path: root/cache.h
diff options
authorlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-06-18 16:41:02 +0000
committerlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-06-18 16:41:02 +0000
commitde602ae6486b181ec081749a510cfcf15c71c817 (patch)
treea6b7efe2b4ad29d6c88b588e8a9b0d7bbeff7c08 /cache.h
parent1d3cd38e88ae97dd6906f9818d52b9ef07bf057d (diff)
- reimplemented image cache (fixes segfaults and speeds up image loading)v0.0.6
- fixed a recursion wenn de-initializing ImageMagick (crashes on exit) - reverted the changes in ImageMagick-loader that concerned palettes (obviously some versions of ImageMagick are BROKEN!!! I am using 5.5.7 which works fine. Version 5.4.7 shows random errors) - reimplemented "Flush image cache" into the setup menu - included -lMagick into Makefile as a workaround for Debian (and others possibly) - fixed display of scrollbar
Diffstat (limited to 'cache.h')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index 1fd0811..3f48de8 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * $Id: cache.h,v 1.4 2004/06/16 18:46:50 lordjaxom Exp $
+ * $Id: cache.h,v 1.5 2004/06/18 16:08:11 lordjaxom Exp $
@@ -8,133 +8,38 @@
#include "common.h"
#include <vdr/tools.h>
-// template class generic cache
+class cText2SkinBitmap;
-template<class K,class D>
class cText2SkinCache {
- struct Item {
- K _key;
- D _data;
- time_t _lastUsed;
+ typedef string key_type;
+ typedef cText2SkinBitmap* data_type;
- Item *_next;
- Item *_prev;
+ typedef map<key_type,data_type> item_map;
+ typedef item_map::iterator item_iterator;
+ typedef vector<key_type> usage_list;
+ typedef usage_list::iterator usage_iterator;
- Item() { _next = _prev = NULL; }
- };
+ item_map mItems;
+ usage_list mUsage;
+ int mMaxItems;
- typedef map <K,Item*> DataMap;
- DataMap _items;
- int _maxItems;
- Item *_first;
- Item *_last;
- void Unlink(Item *item);
- void Update(Item *item);
- void Delete(Item *item);
- void Delete(K &key, D &data);
+ void Delete(const key_type &Key, data_type &Data);
- cText2SkinCache(int maxItems);
+ cText2SkinCache(int MaxItems);
+ void Reset(void);
void Flush(void);
- bool Contains(const K &key);
- D &operator[](const K &key);
+ bool Contains(const key_type &Key);
+ data_type &operator[](const key_type &Key);
+ uint Count(void) { return mItems.size(); }
-template<class K,class D>
-inline void cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Unlink(Item *item) {
- if (item == _first) {
- _first = item->_next;
- if (_first)
- _first->_prev = NULL;
- else
- _last = NULL;
- } else if (item == _last) {
- _last = item->_prev;
- _last->_next = NULL;
- } else {
- item->_prev->_next = item->_next;
- item->_next->_prev = item->_prev;
- }
-template<class K,class D>
-inline void cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Delete(Item *item) {
- Delete(item->_key, item->_data);
- delete item;
-template<class K,class D>
-inline void cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Update(Item *item) {
- item->_lastUsed = time_ms();
- if (item->_next != NULL || item->_prev != NULL)
- Unlink(item);
- item->_next = NULL;
- item->_prev = _last;
- if (_last)
- _last->_next = item;
- _last = item;
- if (!_first)
- _first = item;
- while ((int)_items.size() > _maxItems) {
- Item *aged = _first;
- _items.erase(aged->_key);
- Unlink(aged);
- Delete(aged);
- }
-template<class K,class D>
-inline bool cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Contains(const K &key) {
- return (_items.find(key) != _items.end());
-template<class K,class D>
-cText2SkinCache<K,D>::cText2SkinCache(int maxItems) {
- _maxItems = maxItems;
- _first = _last = NULL;
-template<class K,class D>
-cText2SkinCache<K,D>::~cText2SkinCache() {
- Flush();
-template<class K,class D>
-void cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Delete(K &key, D &Data) {
- abort();
-template<class K,class D>
-void cText2SkinCache<K,D>::Flush(void) {
- Item *cur = _first;
- while (cur) {
- Item *tmp = cur->_next;
- _items.erase(cur->_key);
- Unlink(cur);
- Delete(cur);
- cur = tmp;
- }
-template<class K,class D>
-D &cText2SkinCache<K,D>::operator[](const K &key) {
- Item *item;
- if (Contains(key)) {
- item = _items[key];
- } else {
- item = new Item;
- item->_key = key;
- _items[key] = item;
- }
- Update(item);
- return item->_data;
+inline bool cText2SkinCache::Contains(const key_type &Key) {
+ return mItems.find(Key) != mItems.end();