on") &>
<& menu.component current=("schedule") &>
+ <& menu.component current=("multischedule") &>
<& menu.component current=("timers") &>
if (LiveFeatures< features::epgsearch >().Recent()) {
diff --git a/pages/multischedule.ecpp b/pages/multischedule.ecpp
index ab97d9b..3d207ec 100644
--- a/pages/multischedule.ecpp
+++ b/pages/multischedule.ecpp
@@ -18,17 +18,19 @@ struct SchedEntry {
string title;
string short_description;
string description;
+ string description_trunc;
string start;
string end;
string day;
string epgid;
+ bool truncated;
int start_row;
int row_count;
- int channel = -1;
+ int channel = 1;
<%session scope="global">
bool logged_in(false);
@@ -39,33 +41,10 @@ bool logged_in(false);
if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
- pageTitle = trVDR("Schedule");
- cSchedulesLock schedulesLock;
- cSchedules const* schedules = cSchedules::Schedules( schedulesLock );
- ReadLock channelsLock( Channels );
- if ( !channelsLock )
- throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later.") );
- // cChannel* Channel; (see %request above)
- if ( channel > 0 ) {
- Channel = Channels.GetByNumber( channel );
- }
- else {
- if (cDevice::CurrentChannel()) {
- Channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
- }
- else {
- Channel = Channels.Get( Channels.GetNextNormal( -1 ) );
- }
- }
- if ( Channel == 0 )
- throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't find channel or no channels available. Maybe you mistyped your request?") );
- cSchedule const* Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule( Channel );
+pageTitle = trVDR("Schedule");
+ Channel = Channels.GetByNumber( channel );
+ if (!Channel)
+ throw HtmlError( tr("Error didn't find the channel") );
<& pageelems.doc_type &>
@@ -76,32 +55,64 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<& pageelems.logo &>
- <& menu active=("multischedule") component=("schedule.channel_selection") &>
+ <& menu active=("multischedule") component=("multischedule.channel_selection") &>
<div class="inhalt">
- if ( Schedule == 0 ) {
- <$ tr("No schedules available for this channel") $>.
- }
- else {
+ cSchedulesLock schedulesLock;
+ cSchedules const* schedules = cSchedules::Schedules( schedulesLock );
+ ReadLock channelsLock( Channels );
+ if ( !channelsLock )
+ throw HtmlError( tr("Couldn't aquire access to channels, please try again later.") );
time_t now = time(NULL) - ::Setup.EPGLinger * 60;
time_t sched_start = 3600 * (now / 3600); // start at a full hour
// tChannelID channel_id(Channel->GetChannelID());
// int evntNr = 0;
-#define MAX_CHANNELS 5
+#define MAX_CHANNELS 3
#define MAX_EVENTS 200
-#define MINUTES_PER_ROW 6
+#define MINUTES_PER_ROW 5
+ int chan = 0;
+ int count[ MAX_CHANNELS ];
+ string channel_names[ MAX_CHANNELS];
+ for ( chan = 0; chan<MAX_CHANNELS; chan++)
+ {
int prev_row = -1;
- int count = 0;
- for (const cEvent *Event = Schedule->Events()->First(); Event && count < MAX_EVENTS;
+ count[ chan ] = 0;
+ Channel = Channels.GetByNumber( channel+chan );
+ if ( ! Channel )
+ continue;
+ if ( Channel->GroupSep() || Channel->Name() == '\0' )
+ continue;
+ channel_names[ chan ] = Channel->Name();
+ cSchedule const* Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule( Channel );
+ if ( ! Schedule )
+ continue;
+ for (const cEvent *Event = Schedule->Events()->First(); Event && count[chan] < MAX_EVENTS;
Event = Schedule->Events()->Next(Event)) {
if (Event->EndTime() <= sched_start )
EpgInfoPtr epgEvent = EpgEvents::CreateEpgInfo(Channel, Event);
- SchedEntry &en=table[0][count];
+ if ( prev_row < 0 && Event->StartTime() > sched_start + MINUTES_PER_ROW )
+ {
+ // insert dummy event at start
+ SchedEntry &en=table[chan][count[chan]];
+ int event_start_row = (Event->StartTime() - sched_start) / 60 / MINUTES_PER_ROW;
+ en.start_row = 0;
+ en.row_count = event_start_row;
+ // no title and no start time = dummy event
+ en.title = "";
+ en.start = "";
+ prev_row = en.start_row + en.row_count;
+ count[chan]++;
+ }
+ SchedEntry &en=table[chan][count[chan]];
en.title = epgEvent->Title();
en.short_description = epgEvent->ShortDescr();
@@ -113,31 +124,71 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
// string strEventID = lexical_cast<string>(Event->EventID();
en.start_row = prev_row > 0 ? prev_row : 0;
- prev_row = en.start_row;
int end_time = Schedule->Events()->Next(Event) ?
