path: root/tools/socket.h
diff options
authorlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-12-30 22:43:55 +0000
committerlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-12-30 22:43:55 +0000
commit302fa2e67276bd0674e81e2a9a01b9e91dd45d8c (patch)
treea454884a16e0ffa48b5ce3e4ce1a66eb874a9de0 /tools/socket.h
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/socket.h')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/socket.h b/tools/socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b06ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include "tools/tools.h"
+#include "tools/source.h"
+#include "tools/string.h"
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+/* cTBSocket provides a cTBSource-derived interface for input and output on
+ TCP/IPv4-sockets. */
+class cTBSocket: public cTBSource {
+ struct sockaddr_in m_LocalAddr;
+ struct sockaddr_in m_RemoteAddr;
+ int m_Type;
+ cTBSocket(int Type = SOCK_STREAM);
+ virtual ~cTBSocket();
+ /* See cTBSource::SysRead()
+ Reimplemented for TCP/IPv4 sockets. */
+ virtual ssize_t SysRead(void *Buffer, size_t Length) const;
+ /* See cTBSource::SysWrite()
+ Reimplemented for TCP/IPv4 sockets. */
+ virtual ssize_t SysWrite(const void *Buffer, size_t Length) const;
+ /* Connect() tries to connect an available local socket to the port given
+ by Port of the target host given by Host in numbers-and-dots notation
+ (i.e. ""). Returns true if the connection attempt was
+ successful and false otherwise, setting errno appropriately. */
+ virtual bool Connect(const cTBString &Host, uint Port);
+ /* Shutdown() shuts down one or both ends of a socket. If called with How
+ set to SHUT_RD, further reads on this socket will be denied. If called
+ with SHUT_WR, all writes are denied. Called with SHUT_RDWR, all firther
+ action on this socket will be denied. Returns true on success and false
+ otherwise, setting errno appropriately. */
+ virtual bool Shutdown(int How);
+ /* Close() closes the associated socket and releases all structures.
+ Returns true on success and false otherwise, setting errno
+ appropriately. The object is in the closed state afterwards, regardless
+ of any errors. */
+ virtual bool Close(void);
+ /* Listen() listens on the local port Port for incoming connections. The
+ BackLog parameter defines the maximum length the queue of pending
+ connections may grow to. Returns true if the object is listening on
+ the specified port and false otherwise, setting errno appropriately. */
+ virtual bool Listen(const char *Ip, uint Port, int BackLog);
+ /* Accept() returns a newly created cTBSocket, which is connected to the
+ first connection request on the queue of pending connections of a
+ listening socket. If no connection request was pending, or if any other
+ error occured, the resulting cTBSocket is closed. */
+ virtual cTBSocket Accept(void) const;
+ /* Accept() extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending
+ connections of the listening socket Listener and connects it to this
+ object. Returns true on success and false otherwise, setting errno to
+ an appropriate value. */
+ virtual bool Accept(const cTBSocket &Listener);
+ /* LocalPort() returns the port number this socket is connected to locally.
+ The result is undefined for a non-open socket. */
+ int LocalPort(void) const { return ntohs(m_LocalAddr.sin_port); }
+ /* RemotePort() returns the port number this socket is connected to on the
+ remote side. The result is undefined for a non-open socket. */
+ int RemotePort(void) const { return ntohs(m_RemoteAddr.sin_port); }
+ /* LocalIp() returns the internet address in numbers-and-dots notation of
+ the interface this socket is connected to locally. This can be
+ "" for a listening socket listening to all interfaces. If the
+ socket is in its closed state, the result is undefined. */
+ cTBString LocalIp(void) const { return inet_ntoa(m_LocalAddr.sin_addr); }
+ /* RemoteIp() returns the internet address in numbers-and-dots notation of
+ the interface this socket is connected to on the remote side. If the
+ socket is in its closed state, the result is undefined. */
+ cTBString RemoteIp(void) const { return inet_ntoa(m_RemoteAddr.sin_addr); }
+ in_addr_t LocalIpAddr(void) const { return m_LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr; }
+ in_addr_t RemoteIpAddr(void) const { return m_RemoteAddr.sin_addr.s_addr; }
+ int Type(void) const { return m_Type; }
+inline ssize_t cTBSocket::SysRead(void *Buffer, size_t Length) const {
+ if (m_Type == SOCK_DGRAM) {
+ socklen_t len = sizeof(m_RemoteAddr);
+ return ::recvfrom(*this, Buffer, Length, 0, (sockaddr*)&m_RemoteAddr, &len);
+ } else
+ return ::recv(*this, Buffer, Length, 0);
+inline ssize_t cTBSocket::SysWrite(const void *Buffer, size_t Length) const {
+ return ::send(*this, Buffer, Length, 0);