path: root/menu.c
diff options
authorTobias Grimm <tobias@e-tobi.loc>2008-12-02 21:00:33 +0100
committerTobias Grimm <tobias@e-tobi.loc>2008-12-02 21:00:33 +0100
commitb451fdb5a36c0f749d63d53165cdf4e84a8f476a (patch)
treeaa3b6548ea52ef133028098c8fbaebbe47ed8a5d /menu.c
Initial commit of version 0.5.1v0.5.1release/v0.5.1
Diffstat (limited to 'menu.c')
1 files changed, 681 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/menu.c b/menu.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfefff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/menu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003,2004 by Marcel Wiesweg *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <map>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <vdr/interface.h>
+#include <vdr/i18n.h>
+#include <vdr/config.h>
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "display.h"
+#include "setup.h"
+#include "txtrecv.h"
+#define TXTROOT "/vtx"
+#define GET_HUNDREDS(x) ( ( (x) - ((x)%256) ) /256 )
+#define GET_TENS(x) ( (( (x) - ((x)%16) )%256 ) /16 )
+#define GET_ONES(x) ( (x)%16 )
+#define GET_HUNDREDS_DECIMAL(x) ( ( (x) - ((x)%100) ) /100 )
+#define GET_TENS_DECIMAL(x) ( (( (x) - ((x)%10) )%100 ) /10 )
+#define GET_ONES_DECIMAL(x) ( (x)%10 )
+using namespace std;
+int Stretch = true;
+typedef map<int,int> IntMap;
+IntMap channelPageMap;
+//static variables
+int TeletextBrowser::currentPage=0x100; //Believe it or not, the teletext numbers are somehow hexadecimal
+int TeletextBrowser::currentSubPage=0;
+tChannelID TeletextBrowser::channel;
+int TeletextBrowser::currentChannelNumber=0;
+TeletextBrowser* TeletextBrowser::self=0;
+TeletextBrowser::TeletextBrowser(cTxtStatus *txtSt) {
+ cursorPos=0;
+ pageFound=true;
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ needClearMessage=false;
+ selectingChannelNumber=-1;
+ self=this;
+ txtStatus=txtSt;
+ //if (txtStatus)
+ // txtStatus->ForceReceiving(true);
+ suspendedReceiving=false;
+ previousPage=currentPage;
+ previousSubPage=currentSubPage;
+ pageBeforeNumberInput=currentPage;
+ lastActivity=time(NULL);
+ inactivityTimeout=-1;
+TeletextBrowser::~TeletextBrowser() {
+ Display::Delete();
+ self=0;
+ /*if (txtStatus) {
+ if (suspendedReceiving)
+ txtStatus->ForceSuspending(false);
+ txtStatus->ForceReceiving(false);
+ }*/
+void TeletextBrowser::Show(void) {
+ Display::SetMode(Display::mode);
+ ShowPage();
+bool TeletextBrowser::CheckIsValidChannel(int number) {
+ return (Channels.GetByNumber(number) != 0);
+void TeletextBrowser::ChannelSwitched(int ChannelNumber) {
+ cChannel *chan=Channels.GetByNumber(ChannelNumber);
+ if (!chan)
+ return;
+ tChannelID chid=chan->GetChannelID();
+ if (chid==channel || chid==tChannelID::InvalidID)
+ return;
+ channel=chid;
+ //store page number of current channel
+ IntMap::iterator it;
+ channelPageMap[currentChannelNumber] = currentPage;
+ currentChannelNumber=ChannelNumber;
+ currentPage=0x100;
+ currentSubPage=0;
+ //see if last page number on this channel was stored
+ it=channelPageMap.find(ChannelNumber);
+ if (it != channelPageMap.end()) { //found
+ currentPage=(*it).second;
+ }
+ //on the one hand this must work in background mode, when the plugin is not active.
+ //on the other hand, if active, the page should be shown.
+ //so this self-Pointer.
