AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-09-05Add replay info.HEADmasterDennis Bendlin
2013-08-26Some more comments.Johns
2013-08-26Allow filenames starting with '-'.Johns
2013-02-25Fix bug: Crash in xcb_key_symbols_get_keysym.Johns
+ some key code fixes.
2013-02-25Fix bug: cmdline option 'a' not used.Johns
2013-02-20Fix bug: Inital volume is zero.Johns
2013-02-18Don't end player thread, when child dies.Johns
2013-02-18Fix spelling SWSCALE.Johns
2013-02-18Handle iso dvd images.Johns
2013-02-18Enable lirc, when VDR remote is disabled.Johns
2013-02-17Fix bug: kMenu can't be used, use 5 as alternative.Johns
2013-02-17Fix bug: wrong osUserX for the play menu.Johns
2013-02-17Warning for not yet ready function.Johns
2013-02-17Send commands in slave mode to mplayer.Johns
2013-02-17Makes -dvd-device configurable.Johns
2013-02-17Update correct files.Johns
2013-02-16Fix bug: crash in cMyControl::Hide.Johns
2013-02-16Stop/kill external player.Johns
2013-02-16Add support to change the player volume.Johns
2013-02-16Use global directory stack, reenter old directory.Johns
2013-02-16Add support to disable/enable VDR remotes.Johns
2013-02-15First complete version imported.Johns
2013-02-15Disables AVFS, which produces memory corruption.Johns
2013-02-12New Makefile for vdr >=1.7.36.Johns
2013-02-12Removes compiler warnings.Johns no longer needed.Johns
2013-02-12Makes space for new versions.Johns
2012-11-05Play 3d support and service api.maverick-me
2012-11-05Play 3d service api.Johns
2012-09-09Fix bug: Filter could destroy errno.Johns
2012-09-07Autodetect avfs, ffmpeg/swscale and png.Johns
2012-09-03Read directory support.Johns
2012-07-21Guard poll. Map only video window.Johns
2012-07-21Video cleanups.Johns
Create window with empty cursor. Clear window after mapping. Free missing X11 resources (Cursor, Pixmap).
2012-07-20Video module.Johns
2012-07-18Gentoo live ebuild.Johns
2012-07-18xcb-icccm needed for window name.Johns
2012-07-18Translations po directory.Johns
2012-07-18Standard files.Johns