path: root/responsememblk.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-11-10Fixes for new gcc, thanks to wirbelHEADmasterT
2017-03-30Changes due to API version 2.3.0T
2016-11-14BlackList support for parental controlthlo
2016-08-13widget.conf creation from memory added. Add no-cache HTTP headers to the reco...thlo
2016-02-01Adding Server name into rss response.thlo
2016-01-30Monitor remote IP of HTTP transactions. Monitor transaction duration also for...T. Lohmar
2015-12-27Merge branch 'master' of Lohmar
2015-12-27Per-Folder RecordingsT. Lohmar
2015-12-27Support for VDR 2.3.1 added.T. Lohmar
2015-01-18Fixes.T. Lohmar
2015-01-15check validity of media folder. Handle unknow MP4 creation times.T. Lohmar
2015-01-11differentiation of PNG and JPG covrsT. Lohmar
2015-01-09Support for MP4 Metadata added (media folder).T. Lohmar
2014-12-14Comments added to sendRecordings functionT. Lohmar
2014-08-16TypoT. Lohmar
2014-03-16vdrUtcTime added to vdrStatus.xml.thlo
2014-02-23moved cmds to serverName.xml.thlo
2014-02-21commands flag added.thlo
2014-01-03Plugin support for marks. Improved Logging.thlo
2013-11-26first version of the built-in live solutionthlo
2013-10-28Compatibility with VDR 2.1.2thlo
2013-10-03handling of commands.conf added. smarttvweb.conf parameter changed from reccm...thlo
2013-09-29Fix in /recording.xmlthlo
2013-09-15New function to activate and deactivate a timerthlo
2013-09-04New /deleteFile API. Bug Fixes.thlo
2013-09-02Provide correct MIME types for media.xmlthlo
2013-09-01New enable flag for RecCmds and new Port parameter in smarttvweb.conf. Bug fi...thlo
2013-08-18Fixes for API version 2.0.0.thlo
2013-08-17RecCmds APIs.thlo
2013-08-17Fix of EventId in /timers.xmlthlo
2013-08-17Provide time-sorted timerlist with /timers.xmlthlo
2013-08-17Allow creation of partially overlapping timers.thlo
2013-07-29Fixed deleteTimer functions, when recording is ongoing.thlo
2013-07-25Allow HTTP access to Video Dir. LocalTime fix. Adding Timers. Cleanups. Updat...thlo
2013-05-25add port to hostname in serverName.xmlthlo
2013-05-25serverName.xml added. Skeleton for getRecCmds.xml added.thlo
2013-05-11First Version of addTimer.thlo
2013-05-10New Methods timer.xml and deleterTimer.xml. timestamp added to vdrstatus.xml....thlo
2013-04-29Added Delete YT Urls, Get notification for starting and finishing recordings,...thlo
2013-04-21Plugin code refactoring.thlo