+ if (self) {
+ self->ShowPage();
+ }
+eOSState TeletextBrowser::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ if (Key != kNone)
+ lastActivity = time(NULL);
+ switch (Key) {
+ case k1: SetNumber(1);break;
+ case k2: SetNumber(2);break;
+ case k3: SetNumber(3);break;
+ case k4: SetNumber(4);break;
+ case k5: SetNumber(5);break;
+ case k6: SetNumber(6);break;
+ case k7: SetNumber(7);break;
+ case k8: SetNumber(8);break;
+ case k9: SetNumber(9);break;
+ case k0:
+ //same behavior for 0 as VDR does it with channels
+ if ((cursorPos==0) && (!selectingChannel)) {
+ //swap variables
+ int tempPage=currentPage;
+ int tempSubPage=currentSubPage;
+ currentPage=previousPage;
+ currentSubPage=previousSubPage;
+ previousPage=tempPage;
+ previousSubPage=tempSubPage;
+ ShowPage();
+ } else
+ SetNumber(0);
+ break;
+ case kOk:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ if (selectingChannelNumber>0) {
+ if (CheckIsValidChannel(selectingChannelNumber))
+ ChannelSwitched(selectingChannelNumber);
+ else {
+ needClearMessage=true;
+ //string tranlated in VDR's i18n.c
+ Display::DrawMessage(tr("*** Invalid Channel ***"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ ShowPage();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kBack: return osEnd;
+ case kNone: //approx. every second
+ //checking if page changed
+ if ( pageFound && ttSetup.autoUpdatePage && cursorPos==0 && !selectingChannel && (PageCheckSum() != checkSum) ) {
+ ShowPage();
+ //check if page was previously not found and is available now
+ } else if (!pageFound && CheckFirstSubPage(0)) {
+ ShowPage();
+ } else {
+ if (needClearMessage) {
+ needClearMessage=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ //updating clock
+ UpdateClock();
+ }
+ //check for activity timeout
+ if (ttSetup.inactivityTimeout && (time(NULL) - lastActivity > ttSetup.inactivityTimeout*60))
+ return osEnd;
+ break;
+ case kUp:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ if (cursorPos != 0) {
+ //fully revert cursor
+ SetNumber(-3);
+ }
+ ChangePageRelative(DirectionForward);
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ break;
+ case kDown:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ if (cursorPos != 0) {
+ //fully reset
+ SetNumber(-3);
+ }
+ ChangePageRelative(DirectionBackward);
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ if (cursorPos != 0) {
+ //fully reset
+ SetNumber(-3);
+ }
+ ChangeSubPageRelative(DirectionForward);
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ break;
+ case kLeft:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ if (cursorPos != 0) {
+ //revert cursor
+ SetNumber(-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ ChangeSubPageRelative(DirectionBackward);
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ break;
+ case kRed:
+ case kGreen:
+ case kBlue:
+ case kYellow:
+ //case kUser1:case kUser2:case kUser3:case kUser4:case kUser5:
+ //case kUser6:case kUser7:case kUser8:case kUser9:
+ case kPlay:case kPause:case kStop: case kRecord:case kFastFwd:case kFastRew:
+ if (cursorPos != 0) {
+ //fully reset
+ SetNumber(-3);
+ }
+ ExecuteAction(TranslateKey(Key));
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+void TeletextBrowser::ExecuteAction(eTeletextAction e) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case Zoom:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ switch (Display::GetZoom()) {
+ case cDisplay::Zoom_Off:
+ Display::SetZoom(cDisplay::Zoom_Upper);
+ break;
+ case cDisplay::Zoom_Upper:
+ Display::SetZoom(cDisplay::Zoom_Lower);
+ break;
+ case cDisplay::Zoom_Lower:
+ Display::SetZoom(cDisplay::Zoom_Off);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HalfPage:
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ switch (Display::mode) {
+ case Display::HalfUpper:
+ Display::SetMode(Display::HalfLower);
+ break;
+ case Display::HalfLower:
+ Display::SetMode(Display::Full);
+ break;
+ case Display::Full:
+ Display::SetMode(Display::HalfUpper);
+ break;
+ }
+ ShowPage();
+ break;
+ case SwitchChannel:
+ selectingChannelNumber=0;
+ selectingChannel=true;
+ ShowAskForChannel();
+ break;
+ /*case SuspendReceiving:
+ if (!txtStatus)
+ break;
+ //if (suspendedReceiving)
+ // txtStatus->ForceSuspending(false);
+ //else
+ // txtStatus->ForceSuspending(true);
+ //suspendedReceiving=(!suspendedReceiving);
+ break;*/
+ case DarkScreen:
+ if (Display::GetBackgroundColor() == clrBlack)
+ Display::SetBackgroundColor((tColor)ttSetup.configuredClrBackground);
+ else
+ Display::SetBackgroundColor(clrBlack);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //In osdteletext.c, numbers are thought to be decimal, the setup page
+ //entries will display them in this way. It is a lot easier to do the
+ //conversion to hexadecimal here.
+ //This means, we convert the number to what it would be if the string
+ //had been parsed with hexadecimal base.
