path: root/libdvbmpeg/ctools.h
diff options
authorSascha Volkenandt <>2004-01-02 23:13:00 +0100
committerSascha Volkenandt <>2004-01-02 23:13:00 +0100
commit4a775c82c82597c65345b3b1fdad71792ef2e486 (patch)
treed3a5fc2a34e6746f8d7ee51e793ff3645bf3e814 /libdvbmpeg/ctools.h
Release version 0.0.1v0.0.1
- Initial revision.
Diffstat (limited to 'libdvbmpeg/ctools.h')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdvbmpeg/ctools.h b/libdvbmpeg/ctools.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b0271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdvbmpeg/ctools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * dvb-mpegtools for the Siemens Fujitsu DVB PCI card
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Marcus Metzler
+ * for convergence integrated media GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Marcus Metzler
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * Or, point your browser to
+ *
+ * The author can be reached at
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "ringbuffy.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#ifndef _CTOOLS_H_
+#define _CTOOLS_H_
+#define VIDEO_MODE_PAL 0
+#define VIDEO_MODE_NTSC 1
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ enum {pDUNNO, pPAL, pNTSC};
+ uint64_t trans_pts_dts(uint8_t *pts);
+#define AUDIO_STREAM_S 0xC0
+#define AUDIO_STREAM_E 0xDF
+#define VIDEO_STREAM_S 0xE0
+#define VIDEO_STREAM_E 0xEF
+#define ECM_STREAM 0xF0
+#define EMM_STREAM 0xF1
+#define DSM_CC_STREAM 0xF2
+#define ISO13522_STREAM 0xF3
+#define MAX_PTS 8192
+#define MAX_FRAME 8192
+#define MAX_PACK_L 4096
+#define PS_HEADER_L1 14
+#define PS_HEADER_L2 (PS_HEADER_L1+18)
+#define MAX_H_SIZE (PES_H_MIN + PS_HEADER_L1 + 5)
+#define PES_MIN 7
+#define PES_H_MIN 9
+#define FLAGS 0x40
+#define SCRAMBLE_FLAGS 0x30
+#define PRIORITY_FLAG 0x08
+#define DATA_ALIGN_FLAG 0x04
+#define COPYRIGHT_FLAG 0x02
+#define ORIGINAL_FLAG 0x01
+#define PTS_DTS_FLAGS 0xC0
+#define ESCR_FLAG 0x20
+#define ES_RATE_FLAG 0x10
+#define DSM_TRICK_FLAG 0x08
+#define ADD_CPY_FLAG 0x04
+#define PES_CRC_FLAG 0x02
+#define PES_EXT_FLAG 0x01
+//pts_dts flags
+#define PTS_ONLY 0x80
+#define PTS_DTS 0xC0
+//private flags
+#define PRIVATE_DATA 0x80
+#define HEADER_FIELD 0x40
+#define PACK_SEQ_CTR 0x20
+#define P_STD_BUFFER 0x10
+#define PES_EXT_FLAG2 0x01
+#define MPEG1_2_ID 0x40
+#define STFF_LNGTH_MASK 0x3F
+ typedef struct pes_packet_{
+ uint8_t stream_id;
+ uint8_t llength[2];
+ uint32_t length;
+ uint8_t flags1;
+ uint8_t flags2;
+ uint8_t pes_hlength;
+ uint8_t pts[5];
+ uint8_t dts[5];
+ uint8_t escr[6];
+ uint8_t es_rate[3];
+ uint8_t trick;
+ uint8_t add_cpy;
+ uint8_t prev_pes_crc[2];
+ uint8_t priv_flags;
+ uint8_t pes_priv_data[16];
+ uint8_t pack_field_length;
+ uint8_t *pack_header;
+ uint8_t pck_sqnc_cntr;
+ uint8_t org_stuff_length;
+ uint8_t p_std[2];
+ uint8_t pes_ext_lngth;
+ uint8_t *pes_ext;
+ uint8_t *pes_pckt_data;
+ int padding;
+ int mpeg;
+ int mpeg1_pad;
+ uint8_t *mpeg1_headr;
