path: root/tools/string.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/string.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/tools/string.h b/tools/string.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e81929..0000000
--- a/tools/string.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-#include "tools/tools.h"
-#include "tools/shared.h"
-//#include "tools/source.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-class cTBRegEx;
-class cTBString: public cTBShared {
- uint m_StringLen;
- /* Unhide and forbid baseclass method */
- virtual void Set (const cTBShared &src) {}
- cTBString ();
- cTBString (const cTBString &src);
- cTBString (const uchar *src);
- cTBString (const char *src);
- cTBString (char src);
- virtual ~cTBString ();
- static const cTBString Null;
- void Clear ();
- void Set (const cTBString &String);
- void Set (const uchar *String);
- void Set (const char *String);
- void Set (char Character);
- void Fill (char Character, int Length = -1);
- void Release (uint newsize);
- cTBString &operator= (const cTBString &src) { Set(src); return *this; }
- cTBString &operator= (const char *src) { Set(src); return *this; }
- cTBString &operator= (char src) { Set(src); return *this; }
- void Append (const cTBString &src);
- void Append (const char *src);
- void Append (char src);
- friend cTBString operator+ (const cTBString &a, const cTBString &b);
- friend cTBString operator+ (const cTBString &a, const char *b);
- friend cTBString operator+ (const char *a, const cTBString &b);
- friend cTBString operator+ (const cTBString &a, char b);
- friend cTBString operator+ (char a, const cTBString &b);
- friend cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, const cTBString &b);
- friend cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, const char *b);
- friend cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, char b);
- void Prepend (const cTBString &src);
- void Prepend (const char *src);
- void Prepend (char src);
- void Insert (uint Index, const cTBString &src);
- void Insert (uint Index, const char *src);
- void Insert (uint Index, char src);
- char At (uint i) const;
- char operator[] (int i) const { return At((uint)i); }
- char &At (uint i);
- char &operator[] (int i) { return At(i); }
- cTBString Left (uint Count) const;
- cTBString Right (uint Count) const;
- cTBString Mid (int idx, int Count = -1) const;
- int Find (const cTBString &String, uint Offset = 0) const;
- int Find (const char *String, uint Offset = 0) const;
- int Find (char Character, uint Offset = 0) const;
- bool Find (cTBRegEx &Regex, uint Offset = 0) const;
- void Format (const char *fmt, ...)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))
- ;
- void Format (const cTBString &fmt, ...);
- typedef int(*TOFUNC)(int);
- template<TOFUNC F> cTBString ToAnything(void) const;
- cTBString ToUpper (void) const { return ToAnything<toupper>(); }
- cTBString ToLower (void) const { return ToAnything<tolower>(); }
- typedef int(*ISFUNC)(int);
- template<ISFUNC F> bool IsAnything(void) const;
- bool IsAlnum(void) const { return IsAnything<isalnum>(); }
- bool IsAlpha(void) const { return IsAnything<isalpha>(); }
- bool IsAscii(void) const { return IsAnything<isascii>(); }
- bool IsCntrl(void) const { return IsAnything<iscntrl>(); }
- bool IsDigit(void) const { return IsAnything<isdigit>(); }
- bool IsGraph(void) const { return IsAnything<isgraph>(); }
- bool IsLower(void) const { return IsAnything<islower>(); }
- bool IsPrint(void) const { return IsAnything<isprint>(); }
- bool IsPunct(void) const { return IsAnything<ispunct>(); }
- bool IsSpace(void) const { return IsAnything<isspace>(); }
- bool IsUpper(void) const { return IsAnything<isupper>(); }
- bool IsXdigit(void) const { return IsAnything<isxdigit>(); }
-#if defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
- bool IsBlank(void) const { return IsAnything<isblank>(); }
- uint Length (void) const { return m_StringLen; }
- bool IsEmpty (void) const { return m_StringLen == 0; }
- bool IsNull (void) const { return Buffer() == 0; }
- short ToShort(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- ushort ToUShort(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- int ToInt(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- uint ToUInt(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- long ToLong(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- ulong ToULong(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- float ToFloat(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- double ToDouble(bool *Ok = NULL) const;
- static cTBString Number(short Num);
- static cTBString Number(ushort Num);
- static cTBString Number(int Num);
- static cTBString Number(uint Num);
- static cTBString Number(long Num);
- static cTBString Number(ulong Num);
- static cTBString Number(float Num);
- static cTBString Number(double Num);
- friend bool operator== (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator== (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator== (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator!= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator!= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator!= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator< (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator< (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator< (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator> (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator> (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator> (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator<= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator<= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator<= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator>= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2);
