path: root/vdr-softhddevice-9999.ebuild
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-02-27Fix compile with newer libav.Johns
2014-02-18No conf and rc file in git.Johns
2014-01-30Update gentoo ebuild.hd.brummy
2013-04-17Fix opengl and opengl threads bugs.Johns
2013-02-25Updated ebuild for new vdr-plugin-2.eclass.Johns
2013-01-29Support VDR 1.7.36 new build system.Johns
2012-12-24Spam syslog with a/v sync infos.Johns
2012-11-30Use vdr-plugin-2.Johns
2012-09-15Jpeg isn't longer used.Johns
2012-07-05Force ffmpeg with hardware codec support.Johns
2012-02-13Update dependencies and install README.Johns
2012-01-25Add jpeg support to ebuild.Johns
2012-01-16OSS needs kernel headers.Johns
2012-01-16Remove double x11-libs/xcb-util-wm.Johns
2012-01-08Ebuild bug fix.Johns
2012-01-07Gentoo ebuild.Johns