+ uint8_t stuffing;
+ } pes_packet;
+ void init_pes(pes_packet *p);
+ void kill_pes(pes_packet *p);
+ void setlength_pes(pes_packet *p);
+ void nlength_pes(pes_packet *p);
+ int cwrite_pes(uint8_t *buf, pes_packet *p, long length);
+ void write_pes(int fd, pes_packet *p);
+ int read_pes(int f, pes_packet *p);
+ void cread_pes(char *buf, pes_packet *p);
+ Transport Stream
+#define TS_SIZE 188
+#define TRANS_ERROR 0x80
+#define PAY_START 0x40
+#define TRANS_PRIO 0x20
+#define PID_MASK_HI 0x1F
+#define TRANS_SCRMBL1 0x80
+#define TRANS_SCRMBL2 0x40
+#define ADAPT_FIELD 0x20
+#define PAYLOAD 0x10
+#define COUNT_MASK 0x0F
+// adaptation flags
+#define DISCON_IND 0x80
+#define RAND_ACC_IND 0x40
+#define ES_PRI_IND 0x20
+#define PCR_FLAG 0x10
+#define OPCR_FLAG 0x08
+#define SPLICE_FLAG 0x04
+#define TRANS_PRIV 0x02
+#define ADAP_EXT_FLAG 0x01
+// adaptation extension flags
+#define LTW_FLAG 0x80
+#define PIECE_RATE 0x40
+#define SEAM_SPLICE 0x20
+ typedef struct ts_packet_{
+ uint8_t pid[2];
+ uint8_t flags;
+ uint8_t count;
+ uint8_t data[184];
+ uint8_t adapt_length;
+ uint8_t adapt_flags;
+ uint8_t pcr[6];
+ uint8_t opcr[6];
+ uint8_t splice_count;
+ uint8_t priv_dat_len;
+ uint8_t *priv_dat;
+ uint8_t adapt_ext_len;
+ uint8_t adapt_eflags;
+ uint8_t ltw[2];
+ uint8_t piece_rate[3];
+ uint8_t dts[5];
+ int rest;
+ uint8_t stuffing;
+ } ts_packet;
+ void init_ts(ts_packet *p);
+ void kill_ts(ts_packet *p);
+ unsigned short pid_ts(ts_packet *p);
+ int cwrite_ts(uint8_t *buf, ts_packet *p, long length);
+ void write_ts(int fd, ts_packet *p);
+ int read_ts(int f, ts_packet *p);
+ void cread_ts (char *buf, ts_packet *p, long length);
+ Program Stream
+#define PACK_STUFF_MASK 0x07
+#define FIXED_FLAG 0x02
+#define CSPS_FLAG 0x01
+#define SAUDIO_LOCK_FLAG 0x80
+#define SVIDEO_LOCK_FLAG 0x40
+#define PS_MAX 200
+ typedef struct ps_packet_{
+ uint8_t scr[6];
+ uint8_t mux_rate[3];
+ uint8_t stuff_length;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ uint8_t sheader_llength[2];
+ int sheader_length;
+ uint8_t rate_bound[3];
+ uint8_t audio_bound;
+ uint8_t video_bound;
+ uint8_t reserved;
+ int npes;
+ int mpeg;
+ } ps_packet;
+ void init_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ void kill_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ void setlength_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ uint32_t scr_base_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ uint16_t scr_ext_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ int mux_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ int rate_ps(ps_packet *p);
+ int cwrite_ps(uint8_t *buf, ps_packet *p, long length);
+ void write_ps(int fd, ps_packet *p);
+ int read_ps (int f, ps_packet *p);
+ void cread_ps (char *buf, ps_packet *p, long length);
+ typedef struct sectionstruct {
+ int id;
+ int length;
+ int found;
+ uint8_t payload[4096+3];
+ } section;
+ typedef uint32_t tflags;
+#define MAXFILT 32
+#define MASKL 16
+ typedef struct trans_struct {