+ int pageNr=PSEUDO_HEX_TO_DECIMAL((int)e);
+ if (0x100<=pageNr<=0x899) {
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannel=false;
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ }
+ SetPreviousPage(currentPage, currentSubPage, pageNr);
+ currentPage=pageNr;
+ cursorPos=0;
+ currentSubPage=0;
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+eTeletextAction TeletextBrowser::TranslateKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch(Key) {
+ case kRed: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyRed];
+ case kGreen: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyGreen];
+ case kYellow: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyYellow];
+ case kBlue: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyBlue];
+ case kPlay: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyPlay];
+ //case kPause: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyPause];
+ case kStop: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyStop];
+ //case kRecord: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyRecord];
+ case kFastFwd: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyFastFwd];
+ case kFastRew: return (eTeletextAction)ttSetup.mapKeyToAction[ActionKeyFastRew];
+ default: return (eTeletextAction)100; //just to keep gcc quiet
+ }
+void TeletextBrowser::SetNumber(int i) {
+ //cursorPos means insertion after, 0<=cursorPos<=2
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ selectingChannelNumber = selectingChannelNumber*10+i;
+ ShowAskForChannel();
+ return;
+ }
+ //i<0 means revert cursor position
+ if (i<0) {
+ for (;i<0;i++) {
+ switch (cursorPos) {
+ case 0:
+ return;
+ case 1:
+ currentPage = currentPage-256*GET_HUNDREDS(currentPage)+256*GET_HUNDREDS(pageBeforeNumberInput);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ currentPage = currentPage-16*GET_TENS(currentPage)+16*GET_TENS(pageBeforeNumberInput);
+ break;
+ }
+ cursorPos--;
+ }
+ ShowPageNumber();
+ return;
+ }
+ static int tempPage;
+ switch (cursorPos) {
+ case 0:
+ if (i<1) i=1;
+ //accept no 9 when cursorPos==0
+ if (i>8) i=8;
+ tempPage= currentPage;
+ pageBeforeNumberInput = currentPage;
+ currentPage = currentPage-256*GET_HUNDREDS(currentPage)+256*i;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (i<0) i=0;
+ if (i>9) i=9;
+ currentPage = currentPage-16*GET_TENS(currentPage)+16*i;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (i<0) i=0;
+ if (i>9) i=9;
+ currentPage = currentPage-GET_ONES(currentPage)+i;
+ pageBeforeNumberInput = currentPage;
+ SetPreviousPage(tempPage, currentSubPage, currentPage);
+ break;
+ }
+ pageFound=true; //so that "page ... not found" is not displayed, but e.g. 1**-00
+ if (++cursorPos>2) {
+ cursorPos=0;
+ CheckFirstSubPage(0);
+ Display::ShowUpperHalf();
+ ShowPage();
+ } else {
+ ShowPageNumber();
+ }
+//returns whether x, when written in hexadecimal form,
+//will only contain the digits 0...9 and not A...F
+//in the first three digits.
+static inline bool onlyDecimalDigits(int x) {
+ return (( x & 0xE) < 0xA) &&
+ (( (x>>4) & 0xE) < 0xA) &&
+ (( (x>>8) & 0xE) < 0xA);
+//after 199 comes 1A0, but if these pages exist, they contain no useful data, so filter them out
+int TeletextBrowser::nextValidPageNumber(int start, Direction direction) {
+ do {
+ switch (direction) {
+ case DirectionForward:
+ start++;
+ break;
+ case DirectionBackward:
+ start--;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!onlyDecimalDigits(start));
+ return start;
+void TeletextBrowser::ChangePageRelative(Direction direction)
+ int oldpage = currentPage;
+ int oldSubPage = currentSubPage;
+ do {
+ /*if (back)
+ currentPage--;
+ else
+ currentPage++;*/
+ currentPage=nextValidPageNumber(currentPage, direction);
+ if (currentPage>0x899) currentPage=0x100;
+ if (currentPage<0x100) currentPage=0x899;
+ // sub page is always 0 if you change the page
+ if (CheckFirstSubPage(0)) {
+ SetPreviousPage(oldpage, oldSubPage, currentPage);
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (currentPage != oldpage);
+ return;
+void TeletextBrowser::ChangeSubPageRelative(Direction direction)
+ int oldsubpage = currentSubPage;
+ do {
+ /*if (back)
+ currentSubPage--;
+ else
+ currentSubPage++;*/
+ currentSubPage=nextValidPageNumber(currentSubPage, direction);
+ if (currentSubPage > 0x99) currentSubPage=0;
+ if (currentSubPage < 0) currentSubPage=0x99;
+ if (CheckPage())
+ return;
+ } while (currentSubPage != oldsubpage);
+ return;
