path: root/live
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'live')
-rw-r--r--live/img/close_red.pngbin0 -> 587 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-b-l.pngbin0 -> 844 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-b-r.pngbin0 -> 466 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-m-l.pngbin0 -> 180 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-m-r.pngbin0 -> 176 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-t-l.pngbin0 -> 1131 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/info-win-t-r.pngbin0 -> 716 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-bl.pngbin0 -> 528 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-br.pngbin0 -> 336 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-ml.pngbin0 -> 110 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-mr.pngbin0 -> 112 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-tl.pngbin0 -> 470 bytes
-rw-r--r--live/img/tip-hint-tr.pngbin0 -> 346 bytes
16 files changed, 1431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/live/img/close_red.png b/live/img/close_red.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05e02b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/close_red.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-b-l.png b/live/img/info-win-b-l.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fccc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-b-l.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-b-r.png b/live/img/info-win-b-r.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a09e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-b-r.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-m-l.png b/live/img/info-win-m-l.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb5356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-m-l.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-m-r.png b/live/img/info-win-m-r.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f097081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-m-r.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-t-l.png b/live/img/info-win-t-l.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f916543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-t-l.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/info-win-t-r.png b/live/img/info-win-t-r.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854bde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/info-win-t-r.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-bl.png b/live/img/tip-hint-bl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790a602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-bl.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-br.png b/live/img/tip-hint-br.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61eafcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-br.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-ml.png b/live/img/tip-hint-ml.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b730b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-ml.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-mr.png b/live/img/tip-hint-mr.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2465c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-mr.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-tl.png b/live/img/tip-hint-tl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467ecec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-tl.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/img/tip-hint-tr.png b/live/img/tip-hint-tr.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c9b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/img/tip-hint-tr.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/live/js/live/hinttips.js b/live/js/live/hinttips.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf899a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/js/live/hinttips.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Extension of mootools Tips class for rounded corner
+ * tooltips of variable size up to some maximum.
+ */
+var HintTips = Tips.extend({
+ initialize: function(elements, options){
+ this.parent(elements, options);
+ this.toolTip.empty();
+ /* top border of tip */
+ var hd = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-top'}).inject(this.toolTip);
+ hd = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-c'}).inject(hd);
+ /* body of tip: some helper divs and content */
+ this.wrapper = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-bdy'}).inject(this.toolTip);
+ this.wrapper = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-c'}).inject(this.wrapper);
+ this.wrapper = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-s'}).inject(this.wrapper);
+ /* bottom border of tip */
+ var bt = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-bot'}).inject(this.toolTip);
+ bt = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.className + '-tip-c'}).inject(bt);
+ }
+ });
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+ var tips = new HintTips($$('*[title]'), {
+ maxTitleChars: 100,
+ className: 'hint'
+ });
+ });
+window.addEvent('mousedown', function(){
+ $$('.hint-tip').setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
+ }); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/live/js/live/infowin.js b/live/js/live/infowin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c142700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/live/js/live/infowin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ * Extension of mootools to display a popup window with
+ * some html code.
+ */
+Class: InfoWin
+ Create an information window as overlay to current page.
+ A window consists of a frame-element. This is the overall
+ containing element used to control the display and size of the
+ window. It is accesable through the 'winFrame' property.
+ The InfoWin class provides the followin properties to fill the
+ window with content:
+ - titleBox: the element meant to place the title of the window into.
+ - buttonBox: here the default window buttons are created. You might
+ clear this and create your own kind of window controls.
+ - winBody: this is where your window contents goes.
+ */
+var InfoWin = new Class({
+ options: {
+ timeout: 0,
+ onShow: Class.empty,
+ onHide: Class.empty,
+ className: 'info',
+ wm: false, // overide default window manager.
+ draggable: true,
+ resizable: true,
+ buttonimg: 'transparent.png',
+ bodyselect: 'div.epg_content',
+ titleselect: 'div.caption',
+ offsets: {'x': -16, 'y': -16}
+ },
+ initialize: function(id, options){
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ this.wm = this.options.wm || InfoWin.$wm;
+ this.winFrame = $(id + '-win-id');
+ if (!$defined(this.winFrame)){
+ this.wm.register(this);
+ }
+ },
+ // internal: build new window element.
+ //
+ // build sets up a frame for a new InfoWin. The parent element
+ // of the window frame has the id '<id>-win-id'. The function
+ // must return true if the body of the InfoWin has been filled
+ // with the user data, false otherwise.