+ int found;
+ uint8_t packet[188];
+ uint16_t pid[MAXFILT];
+ uint8_t mask[MAXFILT*MASKL];
+ uint8_t filt[MAXFILT*MASKL];
+ uint8_t transbuf[MAXFILT*188];
+ int transcount[MAXFILT];
+ section sec[MAXFILT];
+ tflags is_full;
+ tflags pes_start;
+ tflags pes_started;
+ tflags pes;
+ tflags set;
+ } trans;
+ void init_trans(trans *p);
+ int set_trans_filt(trans *p, int filtn, uint16_t pid, uint8_t *mask,
+ uint8_t *filt, int pes);
+ void clear_trans_filt(trans *p,int filtn);
+ int filt_is_set(trans *p, int filtn);
+ int pes_is_set(trans *p, int filtn);
+ int pes_is_started(trans *p, int filtn);
+ int pes_is_start(trans *p, int filtn);
+ int filt_is_ready(trans *p,int filtn);
+ void trans_filt(uint8_t *buf, int count, trans *p);
+ void tfilter(trans *p);
+ void pes_filter(trans *p, int filtn, int off);
+ void sec_filter(trans *p, int filtn, int off);
+ int get_filt_buf(trans *p, int filtn,uint8_t **buf);
+ section *get_filt_sec(trans *p, int filtn);
+ typedef struct a2pstruct{
+ int type;
+ int fd;
+ int found;
+ int length;
+ int headr;
+ int plength;
+ uint8_t cid;
+ uint8_t flags;
+ uint8_t abuf[MAX_PLENGTH];
+ int alength;
+ uint8_t vbuf[MAX_PLENGTH];
+ int vlength;
+ uint8_t last_av_pts[4];
+ uint8_t av_pts[4];
+ uint8_t scr[4];
+ uint8_t pid0;
+ uint8_t pid1;
+ uint8_t pidv;
+ uint8_t pida;
+ } a2p;
+ void get_pespts(uint8_t *av_pts,uint8_t *pts);
+ void init_a2p(a2p *p);
+ void av_pes_to_pes(uint8_t *buf,int count, a2p *p);
+ int w_pesh(uint8_t id,int length ,uint8_t *pts, uint8_t *obuf);
+ int w_tsh(uint8_t id,int length ,uint8_t *pts, uint8_t *obuf,a2p *p,int startpes);
+ void pts2pts(uint8_t *av_pts, uint8_t *pts);
+ void write_ps_headr(ps_packet *p,uint8_t *pts,int fd);
+ typedef struct p2t_s{
+ uint8_t pes[TS_SIZE];
+ uint8_t counter;
+ long int pos;
+ int frags;
+ void (*t_out)(uint8_t const *buf);
+ } p2t_t;
+ void twrite(uint8_t const *buf);
+ void init_p2t(p2t_t *p, void (*fkt)(uint8_t const *buf));
+ long int find_pes_header(uint8_t const *buf, long int length, int *frags);
+ void pes_to_ts( uint8_t const *buf, long int length, uint16_t pid, p2t_t *p);
+ void p_to_t( uint8_t const *buf, long int length, uint16_t pid,
+ uint8_t *counter, void (*ts_write)(uint8_t const *));
+ int write_pes_header(uint8_t id,int length , long PTS,
+ uint8_t *obuf, int stuffing);
+ int write_ps_header(uint8_t *buf,
+ uint32_t SCR,
+ long muxr,
+ uint8_t audio_bound,
+ uint8_t fixed,
+ uint8_t CSPS,
+ uint8_t audio_lock,
+ uint8_t video_lock,
+ uint8_t video_bound,
+ uint8_t stream1,
+ uint8_t buffer1_scale,
+ uint32_t buffer1_size,
+ uint8_t stream2,
+ uint8_t buffer2_scale,
+ uint32_t buffer2_size);
+ int seek_mpg_start(uint8_t *buf, int size);
+ void split_mpg(char *name, uint64_t size);
+ void cut_mpg(char *name, uint64_t size);
+ int http_open (char *url);
+ ssize_t save_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
+ const char * strerrno(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /*_CTOOLS_H_*/