path: root/font.c
diff options
authorAndreas Mair <>2007-06-11 12:57:02 +0200
committerAndreas Mair <>2007-06-11 12:57:02 +0200
commit24439e72e8b0d13bccce21e19a28d70d1bd98760 (patch)
tree40114ac9918d904e640900e3845f65243a2319ac /font.c
parentc562d549bc6274265991eec634f99b1e311323df (diff)
2007-06-11: Version 0.0.5rcv0.0.5rc
- Fixed possible crash in recording's details. - Added MoBuntu theme (Submitted by Morone - Added Blue, Blue2, Blue3 and Coolblue theme (Submitted by Uwe - Added support for TrueTypeFonts (based on graphtft and text2skin plugins). - Added support for new epgsearch tags. - Updated French translation. (Submitted by pat - Changed size calculation for scrollbars. - Add setup options to individually set the fonts to use. See README for details. - Set used colors for every area in menu OSD when using multiple areas. - Reworked multiple areas mode in menu OSD. - Do not disable logos/symbols/flags if 4bpp single area is configured in setup. - Replaced setup options "One area (if possible)" and "Bpp in single area" by option "Try 8bpp single areas". - Unified appearance of error/info/status messages in all OSDs. - Added setup option to selectively enable scrolling text. - Added setup option to selectively enable logos in the different OSDs. - Added text effects (e.g. scrolling and blinking) for selected text. - Removed clrMenuHighlight, clrMessageBorder, clrMenuItemCurrentFg, clrMenuEventTitle, clrMenuEventShortText, clrMenuScrollbarTotal and clrMenuScrollbarShown in themes. - Fixed height of title/subtitle box in EPG & recording details. - Recognize mediamanager plugin in mainmenu logos. - Don't cut info line in EPG & recording details at logo area's left edge. - Updated Russian translation (Submitted by neptunvasja - Added Dutch translation (Submitted by dorpsgek - Various bugfixes and graphical changes.
Diffstat (limited to 'font.c')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/font.c b/font.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ef9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font.c
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ * font.c: 'EnigmaNG' skin for the Video Disk Recorder
+ *
+ * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
+ *
+ * Taken from GraphTFT
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "font.h"
+#include <iconv.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ _library = 0;
+ _face = 0;
+ // init freetype2 lib
+ int error = FT_Init_FreeType(&_library);
+ if (error)
+ {
+ error("ERROR: Could not init freetype library");
+ }
+ Clear();
+ if (_face)
+ {
+ FT_Done_Face(_face);
+ }
+ if (_library)
+ {
+ FT_Done_FreeType(_library);
+ }
+bool cGraphtftFont::Load(string Filename, string CacheName, int Size, int Language, int Width, int format)
+ if ( _cache.find(CacheName) != _cache.end() )
+ return true;
+ int error = FT_New_Face(_library, Filename.c_str(), format, &_face);
+ // every thing ok?