+ build: function(id){
+ this.winFrame = new Element('div', {
+ 'id': id + '-win-id',
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win',
+ 'styles': {
+ 'position': 'absolute',
+ 'top': '0',
+ 'left': '0'
+ }
+ });
+ // header of window: upper shadows, corners title and controls
+ var top = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-top'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ if (this.options.draggable) this.winFrame.makeDraggable({'handle': top});
+ top = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ }).inject(top);
+ this.titleBox = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-t'
+ }).inject(top);
+ this.buttonBox = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-b'
+ }).inject(top);
+ var cls = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': 'close'
+ }).inject(this.buttonBox);
+ var self = this;
+ cls.addEvent('click', function(event){
+ var event = new Event(event);
+ event.stop();
+ return self.hide();
+ });
+ cls = new Element('img', {
+ 'src': this.options.buttonimg,
+ 'alt': 'close',
+ 'width': '16px',
+ 'height': '16px'
+ }).inject(cls);
+ // body of window: user content.
+ var bdy = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-body'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ bdy = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ }).inject(bdy);
+ this.winBody = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-s'
+ }).inject(bdy);
+ // bottom border of window: lower shadows and corners, optional
+ // resize handle.
+ var bot = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-bot'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ bot = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ }).inject(bot);
+ if (this.options.resizable) {
+ this.winFrame.makeResizable({'handle': bot});
+ }
+ if (!this.fillTitle(id)) {
+ // todo: add generic title
+ }
+ return this.fillBody(id);
+ },
+ show: function(event){
+ if (this.options.timeout)
+ this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.timeout, this);
+ this.position(event);
+ this.fireEvent('onShow', [this.winFrame]);
+ this.wm.raise(this);
+ return false;
+ },
+ hide: function(){
+ this.fireEvent('onHide', [this.winFrame]);
+ this.wm.bury(this);
+ return false;
+ },
+ fillBody: function(id){
+ var bodyElems = $$('#'+ id + ' ' + this.options.bodyselect);
+ if ($defined(bodyElems) && bodyElems.length > 0) {
+ this.winBody.empty().adopt(bodyElems);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ fillTitle: function(id){
+ var titleElems = $$('#' + id + ' ' + this.options.titleselect);
+ if ($defined(titleElems) && titleElems.length > 0) {
+ this.titleBox.empty().adopt(titleElems);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ position: function(event){
+ var prop = {'x': 'left', 'y': 'top'};
+ for (var z in prop) {
+ var pos =[z] + this.options.offsets[z];
+ this.winFrame.setStyle(prop[z], pos);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+InfoWin.implement(new Events, new Options);
+InfoWin.Manager = new Class({
+ options: {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ closedContainer: 'infowin-closed',
+ openedContainer: 'infowin-opened',
+ onRegister: Class.empty,
+ onRaise: Class.empty,
+ onBury: Class.empty
+ },
+ initialize: function(options){
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ // initialize properties this.closedWins and this.openedWins:
+ ['closed', 'opened'].each(function(kind){
+ var wins = kind + 'Wins';
+ var opts = this.options[kind + 'Container'];
+ this[wins] = $(opts);
+ if (!$defined(this[wins])){
+ this[wins] = new Element('div', {
+ 'id': opts,
+ 'styles' : {
+ 'display' : (kind == 'closed') ? 'none' : 'block'
+ }
+ });
+ this[wins].inject(document.body);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ },
+ register: function(infoWin){
+ var self = this;
+ this.fireEvent('onRegister', [infoWin]);
+ infoWin.winFrame.addEvent('click', function(){
+ self.raise(infoWin);
+ });
+ infoWin.winFrame.inject(this.closedWins);
+ },
+ raise: function(infoWin){
+ this.fireEvent('onRaise', [infoWin]);
+ infoWin.winFrame.remove();
+ infoWin.winFrame.inject(this.openedWins);
+ },
+ bury: function(infoWin){
+ this.fireEvent('onBury', [infoWin]);
+ infoWin.winFrame.remove();
+ infoWin.winFrame.inject(this.closedWins);
+ }
+ });
+InfoWin.Manager.implement(new Events, new Options);
+InfoWin.$wm = null;
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+ InfoWin.$wm = new InfoWin.Manager();
+ });
+InfoWin.Ajax = InfoWin.extend({
+ options: {
+ loadingMsg: 'loading',
+ errorMsg: 'an error occured!',
+ onError: Class.empty
+ },
+ initialize: function(id, url, options){
+ this.parent(id, options);
+ if ($defined(this.ajaxResponse)) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.addEvent('onError', function(){
+ self.hide.delay(1000, self);
+ });
+ var ajax = new Ajax(url, {
+ update: this.ajaxResponse,
+ onComplete: function(text, xmldoc){
+ self.fillTitle(id);
+ self.fillBody(id);
+ },
+ onFailure: function(transport){
+ self.titleBox.setHTML(self.options.errorMsg);
+ self.fireEvent('onError', [id, url]);
+ }
+ }).request('async=1');
+ }
+ },
+ // this function gets called when no previous instance for 'id'
+ // created a dom subtree for an infowin.
