path: root/HISTORY
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-11-30Set version number and release date for version 0.2.2HEADv0.2.2masterThomas Günther
2008-11-30Updated Spanish language textsThomas Günther
2008-03-30Updated Italian language textsThomas Günther
2008-03-29Set version number and release date for version 0.2.1v0.2.1Thomas Günther
2008-03-28Added Italian language textsThomas Günther
2008-03-28Generating translation files without line numbersThomas Günther
2007-09-26Updated German language texts.v0.2.0Thomas Günther
2007-06-23Set version number and release date for version 0.1.4v0.1.4Thomas Günther
2007-02-23Set version number and release date for version 0.1.3v0.1.3Thomas Günther
2006-04-25Set version number and release date for version 0.1.2v0.1.2Thomas Günther
2005-05-16Set version number and release date for version 0.1.1v0.1.1Thomas Günther
2005-05-16Reduced flickering on VDR >= 1.3.7Thomas Günther
2005-05-15Improved cover.xpmThomas Günther
2005-05-15Fixed compilation with woodyThomas Günther
2005-05-15Initial versionv0.1.0Thomas Günther