+ if (error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format)
+ {
+ error("ERROR: Font file (%s) could be opened and read, but it appears that its font format is unsupported", Filename.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (error)
+ {
+ error("ERROR: Font file (%s) could be opened or read, or simply it is broken", Filename.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set slot
+ _slot = _face->glyph;
+ if (Width > 0)
+ Width = Size * Width / 100;
+ // set Size
+ FT_Set_Char_Size
+ (
+ _face, // handle to face object
+ Width*64, // char_width in 1/64th of points
+ Size*64, // char_height in 1/64th of points
+ 0, // horizontal device resolution (dpi)
+ 0 // vertical device resolution (dpi)
+ );
+ iconv_t cd;
+ char from_code[255];
+ wchar_t utf_buff[256];
+ // XXX: Get this values from i18n
+ switch(Language) {
+ case 11:
+ strcpy(from_code,"ISO8859-7");
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ case 17:
+ strcpy(from_code,"ISO8859-2");
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ strcpy(from_code,"ISO8859-5");
+ break;
+ default :
+ strcpy(from_code,"ISO8859-15");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((cd = iconv_open("WCHAR_T",from_code)) == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ esyslog("ERROR: Iconv encoding not supported: %m");
+ return false; //encoding no supportet
+ }
+ for (int c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
+ char char_buff = c;
+ wchar_t wchar_buff;
+ char *in_buff,*out_buff;
+ size_t in_len, out_len, count;
+ in_len=1; out_len=4;
+ in_buff=(char*)&char_buff;
+ out_buff=(char *)&wchar_buff;
+ count = iconv(cd,&in_buff,&in_len,&out_buff,&out_len);
+ if ( (size_t)-1 == count ){
+ //printf("ERROR - PREPARING TABLE CHAR %d \n", c);
+ utf_buff[c] = 0;
+ }
+ utf_buff[c] = wchar_buff;
+ }
+ iconv_close(cd);
+ cFont::tPixelData value;
+ int num_rows_global = (_face->size->metrics.height / 64 )+1;
+ int num_rows = num_rows_global + 2;
+ cFont::tPixelData * font_data = new cFont::tPixelData[225 * num_rows];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 225; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < num_rows; j++)
+ font_data[(i*num_rows)+j]=0x0000000000000000;
+ // Time to put char 32..255 in font_data
+ FT_UInt glyph_index;
+ for ( int num_char = 32, num_char_array = 0; num_char < 256; num_char++, num_char_array++ )
+ {
+ //Get FT char index
+ glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( _face, utf_buff[num_char] );
+ //Load the char
+ error = FT_Load_Glyph( _face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT );
+ if ( error ) continue; /* ignore errors */
+ // now, convert to vdr font data
+ int width = (_slot->metrics.horiAdvance / 64) + 1;
+ int bearingX = (_slot->metrics.horiBearingX / 64) +1;
+ width = (width > (int)sizeof(cFont::tPixelData) * 8) ? (((int)sizeof(cFont::tPixelData) * 8)-2) :width ;
+ font_data[(num_char_array*num_rows)+0]=width;
+ font_data[(num_char_array*num_rows)+1]=num_rows_global;
+ // convert to a mono bitmap
+ error = FT_Render_Glyph( _face->glyph, ft_render_mode_mono );
+ if ( error ) continue;
+ int top = _slot->bitmap_top;
+ int y_off = Size - top;
+ unsigned char *bmp = _slot->bitmap.buffer;
+ for (int y = 0; y < _slot->bitmap.rows; ++y , y_off++) {
+ int pos = 0;
+ int bit = 0x80;
+ value = 0x00;
+ for (int x = 0; x < _slot->bitmap.width; ++x) {
+ if (bmp[pos] & bit && x < width + 1 )
+ value = value | (cFont::tPixelData)1 << width - bearingX - x ;
+ bit >>= 1;
+ if (bit == 0) {
+ bit = 0x80;
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ }
+ bmp += _slot->bitmap.pitch;
+ font_data[(num_char_array*num_rows)+y_off+2] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // If all was ok, put the vdr font into the cache and return true
+ cFont* newFont = NULL;
+ newFont = new cFont(font_data);
+ if (newFont) {
+ _cache[CacheName] = newFont;
+ _del[CacheName] = font_data;
+ return true;
+ }
+ delete(font_data);
+ // Something went wrong!
+ return false;
+const cFont* cGraphtftFont::GetFont(string CacheName){
+ if (CacheName == "Sml") return cFont::GetFont(fontSml);
+ else if (CacheName == "Fix") return cFont::GetFont(fontFix);
+ else if ( _cache.find(CacheName) != _cache.end() ){
+ return _cache[CacheName];
+ }
+ return cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
+void cGraphtftFont::Clear(string CacheName)
+ Clear();
+void cGraphtftFont::Clear()
+ cache_map::iterator it = _cache.begin();
+ for (; it != _cache.end(); ++it)
+ delete((*it).second);
+ _cache.clear();
+ del_map::iterator del_it = _del.begin();
+ for (; del_it != _del.end(); ++del_it)
+ delete[]((*del_it).second);
+ _del.clear();