+ build: function(id){
+ if (!this.parent(id)) {
+ this.titleBox.setHTML(this.options.loadingMsg);
+ this.ajaxResponse = new Element('div', {
+ 'styles' : {
+ 'display': 'none'
+ }
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+InfoWin.Ajax.implement(new Events, new Options);
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){
+ $$('a[href^="epginfo.html?epgid"]').each(function(el){
+ var href = el.href;
+ var epgid = $pick(href, "");
+ if (epgid != "") {
+ var extractId = /epgid=(\w+)/;
+ var found = extractId.exec(epgid);
+ if ($defined(found) && found.length > 1) {
+ epgid = found[1];
+ el.addEvent('click', function(event){
+ var event = new Event(event);
+ new InfoWin.Ajax(epgid, href).show(event);
+ event.stop();
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js b/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
index 9c8be88..ac754b9 100644
--- a/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
+++ b/live/js/mootools/mootools.v1.11.js
@@ -3017,6 +3017,325 @@ Function.extend({
+Script: Element.Filters.js
+ add Filters capability to <Elements>.
+ MIT-style license.
+Class: Elements
+ A collection of methods to be used with <$$> elements collections.
+ /*
+ Property: filterByTag
+ Filters the collection by a specified tag name.
+ Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
+ */
+ filterByTag: function(tag){
+ return new Elements(this.filter(function(el){
+ return (Element.getTag(el) == tag);
+ }));
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: filterByClass
+ Filters the collection by a specified class name.
+ Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
+ */
+ filterByClass: function(className, nocash){
+ var elements = this.filter(function(el){
+ return (el.className && el.className.contains(className, ' '));
+ });
+ return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements);
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: filterById
+ Filters the collection by a specified ID.
+ Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
+ */
+ filterById: function(id, nocash){
+ var elements = this.filter(function(el){
+ return ( == id);
+ });
+ return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements);
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: filterByAttribute
+ Filters the collection by a specified attribute.
+ Returns a new Elements collection, while the original remains untouched.
+ Arguments:
+ name - the attribute name.
+ operator - optional, the attribute operator.
+ value - optional, the attribute value, only valid if the operator is specified.
+ */
+ filterByAttribute: function(name, operator, value, nocash){
+ var elements = this.filter(function(el){
+ var current = Element.getProperty(el, name);
+ if (!current) return false;
+ if (!operator) return true;
+ switch(operator){
+ case '=': return (current == value);
+ case '*=': return (current.contains(value));
+ case '^=': return (current.substr(0, value.length) == value);
+ case '$=': return (current.substr(current.length - value.length) == value);
+ case '!=': return (current != value);
+ case '~=': return current.contains(value, ' ');
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements);
+ }
+Script: Element.Selectors.js
+ Css Query related functions and <Element> extensions
+ MIT-style license.
+/* Section: Utility Functions */
+Function: $E
+ Selects a single (i.e. the first found) Element based on the selector passed in and an optional filter element.
+ Returns as <Element>.
+ selector - string; the css selector to match
+ filter - optional; a DOM element to limit the scope of the selector match; defaults to document.
+ >$E('a', 'myElement') //find the first anchor tag inside the DOM element with id 'myElement'
+ a DOM element - the first element that matches the selector
+function $E(selector, filter){
+ return ($(filter) || document).getElement(selector);
+Function: $ES
+ Returns a collection of Elements that match the selector passed in limited to the scope of the optional filter.
+ See Also: <Element.getElements> for an alternate syntax.
+ Returns as <Elements>.
+ an array of dom elements that match the selector within the filter
+ selector - string; css selector to match
+ filter - optional; a DOM element to limit the scope of the selector match; defaults to document.
