path: root/server/setup.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/setup.c')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/server/setup.c b/server/setup.c
index 381b8d8..862c917 100644
--- a/server/setup.c
+++ b/server/setup.c
@@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ cStreamdevServerSetup::cStreamdevServerSetup(void) {
MaxClients = 5;
StartVTPServer = true;
VTPServerPort = 2004;
+ VTPPriority = 0;
LoopPrevention = false;
StartHTTPServer = true;
HTTPServerPort = 3000;
+ HTTPPriority = 0;
HTTPStreamType = stTS;
StartIGMPServer = false;
IGMPClientPort = 1234;
+ IGMPPriority = 0;
IGMPStreamType = stTS;
- SuspendMode = smAlways;
AllowSuspend = false;
strcpy(VTPBindIP, "");
strcpy(HTTPBindIP, "");
@@ -33,17 +35,19 @@ bool cStreamdevServerSetup::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) {
else if (strcmp(Name, "MaxClients") == 0) MaxClients = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "StartServer") == 0) StartVTPServer = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "ServerPort") == 0) VTPServerPort = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "VTPPriority") == 0) VTPPriority = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "VTPBindIP") == 0) strcpy(VTPBindIP, Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "LoopPrevention") == 0) LoopPrevention = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "StartHTTPServer") == 0) StartHTTPServer = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "HTTPServerPort") == 0) HTTPServerPort = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "HTTPPriority") == 0) HTTPPriority = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "HTTPStreamType") == 0) HTTPStreamType = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "HTTPBindIP") == 0) strcpy(HTTPBindIP, Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "StartIGMPServer") == 0) StartIGMPServer = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "IGMPClientPort") == 0) IGMPClientPort = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "IGMPPriority") == 0) IGMPPriority = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "IGMPStreamType") == 0) IGMPStreamType = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "IGMPBindIP") == 0) strcpy(IGMPBindIP, Value);
- else if (strcmp(Name, "SuspendMode") == 0) SuspendMode = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "AllowSuspend") == 0) AllowSuspend = atoi(Value);
else return false;
return true;
@@ -57,12 +61,6 @@ const char* cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::StreamTypes[st_Count - 1] = {
-const char* cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::SuspendModes[sm_Count] = {
- trNOOP("Offer suspend mode"),
- trNOOP("Always suspended"),
- trNOOP("Never suspended")
cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage(void) {
m_NewSetup = StreamdevServerSetup;
@@ -73,37 +71,35 @@ cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::~cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage() {
void cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::Set(void) {
- static const char* modes[sm_Count];
- for (int i = 0; i < sm_Count; i++)
- modes[i] = tr(SuspendModes[i]);
int current = Current();
AddCategory (tr("Common Settings"));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Hide Mainmenu Entry"), &m_NewSetup.HideMenuEntry));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("Maximum Number of Clients"), &m_NewSetup.MaxClients, 0, 100));
- Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Suspend behaviour"), &m_NewSetup.SuspendMode, sm_Count, modes));
- if (m_NewSetup.SuspendMode == smOffer)
- Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Client may suspend"), &m_NewSetup.AllowSuspend));
AddCategory (tr("VDR-to-VDR Server"));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Start VDR-to-VDR Server"), &m_NewSetup.StartVTPServer));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("VDR-to-VDR Server Port"), &m_NewSetup.VTPServerPort, 0, 65535));
Add(new cMenuEditIpItem (tr("Bind to IP"), m_NewSetup.VTPBindIP));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("Legacy Client Priority"), &m_NewSetup.VTPPriority, MINPRIORITY, MAXPRIORITY));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Client may suspend"), &m_NewSetup.AllowSuspend));
if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService(LOOP_PREVENTION_SERVICE))
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Loop Prevention"), &m_NewSetup.LoopPrevention));
AddCategory (tr("HTTP Server"));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Start HTTP Server"), &m_NewSetup.StartHTTPServer));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("HTTP Server Port"), &m_NewSetup.HTTPServerPort, 0, 65535));
- Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("HTTP Streamtype"), &m_NewSetup.HTTPStreamType, st_Count - 1, StreamTypes));
Add(new cMenuEditIpItem (tr("Bind to IP"), m_NewSetup.HTTPBindIP));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("Priority"), &m_NewSetup.HTTPPriority, MINPRIORITY, MAXPRIORITY));
+ Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("HTTP Streamtype"), &m_NewSetup.HTTPStreamType, st_Count - 1, StreamTypes));
AddCategory (tr("Multicast Streaming Server"));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Start IGMP Server"), &m_NewSetup.StartIGMPServer));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("Multicast Client Port"), &m_NewSetup.IGMPClientPort, 0, 65535));
- Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Multicast Streamtype"), &m_NewSetup.IGMPStreamType, st_Count - 1, StreamTypes));
Add(new cMenuEditIpItem (tr("Bind to IP"), m_NewSetup.IGMPBindIP));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem (tr("Priority"), &m_NewSetup.IGMPPriority, MINPRIORITY, MAXPRIORITY));
+ Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Multicast Streamtype"), &m_NewSetup.IGMPStreamType, st_Count - 1, StreamTypes));
@@ -138,16 +134,18 @@ void cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::Store(void) {
SetupStore("StartServer", m_NewSetup.StartVTPServer);
SetupStore("ServerPort", m_NewSetup.VTPServerPort);
SetupStore("VTPBindIP", m_NewSetup.VTPBindIP);
+ SetupStore("VTPPriority", m_NewSetup.VTPPriority);
SetupStore("LoopPrevention", m_NewSetup.LoopPrevention);
SetupStore("StartHTTPServer", m_NewSetup.StartHTTPServer);
SetupStore("HTTPServerPort", m_NewSetup.HTTPServerPort);
- SetupStore("HTTPStreamType", m_NewSetup.HTTPStreamType);
SetupStore("HTTPBindIP", m_NewSetup.HTTPBindIP);
+ SetupStore("HTTPPriority", m_NewSetup.HTTPPriority);
+ SetupStore("HTTPStreamType", m_NewSetup.HTTPStreamType);
SetupStore("StartIGMPServer", m_NewSetup.StartIGMPServer);
SetupStore("IGMPClientPort", m_NewSetup.IGMPClientPort);
- SetupStore("IGMPStreamType", m_NewSetup.IGMPStreamType);
SetupStore("IGMPBindIP", m_NewSetup.IGMPBindIP);
- SetupStore("SuspendMode", m_NewSetup.SuspendMode);
+ SetupStore("IGMPPriority", m_NewSetup.IGMPPriority);
+ SetupStore("IGMPStreamType", m_NewSetup.IGMPStreamType);
SetupStore("AllowSuspend", m_NewSetup.AllowSuspend);
StreamdevServerSetup = m_NewSetup;
@@ -155,11 +153,3 @@ void cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::Store(void) {
if (restart)
-eOSState cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
- int oldMode = m_NewSetup.SuspendMode;
- eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key);
- if (oldMode != m_NewSetup.SuspendMode)
- Set();
- return state;