path: root/hlsPlayer.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-26Fix for newer versions of PMS and "Plex for Android"Christian
2016-04-02Code reformatingChristian
2016-04-02Code cleanupChristian
2016-03-28paralleling cPictureCache.Christian
2016-03-08Skindesigner "DetailView" in developmentChristian
2016-01-25new transcode settingsChristian
2016-01-16testing new transcode settingsChristian
2016-01-16Fixes player bug.Christian
2016-01-14Made ringbuffer size in cHlsPlayer configurableChristian
2015-12-25Removes the need of resizing the ringbuffer.chriszero
2015-12-22Some fixeschriszero
2015-12-20completed "secure connections" and "remote server"chriszero
2015-12-19Starting to redesign server communication.chriszero
2015-12-16Early remote server playback. Please test.chriszero
2015-12-15Added SSL support, started support for remotechriszero
2015-11-07Changed calculation of ResizeRingbufferchriszero
2015-09-27Handle some network errors to prevent segfaults. Lost network, crashed PMS0.1.5chriszero
2015-05-03- Playmarks for skindesignerchriszero
2015-04-04more skindesigner supportchriszero
2015-03-27develop skindesigner supportchriszero
2015-03-15Fixes display of total time for webvideos (Vimeo, Youtube, ...)chriszero
2015-02-26Recovers from a possibly died transcoder.chriszero
2015-02-19Supporting custom transcoding profile.chriszero
2015-02-13Removed some raw pointers to avoid a possible memoryleakchriszero
2015-02-11Fixes proper handling of "end of stream".chriszero
2015-02-10Support for Plex Channels (Youtube, Vimeo, ZDF Mediathek, etc...)chriszero
2015-02-07Implements resizing of the ringbuffer if a segment is bigger than the estimate.chriszero
2015-02-05Plex remote support.chriszero
2015-01-31- If watched +90%, the media will be marked as watchedchriszero
2015-01-30Some fixes from last commit.chriszero
2015-01-28- Counting played time correctlychriszero
2015-01-21Fixed crash while rapidly press skip forward/backwardchriszero
2015-01-18Implemented skip backwards/forward. Key Green/Yellowchriszero
2015-01-17Added current status of played stream (current, total time, play, pause)chriszero
2015-01-14Implemented Play, Pause, Stopchriszero
2015-01-13more Error handling. Segfaults on libpoco < 1.4chriszero
2015-01-13Added syslog messageschriszero
2015-01-12Fixes Segfault after playing a moviechriszero
2015-01-11Removed Mplayer support.chriszero