+ >$ES("a") //gets all the anchor tags; synonymous with $$("a")
+ >$ES('a','myElement') //get all the anchor tags within $('myElement')
+function $ES(selector, filter){
+ return ($(filter) || document).getElementsBySelector(selector);
+$$.shared = {
+ 'regexp': /^(\w*|\*)(?:#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[(\w+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?([^"'\]]*)["']?)?])?$/,
+ 'xpath': {
+ getParam: function(items, context, param, i){
+ var temp = [context.namespaceURI ? 'xhtml:' : '', param[1]];
+ if (param[2]) temp.push('[@id="', param[2], '"]');
+ if (param[3]) temp.push('[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ', param[3], ' ")]');
+ if (param[4]){
+ if (param[5] && param[6]){
+ switch(param[5]){
+ case '*=': temp.push('[contains(@', param[4], ', "', param[6], '")]'); break;
+ case '^=': temp.push('[starts-with(@', param[4], ', "', param[6], '")]'); break;
+ case '$=': temp.push('[substring(@', param[4], ', string-length(@', param[4], ') - ', param[6].length, ' + 1) = "', param[6], '"]'); break;
+ case '=': temp.push('[@', param[4], '="', param[6], '"]'); break;
+ case '!=': temp.push('[@', param[4], '!="', param[6], '"]');
+ }
+ } else {
+ temp.push('[@', param[4], ']');
+ }
+ }
+ items.push(temp.join(''));
+ return items;
+ },
+ getItems: function(items, context, nocash){
+ var elements = [];
+ var xpath = document.evaluate('.//' + items.join('//'), context, $$.shared.resolver, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
+ for (var i = 0, j = xpath.snapshotLength; i < j; i++) elements.push(xpath.snapshotItem(i));
+ return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements($));
+ }
+ },
+ 'normal': {
+ getParam: function(items, context, param, i){
+ if (i == 0){
+ if (param[2]){
+ var el = context.getElementById(param[2]);
+ if (!el || ((param[1] != '*') && (Element.getTag(el) != param[1]))) return false;
+ items = [el];
+ } else {
+ items = $A(context.getElementsByTagName(param[1]));
+ }
+ } else {
+ items = $$.shared.getElementsByTagName(items, param[1]);
+ if (param[2]) items = Elements.filterById(items, param[2], true);
+ }
+ if (param[3]) items = Elements.filterByClass(items, param[3], true);
+ if (param[4]) items = Elements.filterByAttribute(items, param[4], param[5], param[6], true);
+ return items;
+ },
+ getItems: function(items, context, nocash){
+ return (nocash) ? items : $$.unique(items);
+ }
+ },
+ resolver: function(prefix){
+ return (prefix == 'xhtml') ? '' : false;
+ },
+ getElementsByTagName: function(context, tagName){
+ var found = [];
+ for (var i = 0, j = context.length; i < j; i++) found.extend(context[i].getElementsByTagName(tagName));
+ return found;
+ }
+$$.shared.method = (window.xpath) ? 'xpath' : 'normal';
+Class: Element
+ Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>.
+Element.Methods.Dom = {
+ /*
+ Property: getElements
+ Gets all the elements within an element that match the given (single) selector.
+ Returns as <Elements>.
+ Arguments:
+ selector - string; the css selector to match
+ Examples:
+ >$('myElement').getElements('a'); // get all anchors within myElement
+ >$('myElement').getElements('input[name=dialog]') //get all input tags with name 'dialog'
+ >$('myElement').getElements('input[name$=log]') //get all input tags with names ending with 'log'
+ Notes:
+ Supports these operators in attribute selectors:
+ - = : is equal to
+ - ^= : starts-with
+ - $= : ends-with
+ - != : is not equal to
+ Xpath is used automatically for compliant browsers.
+ */
+ getElements: function(selector, nocash){
+ var items = [];
+ selector = selector.trim().split(' ');
+ for (var i = 0, j = selector.length; i < j; i++){
+ var sel = selector[i];
+ var param = sel.match($$.shared.regexp);
+ if (!param) break;
+ param[1] = param[1] || '*';
+ var temp = $$.shared[$$.shared.method].getParam(items, this, param, i);
+ if (!temp) break;
+ items = temp;
+ }
+ return $$.shared[$$.shared.method].getItems(items, this, nocash);
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getElement
+ Same as <Element.getElements>, but returns only the first. Alternate syntax for <$E>, where filter is the Element.
+ Returns as <Element>.
+ Arguments:
+ selector - string; css selector
+ */
+ getElement: function(selector){
+ return $(this.getElements(selector, true)[0] || false);
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getElementsBySelector
+ Same as <Element.getElements>, but allows for comma separated selectors, as in css. Alternate syntax for <$$>, where filter is the Element.
+ Returns as <Elements>.
+ Arguments:
+ selector - string; css selector
+ */
+ getElementsBySelector: function(selector, nocash){
+ var elements = [];
+ selector = selector.split(',');
+ for (var i = 0, j = selector.length; i < j; i++) elements = elements.concat(this.getElements(selector[i], true));
+ return (nocash) ? elements : $$.unique(elements);
+ }
+ /*
+ Property: getElementById
+ Targets an element with the specified id found inside the Element. Does not overwrite document.getElementById.
+ Arguments:
+ id - string; the id of the element to find.
+ */
+ getElementById: function(id){
+ var el = document.getElementById(id);
+ if (!el) return false;
+ for (var parent = el.parentNode; parent != this; parent = parent.parentNode){
+ if (!parent) return false;
+ }
+ return el;
+ }/*compatibility*/,
+ getElementsByClassName: function(className){
+ return this.getElements('.' + className);
+ }
+ /*end compatibility*/
Script: Element.Form.js
Contains Element prototypes to deal with Forms and their elements.
@@ -3092,6 +3411,161 @@ Element.extend({
+Script: Element.Dimensions.js
+ Contains Element prototypes to deal with Element size and position in space.
