path: root/live/themes
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-02-18Added audio and subtitles buttons into the remote control.Rolf Ahrenberg
2008-02-27Fixed appearance of the negative status feedback box, which is used when ajaxDieter Hametner
2008-02-24Pagemenu is an ID of the corresponding div now. There is only oneDieter Hametner
2007-10-17- Added patch from zirias for background color settings. SeeDieter Hametner
2007-07-29- Made vdr ajax requests work also via a static page. This is forDieter Hametner
2007-07-24- Updated veltliner theme with changes from Ulf Kiener.Dieter Hametner
2007-07-20- Make AJAX work when no 'epgImages' path has been specified.Dieter Hametner
2007-07-19- Updated orange blue theme to the new tips and infowin.Dieter Hametner
2007-06-22- directory restructuration regarding static content.Dieter Hametner