+bool TeletextBrowser::CheckFirstSubPage(int startWith) {
+ int oldsubpage = currentSubPage;
+ do {
+ if (CheckPage())
+ return true;
+ //currentSubPage++;
+ currentSubPage=nextValidPageNumber(currentSubPage, DirectionForward);
+ if (currentSubPage > 0x99) currentSubPage=0;
+ if (currentSubPage < 0) currentSubPage=0x99;
+ } while (currentSubPage != oldsubpage);
+ return false;
+bool TeletextBrowser::CheckPage()
+ StorageHandle fd;
+ Storage *s=Storage::instance();
+ if (!(fd=s->openForReading(PageID(channel, currentPage, currentSubPage), false)) )
+ return false;
+ s->close(fd);
+ return true;
+//sets the previousPage variables if and only if new page is different from old page
+void TeletextBrowser::SetPreviousPage(int oldPage, int oldSubPage, int newPage) {
+ if (oldPage != newPage) {
+ previousPage=oldPage;
+ previousSubPage=oldSubPage;
+ }
+void TeletextBrowser::ShowPage() {
+ if ((pageFound=DecodePage())) {
+ if (ttSetup.autoUpdatePage)
+ checkSum=PageCheckSum();
+ }
+void TeletextBrowser::ShowPageNumber() {
+ char str[8];
+ sprintf(str, "%3x-%02x", currentPage, currentSubPage);
+ if (cursorPos>0) {
+ str[2]='*';
+ if (cursorPos==1)
+ str[1]='*';
+ }
+ Display::DrawPageId(str);
+void TeletextBrowser::ShowAskForChannel() {
+ if (selectingChannel) {
+ char *str;
+ if (selectingChannelNumber>0)
+ asprintf(&str,"%s%d", tr("Channel (press OK): "), selectingChannelNumber);
+ else
+ asprintf(&str,"%s", tr("Channel (press OK): ") );
+ Display::DrawMessage(str);
+ free(str);
+ }
+//this is taken and adapted from the teletext plugin since it uses its data
+bool TeletextBrowser::DecodePage() {
+ // Load the page and decodes it
+ #ifdef timingdebug
+ cTime t;
+ t.Start();
+ #endif
+ unsigned char cache[40*24+12];
+ StorageHandle fd;
+ // Take a look if there is a xxx-00 page
+ Storage *s=Storage::instance();
+ if (currentSubPage==0) {
+ if ( !(fd=s->openForReading(PageID(channel, currentPage,currentSubPage), false)) ) {
+ // There is no subpage 0 so look if there is subpage 1
+ currentSubPage++;
+ // Generate file string
+ } else {
+ // yes file exists
+ s->close(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (fd=s->openForReading(PageID(channel, currentPage, currentSubPage), true)) )
+ {
+ s->read(cache,sizeof cache,fd); // Read full page data
+ s->close(fd);
+ Display::HoldFlush();
+ Display::ClearMessage();
+ Display::RenderTeletextCode(cache);
+ ShowPageNumber();
+ UpdateClock();
+ Display::ReleaseFlush();
+ #ifdef timingdebug
+ t.Stop("Full Page Update");
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ // page doesn't exist
+ currentSubPage--;
+ Display::HoldFlush();
+ ShowPageNumber();
+ char str[80];
+ snprintf(str,80, "%s %3x-%02x %s",tr("Page"),currentPage, currentSubPage,tr("not found"));
+ Display::DrawMessage(str);
+ Display::ReleaseFlush();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int TeletextBrowser::PageCheckSum() {
+ int retSum=0;
+ StorageHandle fd;
+ CheckFirstSubPage(currentSubPage);
+ Storage *s=Storage::instance();
+ if ((fd=s->openForReading(PageID(channel, currentPage, currentSubPage), false)) ) {
+ uchar cache[960];
+ s->read(cache, 12, fd); //skip
+ s->read(cache, sizeof(cache), fd);
+ s->close(fd);
+ memset(cache+12, 0, 8); //it seems that there the clock is transmitted, ignore changes
+ for (uint i=0;i<sizeof(cache); i++)
+ retSum+=cache[i];
+ }
+ return retSum;
+void TeletextBrowser::UpdateClock() {
+ if ( ttSetup.showClock )
+ Display::DrawClock();
+void ChannelStatus::ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber) {
+ if (Device->IsPrimaryDevice() && ChannelNumber>0)
+ TeletextBrowser::ChannelSwitched(ChannelNumber);
+TeletextSetup ttSetup;
+TeletextSetup::TeletextSetup() {
+ //Set default values for setup options
+ configuredClrBackground=clrGray50;
+ //init key bindings
+ for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
+ mapKeyToAction[0]=(eTeletextAction)0;
+ mapKeyToAction[3]=Zoom;
+ mapKeyToAction[2]=HalfPage;
+ mapKeyToAction[0]=SwitchChannel;
+ showClock=true;
+ suspendReceiving=false;
+ autoUpdatePage=true;
+ //OSDHeight+width default values given in Start()
+ OSDHAlign=50;
+ OSDVAlign=50;
+ //use the value set for VDR's min user inactivity.
+ //Initially this value could be changed via the plugin's setup, but I removed that
+ //because there is no advantage, but a possible problem when VDR's value is change
+ //after the plugin has stored its own value.
+ inactivityTimeout=Setup.MinUserInactivity;