+ The functions in this script require n XHTML doctype.
+ MIT-style license.
+Class: Element
+ Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>.
+ /*
+ Property: scrollTo
+ Scrolls the element to the specified coordinated (if the element has an overflow)
+ Arguments:
+ x - the x coordinate
+ y - the y coordinate
+ Example:
+ >$('myElement').scrollTo(0, 100)
+ */
+ scrollTo: function(x, y){
+ this.scrollLeft = x;
+ this.scrollTop = y;
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getSize
+ Return an Object representing the size/scroll values of the element.
+ Example:
+ (start code)
+ $('myElement').getSize();
+ (end)
+ Returns:
+ (start code)
+ {
+ 'scroll': {'x': 100, 'y': 100},
+ 'size': {'x': 200, 'y': 400},
+ 'scrollSize': {'x': 300, 'y': 500}
+ }
+ (end)
+ */
+ getSize: function(){
+ return {
+ 'scroll': {'x': this.scrollLeft, 'y': this.scrollTop},
+ 'size': {'x': this.offsetWidth, 'y': this.offsetHeight},
+ 'scrollSize': {'x': this.scrollWidth, 'y': this.scrollHeight}
+ };
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getPosition
+ Returns the real offsets of the element.
+ Arguments:
+ overflown - optional, an array of nested scrolling containers for scroll offset calculation, use this if your element is inside any element containing scrollbars
+ Example:
+ >$('element').getPosition();
+ Returns:
+ >{x: 100, y:500};
+ */
+ getPosition: function(overflown){
+ overflown = overflown || [];
+ var el = this, left = 0, top = 0;
+ do {
+ left += el.offsetLeft || 0;
+ top += el.offsetTop || 0;
+ el = el.offsetParent;
+ } while (el);
+ overflown.each(function(element){
+ left -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
+ top -= element.scrollTop || 0;
+ });
+ return {'x': left, 'y': top};
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getTop
+ Returns the distance from the top of the window to the Element.
+ Arguments:
+ overflown - optional, an array of nested scrolling containers, see Element::getPosition
+ */
+ getTop: function(overflown){
+ return this.getPosition(overflown).y;
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getLeft
+ Returns the distance from the left of the window to the Element.
+ Arguments:
+ overflown - optional, an array of nested scrolling containers, see Element::getPosition
+ */
+ getLeft: function(overflown){
+ return this.getPosition(overflown).x;
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: getCoordinates
+ Returns an object with width, height, left, right, top, and bottom, representing the values of the Element
+ Arguments:
+ overflown - optional, an array of nested scrolling containers, see Element::getPosition
+ Example:
+ (start code)
+ var myValues = $('myElement').getCoordinates();
+ (end)
+ Returns:
+ (start code)
+ {
+ width: 200,
+ height: 300,
+ left: 100,
+ top: 50,
+ right: 300,
+ bottom: 350
+ }
+ (end)
+ */
+ getCoordinates: function(overflown){
+ var position = this.getPosition(overflown);
+ var obj = {
+ 'width': this.offsetWidth,
+ 'height': this.offsetHeight,
+ 'left': position.x,
+ 'top': position.y
+ };
+ obj.right = obj.left + obj.width;
+ obj.bottom = + obj.height;
+ return obj;
+ }
Script: Window.DomReady.js
Contains the custom event domready, for window.
@@ -3272,6 +3746,633 @@ window.extend({
+Script: Fx.Base.js
+ Contains <Fx.Base>, the foundamentals of the MooTools Effects.
+ MIT-style license.
+var Fx = {};
+Class: Fx.Base
+ Base class for the Effects.
+ transition - the equation to use for the effect see <Fx.Transitions>; default is <Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut>
+ duration - the duration of the effect in ms; 500 is the default.
+ unit - the unit is 'px' by default (other values include things like 'em' for fonts or '%').
+ wait - boolean: to wait or not to wait for a current transition to end before running another of the same instance. defaults to true.
+ fps - the frames per second for the transition; default is 50
+ onStart - the function to execute as the effect begins; nothing (<Class.empty>) by default.
+ onComplete - the function to execute after the effect has processed; nothing (<Class.empty>) by default.
+ onCancel - the function to execute when you manually stop the effect.
+Fx.Base = new Class({
+ options: {
+ onStart: Class.empty,
+ onComplete: Class.empty,
+ onCancel: Class.empty,
+ transition: function(p){
+ return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * p) - 1) / 2;
+ },
+ duration: 500,
+ unit: 'px',
+ wait: true,
+ fps: 50
+ },
+ initialize: function(options){
+ this.element = this.element || null;
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ if (this.options.initialize);
+ },
+ step: function(){
+ var time = $time();
+ if (time < this.time + this.options.duration){
+ = this.options.transition((time - this.time) / this.options.duration);
+ this.setNow();
+ this.increase();
+ } else {
+ this.stop(true);
+ this.set(;
+ this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.element, 10);
+ this.callChain();
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: set
+ Immediately sets the value with no transition.