- friend bool operator>= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2);
- friend bool operator>= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2);
-inline char cTBString::At(uint idx) const {
- ASSERT(idx >= m_StringLen);
- return Buffer() ? Buffer()[idx] : 0;
-inline char &cTBString::At(uint idx) {
- static char null = 0;
- ASSERT(idx >= m_StringLen);
- if (Buffer()) {
- Exclusive();
- return Buffer()[idx];
- } else
- return (null = 0);
-RETURNS(cTBString, operator+(const cTBString &a, const cTBString &b), ret(a))
- ret.Append(b);
-RETURNS(cTBString, operator+ (const cTBString &a, const char *b), ret(a))
- ret.Append(b);
-RETURNS(cTBString, operator+ (const char *a, const cTBString &b), ret(a))
- ret.Append(b);
-RETURNS(cTBString, operator+ (const cTBString &a, char b), ret(a))
- ret.Append(b);
-RETURNS(cTBString, operator+ (char a, const cTBString &b), ret(a))
- ret.Append(b);
-inline cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, const cTBString &b) {
- a.Append(b);
- return a;
-inline cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, const char *b) {
- a.Append(b);
- return a;
-inline cTBString &operator+= (cTBString &a, char b) {
- a.Append(b);
- return a;
-inline bool operator== (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- if (str1.Length() != str2.Length())
- return false;
- return memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length()) == 0;
-inline bool operator== (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- if (str1.Length() != len)
- return false;
- return memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, len) == 0;
-inline bool operator== (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- if (len != str2.Length())
- return false;
- return memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len) == 0;
-inline bool operator!= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- if (str1.Length() != str2.Length())
- return true;
- return memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length()) != 0;
-inline bool operator!= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- if (str1.Length() != len)
- return true;
- return memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, len) != 0;
-inline bool operator!= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- if (len != str2.Length())
- return true;
- return memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len) != 0;
-inline bool operator< (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length() < str2.Length() ? str1.Length() : str2.Length());
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() < str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator< (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, str1.Length() < len ? str1.Length() : len);
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() < len)))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator< (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- int ret = memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len < str2.Length() ? len : str2.Length());
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (len < str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator> (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length() < str2.Length() ? str1.Length() : str2.Length());
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() < str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator> (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, str1.Length() < len ? str1.Length() : len);
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() < len)))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator> (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- int ret = memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len < str2.Length() ? len : str2.Length());
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (len < str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator<= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length() < str2.Length() ? str1.Length() : str2.Length());
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() <= str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator<= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, str1.Length() < len ? str1.Length() : len);
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() <= len)))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator<= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- int ret = memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len < str2.Length() ? len : str2.Length());
- if ((ret < 0) || ((ret == 0) && (len <= str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator>= (const cTBString &str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2.Buffer(), str1.Length() < str2.Length() ? str1.Length() : str2.Length());
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() >= str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator>= (const cTBString &str1, const char *str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str2);
- int ret = memcmp(str1.Buffer(), str2, str1.Length() < len ? str1.Length() : len);
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (str1.Length() >= len)))
- return true;
- return false;
-inline bool operator>= (const char *str1, const cTBString &str2) {
- uint len = strlen(str1);
- int ret = memcmp(str1, str2.Buffer(), len < str2.Length() ? len : str2.Length());
- if ((ret > 0) || ((ret == 0) && (len >= str2.Length())))
- return true;
- return false;