path: root/pages/searchepg.ecpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pages/searchepg.ecpp')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/pages/searchepg.ecpp b/pages/searchepg.ecpp
index da86589..ef734c5 100644
--- a/pages/searchepg.ecpp
+++ b/pages/searchepg.ecpp
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<td class="label"><$ tr("Search mode" ) $>:</td>
- <div style="float:left; max-width:50%; margin-right:20px">
+ <div style="float:left; margin-right:20px">
<select onchange="changedsearchmode(this)" name="mode" size="1" id="search_mode">
<option value="0" <{ SELECTIF(mode == 0) }> ><$ tr("phrase") $></option>
<option value="1" <{ SELECTIF(mode == 1) }> ><$ tr("all words") $></option>
@@ -304,14 +304,20 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<td class="label"><$ tr("Search in") $>:</td>
- <input type="checkbox" name="usetitle" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usetitle) }> />
- <label for="usetitle"><$ tr("Title") $> </label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="usesubtitle" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usesubtitle) }> />
- <label for="usesubtitle"><$ tr("Episode") $> </label>
+ <div class="dotted">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="usetitle" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usetitle) }> />
+ <label for="usetitle"><$ tr("Title") $> </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="dotted">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="usesubtitle" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usesubtitle) }> />
+ <label for="usesubtitle"><$ tr("Episode") $> </label>
+ </div>
- <input type="checkbox" name="usedescr" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usedescr) }> />
- <label for="usedescr"><$ tr("Description") $> </label>
+ <div class="dotted">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="usedescr" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usedescr) }> />
+ <label for="usedescr"><$ tr("Description") $> </label>
+ </div>
@@ -363,11 +369,17 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<option value="3" <{ SELECTIF(usechannel == 3) }> ><$ tr("only FTA") $></option>
- <div id="channelinterval" style="display: none;" class="dependent">
- <$ tr("from channel" ) $>:
- <& channels_widget name=("channelfrom") channelid=(true) selected=(channelfrom) &><br />
- <$ tr("to channel" ) $>:
- <& channels_widget name=("channelto") channelid=(true) selected=(channelto) &>
+ <div id="channelinterval" style="display: none;">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td><$ tr("from channel" ) $>:</td>
+ <td><& channels_widget name=("channelfrom") channelid=(true) selected=(channelfrom) &></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><$ tr("to channel" ) $>:</td>
+ <td><& channels_widget name=("channelto") channelid=(true) selected=(channelto) &></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<div id="channelgroup" style="display: none">
@@ -388,7 +400,7 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<input type="checkbox" name="usetime" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(usetime) }> onclick="changedusetime(this)" id="usetime" />
<div id="timesettings" style="display: none">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="dependent">
+ <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><$ tr("Start after") $>:</td>
@@ -414,7 +426,7 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<input type="checkbox" name="useduration" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(useduration) }> onclick="changeduseduration(this)" id="useduration" />
<div id="durationsettings" style="display: none">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="dependent">
+ <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><$ tr("Min. duration") $>:</td>
<td><input type="text" size="3" maxlength="3" name="durationmin" value="<$ durationmin $>" /> min</td>
@@ -433,14 +445,15 @@ if (!logged_in && LiveSetup().UseAuth()) return reply.redirect("login.html");
<td class="label"><$ tr("Use day of week") $>:</td>
<input type="checkbox" name="useweekday" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(useweekday) }> onclick="changeduseweekday(this)" id="useweekday" />
- <div id="weekdaysettings" style="display: none" class="dependent">
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_mon" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_mon) }> /> <$ tr("Monday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_tue" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_tue) }> /> <$ tr("Tuesday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_wed" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_wed) }> /> <$ tr("Wednesday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_thu" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_thu) }> /> <$ tr("Thursday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_fri" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_fri) }> /> <$ tr("Friday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_sat" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_sat) }> /> <$ tr("Saturday") $>
- <input type="checkbox" name="wday_sun" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_sun) }> /> <$ tr("Sunday") $>
+ <div id="weekdaysettings" style="display: none; white-space: nowrap">
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_mon" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_mon) }> /> <$ tr("Monday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_tue" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_tue) }> /> <$ tr("Tuesday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_wed" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_wed) }> /> <$ tr("Wednesday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_thu" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_thu) }> /> <$ tr("Thursday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_fri" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_fri) }> /> <$ tr("Friday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_sat" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_sat) }> /> <$ tr("Saturday") $></div>
+ <div class="dotted"><input type="checkbox" name="wday_sun" value="1" <{ CHECKIF(wday_sun) }> /> <$ tr("Sunday") $></div>
+ <br style="clear: both" /><!-- fuer die Hoehenberechnung vom Div unerlaesslich! HAENDE WEG! -->