+ Arguments:
+ to - the point to jump to
+ Example:
+ >var myFx = new Fx.Style('myElement', 'opacity').set(0); //will make it immediately transparent
+ */
+ set: function(to){
+ = to;
+ this.increase();
+ return this;
+ },
+ setNow: function(){
+ = this.compute(this.from,;
+ },
+ compute: function(from, to){
+ return (to - from) * + from;
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: start
+ Executes an effect from one position to the other.
+ Arguments:
+ from - integer: staring value
+ to - integer: the ending value
+ Examples:
+ >var myFx = new Fx.Style('myElement', 'opacity').start(0,1); //display a transition from transparent to opaque.
+ */
+ start: function(from, to){
+ if (!this.options.wait) this.stop();
+ else if (this.timer) return this;
+ this.from = from;
+ = to;
+ this.change = - this.from;
+ this.time = $time();
+ this.timer = this.step.periodical(Math.round(1000 / this.options.fps), this);
+ this.fireEvent('onStart', this.element);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: stop
+ Stops the transition.
+ */
+ stop: function(end){
+ if (!this.timer) return this;
+ this.timer = $clear(this.timer);
+ if (!end) this.fireEvent('onCancel', this.element);
+ return this;
+ }/*compatibility*/,
+ custom: function(from, to){
+ return this.start(from, to);
+ },
+ clearTimer: function(end){
+ return this.stop(end);
+ }
+ /*end compatibility*/
+Fx.Base.implement(new Chain, new Events, new Options);
+Script: Fx.CSS.js
+ Css parsing class for effects. Required by <Fx.Style>, <Fx.Styles>, <Fx.Elements>. No documentation needed, as its used internally.
+ MIT-style license.
+Fx.CSS = {
+ select: function(property, to){
+ if (property.test(/color/i)) return this.Color;
+ var type = $type(to);
+ if ((type == 'array') || (type == 'string' && to.contains(' '))) return this.Multi;
+ return this.Single;
+ },
+ parse: function(el, property, fromTo){
+ if (!fromTo.push) fromTo = [fromTo];
+ var from = fromTo[0], to = fromTo[1];
+ if (!$chk(to)){
+ to = from;
+ from = el.getStyle(property);
+ }
+ var css =, to);
+ return {'from': css.parse(from), 'to': css.parse(to), 'css': css};
+ }
+Fx.CSS.Single = {
+ parse: function(value){
+ return parseFloat(value);
+ },
+ getNow: function(from, to, fx){
+ return fx.compute(from, to);
+ },
+ getValue: function(value, unit, property){
+ if (unit == 'px' && property != 'opacity') value = Math.round(value);
+ return value + unit;
+ }
+Fx.CSS.Multi = {
+ parse: function(value){
+ return value.push ? value : value.split(' ').map(function(v){
+ return parseFloat(v);
+ });
+ },
+ getNow: function(from, to, fx){
+ var now = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) now[i] = fx.compute(from[i], to[i]);
+ return now;
+ },
+ getValue: function(value, unit, property){
+ if (unit == 'px' && property != 'opacity') value =;
+ return value.join(unit + ' ') + unit;
+ }
+Fx.CSS.Color = {
+ parse: function(value){
+ return value.push ? value : value.hexToRgb(true);
+ },
+ getNow: function(from, to, fx){
+ var now = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) now[i] = Math.round(fx.compute(from[i], to[i]));
+ return now;
+ },
+ getValue: function(value){
+ return 'rgb(' + value.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+Script: Fx.Styles.js
+ Contains <Fx.Styles>
+ MIT-style license.
+Class: Fx.Styles
+ Allows you to animate multiple css properties at once;
+ Colors must be in hex format.
+ Inherits methods, properties, options and events from <Fx.Base>.
+ el - the $(element) to apply the styles transition to
+ options - the fx options (see: <Fx.Base>)
+ (start code)
+ var myEffects = new Fx.Styles('myElement', {duration: 1000, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear});
+ //height from 10 to 100 and width from 900 to 300
+ myEffects.start({
+ 'height': [10, 100],
+ 'width': [900, 300]
+ });
+ //or height from current height to 100 and width from current width to 300
+ myEffects.start({
+ 'height': 100,
+ 'width': 300
+ });
+ (end)
+Fx.Styles = Fx.Base.extend({
+ initialize: function(el, options){
+ this.element = $(el);
+ this.parent(options);
+ },
+ setNow: function(){
+ for (var p in this.from)[p] = this.css[p].getNow(this.from[p],[p], this);
+ },
+ set: function(to){
+ var parsed = {};
+ this.css = {};
+ for (var p in to){
+ this.css[p] =, to[p]);
+ parsed[p] = this.css[p].parse(to[p]);
+ }
+ return this.parent(parsed);
+ },
+ /*
+ Property: start
+ Executes a transition for any number of css properties in tandem.