Schedule->Events()->Next(Event)->StartTime() :
int next_event_start_row = (end_time - sched_start) / 60 / MINUTES_PER_ROW;
en.row_count = next_event_start_row - en.start_row;
- if ( en.row_count < 2 )
- en.row_count = 2;
+ if ( en.row_count < 1 )
+ en.row_count = 1;
prev_row = en.start_row + en.row_count;
- count++;
- };
+ // truncate description if too long
+ en.truncated=false;
+ en.description_trunc=StringWordTruncate( en.description,
+ CHARACTERS_PER_ROW*(en.row_count-2),
+ en.truncated );
+ count[chan]++;
+ };
+ }
- <table class="listing" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <table class="mschedule" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
time_t sched_end = sched_start + 60 * 60 * 12; // 12 hr
int sched_end_row = ( sched_end - sched_start ) / 60 / MINUTES_PER_ROW;
- int cur_event = 0;
- for (int row = 0 ; row < sched_end_row; row++ )
+ int cur_event[ MAX_CHANNELS ];
+ for (int i=0;i<MAX_CHANNELS;i++)
+ cur_event[i]=0;
+ <tr class=" topaligned ">
+ <td > <div class="boxheader"> <div><div><$ tr("Time") $></div></div> </div></td>
+ <td class="time spacer"> &nbsp; </td>
+ for ( int channel = 0; channel< MAX_CHANNELS ; channel++)
+ {
+ <td> <div class="boxheader"> <div> <div><$ channel_names[channel] $> </div></div> </div></td>
+ <td class="time spacer"> &nbsp; </td>
+ }
+ </tr>
+ bool odd=true;
+ for (int row = 0 ; row < sched_end_row; row++ )
+ int minutes= ( (sched_start + row * 60 * MINUTES_PER_ROW ) % 3600 ) / 60;
+ string row_class;
+ if ( minutes == 0 )
+ {
+ // full hour, swap odd/even
+ odd = !odd;
+ };
+ if ( (sched_start + row * 60 * MINUTES_PER_ROW ) <= now &&
+ (sched_start + (row+1) * 60 * MINUTES_PER_ROW ) > now )
+ {
+ row_class +=" current_row ";
+ }
+ row_class += odd ? " odd " : " even ";
- <tr class=" topaligned ">
- <td>
+ <tr class=" <$ row_class $>">
+ <td class=" time leftcol ">
- if ( (sched_start + row * 60 * MINUTES_PER_ROW ) % 3600 == 0 )
+ if ( minutes == 0 )
<$ FormatDateTime( tr("%I:%M %p"), sched_start + row * 60 * MINUTES_PER_ROW ) $>
@@ -148,20 +199,80 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
- }
+ }
- if ( table[0][cur_event].start_row == row )
- {
- SchedEntry &en=table[0][cur_event];
- bool truncated = false;
+ for ( int channel = 0; channel< MAX_CHANNELS ; channel++)
+ {
+ // output spacer column
- <td class="topaligned leftcol rightcol" rowspan="<$ en.row_count $>">
- <div class="more withmargin"><a <& tooltip.hint text=(StringEscapeAndBreak(StringWordTruncate(en.description, 300, truncated)) + "<br />" + tr("Click to view details.")) &>><span class="title"><$ en.title $></span><br /><span class="short"><$ en.short_description.empty() ? "&nbsp;" : en.short_description $></span></a><$ en.start + "-" + en.end $></div></td>
+ <td class = " time spacer " > &nbsp; </td>
- cur_event++;
- }
+ if ( table[channel][cur_event[channel]].start_row != row )
+ // no new event in this channel, skip it
+ continue;
+ SchedEntry &en=table[channel][cur_event[channel]];
+ if (en.title.empty() && en.start.empty() )
+ {
+ // empty dummy event
+ <td class="event topaligned leftcol rightcol" rowspan="<$ en.row_count $>">
+ </td>
+ cur_event[channel]++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // output an event cell
+ <td class="event topaligned leftcol rightcol" rowspan="<$ en.row_count $>">
+ <div class=" content1 " >
+ <div class=" tools1 " >
+ <& pageelems.event_timer epgid=(en.epgid) &>
+ if (LiveFeatures<features::epgsearch>().Recent() ) {
+ <a href="searchresults.html?searchplain=<$ StringUrlEncode(en.title) $>"><img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "search.png") $>" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Search for repeats.")) &>></img></a>
+ } else {
+ </%cpp><img src="img/transparent.png" width="16" height="16"><%cpp>
+ }
+ <& pageelems.imdb_info_href title=(en.title) &>
+ </div><div class= "start withmargin"><$ en.start $></div>
+ <div class="title withmargin"><a <& tooltip.hint text=(StringEscapeAndBreak(tr("Click to view details."))) &><& tooltip.display domId=en.epgid &>><$ en.title $></a></div>
+ if ( en.row_count>2 && !en.short_description.empty() )
+ {
+ <div class="short withmargin"><$ en.short_description.empty() ? "&nbsp;" : en.short_description $></div>
+ }
+ if ( en.row_count>3 && ! en.description_trunc.empty() )
+ {
+ <div class="description withmargin"><$en.description_trunc$>...
+ if ( en.truncated )
+ {
+ <a <& tooltip.hint text=(StringEscapeAndBreak(tr("Click to view details."))) &><& tooltip.display domId=en.epgid &>> <$ tr("more") $></a>
+ }
+ </div></div>
+ }
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ // move to next event for this channel
+ cur_event[channel]++;
+ }
diff --git a/tools.cpp b/tools.cpp
index bda91f0..e8589d7 100644
--- a/tools.cpp
+++ b/tools.cpp
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ namespace vdrlive {
if (input.length() <= maxLen)
+ truncated = false;
return input;
truncated = true;