+ Arguments:
+ obj - an object containing keys that specify css properties to alter and values that specify either the from/to values (as an array) or just the end value (an integer).
+ Example:
+ see <Fx.Styles>
+ */
+ start: function(obj){
+ if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this;
+ = {};
+ this.css = {};
+ var from = {}, to = {};
+ for (var p in obj){
+ var parsed = Fx.CSS.parse(this.element, p, obj[p]);
+ from[p] = parsed.from;
+ to[p] =;
+ this.css[p] = parsed.css;
+ }
+ return this.parent(from, to);
+ },
+ increase: function(){
+ for (var p in this.element.setStyle(p, this.css[p].getValue([p], this.options.unit, p));
+ }
+Class: Element
+ Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>.
+ /*
+ Property: effects
+ Applies an <Fx.Styles> to the Element; This a shortcut for <Fx.Styles>.
+ Example:
+ >var myEffects = $(myElement).effects({duration: 1000, transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut});
+ >myEffects.start({'height': [10, 100], 'width': [900, 300]});
+ */
+ effects: function(options){
+ return new Fx.Styles(this, options);
+ }
+Script: Drag.Base.js
+ Contains <Drag.Base>, <Element.makeResizable>
+ MIT-style license.
+var Drag = {};
+Class: Drag.Base
+ Modify two css properties of an element based on the position of the mouse.
+ Drag.Base requires an XHTML doctype.
+ el - the $(element) to apply the transformations to.
+ options - optional. The options object.
+ handle - the $(element) to act as the handle for the draggable element. defaults to the $(element) itself.
+ modifiers - an object. see Modifiers Below.
+ limit - an object, see Limit below.
+ grid - optional, distance in px for snap-to-grid dragging
+ snap - optional, the distance you have to drag before the element starts to respond to the drag. defaults to false
+ modifiers:
+ x - string, the style you want to modify when the mouse moves in an horizontal direction. defaults to 'left'
+ y - string, the style you want to modify when the mouse moves in a vertical direction. defaults to 'top'
+ limit:
+ x - array with start and end limit relative to modifiers.x
+ y - array with start and end limit relative to modifiers.y
+ onStart - optional, function to execute when the user starts to drag (on mousedown);
+ onComplete - optional, function to execute when the user completes the drag.
+ onDrag - optional, function to execute at every step of the drag
+Drag.Base = new Class({
+ options: {
+ handle: false,
+ unit: 'px',
+ onStart: Class.empty,
+ onBeforeStart: Class.empty,
+ onComplete: Class.empty,
+ onSnap: Class.empty,
+ onDrag: Class.empty,
+ limit: false,
+ modifiers: {x: 'left', y: 'top'},
+ grid: false,
+ snap: 6
+ },
+ initialize: function(el, options){
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ this.element = $(el);
+ this.handle = $(this.options.handle) || this.element;
+ this.mouse = {'now': {}, 'pos': {}};
+ this.value = {'start': {}, 'now': {}};
+ this.bound = {
+ 'start': this.start.bindWithEvent(this),
+ 'check': this.check.bindWithEvent(this),
+ 'drag': this.drag.bindWithEvent(this),
+ 'stop': this.stop.bind(this)
+ };
+ this.attach();
+ if (this.options.initialize);
+ },
+ attach: function(){
+ this.handle.addEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start);
+ return this;
+ },
+ detach: function(){
+ this.handle.removeEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start);
+ return this;
+ },
+ start: function(event){
+ this.fireEvent('onBeforeStart', this.element);
+ this.mouse.start =;
+ var limit = this.options.limit;
+ this.limit = {'x': [], 'y': []};
+ for (var z in this.options.modifiers){
+ if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue;
+[z] = this.element.getStyle(this.options.modifiers[z]).toInt();
+ this.mouse.pos[z] =[z] -[z];
+ if (limit && limit[z]){
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++){
+ if ($chk(limit[z][i])) this.limit[z][i] = ($type(limit[z][i]) == 'function') ? limit[z][i]() : limit[z][i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($type(this.options.grid) == 'number') this.options.grid = {'x': this.options.grid, 'y': this.options.grid};
+ document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
+ document.addListener('mouseup', this.bound.stop);
+ this.fireEvent('onStart', this.element);
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ check: function(event){
+ var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow( - this.mouse.start.x, 2) + Math.pow( - this.mouse.start.y, 2)));
+ if (distance > this.options.snap){
+ document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
+ document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.drag);
+ this.drag(event);
+ this.fireEvent('onSnap', this.element);
+ }
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ drag: function(event){
+ this.out = false;
+ =;
+ for (var z in this.options.modifiers){
+ if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue;
+[z] =[z] - this.mouse.pos[z];
+ if (this.limit[z]){
+ if ($chk(this.limit[z][1]) && ([z] > this.limit[z][1])){
+[z] = this.limit[z][1];
+ this.out = true;
+ } else if ($chk(this.limit[z][0]) && ([z] < this.limit[z][0])){
+[z] = this.limit[z][0];
+ this.out = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.options.grid[z])[z] -= ([z] % this.options.grid[z]);
+ this.element.setStyle(this.options.modifiers[z],[z] + this.options.unit);
+ }
+ this.fireEvent('onDrag', this.element);
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ stop: function(){
+ document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
+ document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.drag);
+ document.removeListener('mouseup', this.bound.stop);
+ this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.element);
+ }
+Drag.Base.implement(new Events, new Options);
+Class: Element
+ Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>.
+ /*
+ Property: makeResizable
+ Makes an element resizable (by dragging) with the supplied options.
+ Arguments:
+ options - see <Drag.Base> for acceptable options.
+ */
+ makeResizable: function(options){
+ return new Drag.Base(this, $merge({modifiers: {x: 'width', y: 'height'}}, options));
+ }
+Script: Drag.Move.js
+ Contains <Drag.Move>, <Element.makeDraggable>
+ MIT-style license.
+Class: Drag.Move
+ Extends <Drag.Base>, has additional functionality for dragging an element, support snapping and droppables.
+ Drag.move supports either position absolute or relative. If no position is found, absolute will be set.
+ Inherits methods, properties, options and events from <Drag.Base>.
+ Drag.Move requires an XHTML doctype.
+ el - the $(element) to apply the drag to.
+ options - optional. see Options below.
+ all the drag.Base options, plus:
+ container - an element, will fill automatically limiting options based on the $(element) size and position. defaults to false (no limiting)
+ droppables - an array of elements you can drop your draggable to.
+ overflown - an array of nested scrolling containers, see Element::getPosition
+Drag.Move = Drag.Base.extend({
+ options: {
+ droppables: [],
+ container: false,
+ overflown: []
+ },
+ initialize: function(el, options){
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ this.element = $(el);
+ this.droppables = $$(this.options.droppables);
+ this.container = $(this.options.container);
+ this.position = {'element': this.element.getStyle('position'), 'container': false};
+ if (this.container) this.position.container = this.container.getStyle('position');
+ if (!['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.element)) this.position.element = 'absolute';
+ var top = this.element.getStyle('top').toInt();
+ var left = this.element.getStyle('left').toInt();
+ if (this.position.element == 'absolute' && !['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.container)){
+ top = $chk(top) ? top : this.element.getTop(this.options.overflown);
+ left = $chk(left) ? left : this.element.getLeft(this.options.overflown);
+ } else {
+ top = $chk(top) ? top : 0;
+ left = $chk(left) ? left : 0;
+ }
+ this.element.setStyles({'top': top, 'left': left, 'position': this.position.element});
+ this.parent(this.element);
+ },
+ start: function(event){
+ this.overed = null;
+ if (this.container){
+ var cont = this.container.getCoordinates();
+ var el = this.element.getCoordinates();
+ if (this.position.element == 'absolute' && !['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.container)){
+ this.options.limit = {
+ 'x': [cont.left, cont.right - el.width],
+ 'y': [, cont.bottom - el.height]
+ };
+ } else {
+ this.options.limit = {
+ 'y': [0, cont.height - el.height],
+ 'x': [0, cont.width - el.width]
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ this.parent(event);
+ },
+ drag: function(event){
+ this.parent(event);
+ var overed = this.out ? false : this.droppables.filter(this.checkAgainst, this).getLast();
+ if (this.overed != overed){
+ if (this.overed) this.overed.fireEvent('leave', [this.element, this]);
+ this.overed = overed ? overed.fireEvent('over', [this.element, this]) : null;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ checkAgainst: function(el){
+ el = el.getCoordinates(this.options.overflown);
+ var now =;
+ return (now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y >;
+ },
+ stop: function(){
+ if (this.overed && !this.out) this.overed.fireEvent('drop', [this.element, this]);
+ else this.element.fireEvent('emptydrop', this);
+ this.parent();
+ return this;
+ }
+Class: Element
+ Custom class to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function <$>.
+ /*
+ Property: makeDraggable
+ Makes an element draggable with the supplied options.
+ Arguments:
+ options - see <Drag.Move> and <Drag.Base> for acceptable options.
+ */
+ makeDraggable: function(options){
+ return new Drag.Move(this, options);
+ }
Script: XHR.js
Contains the basic XMLHttpRequest Class Wrapper.