path: root/render.c
diff options
authorlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-06-05 18:06:22 +0000
committerlordjaxom <lordjaxom>2004-06-05 18:06:22 +0000
commit6094765d94e4caaf0813039dff826b731f277753 (patch)
treefed79334167f26d5a81a6cae9be3f1341375a36f /render.c
parente0c2ee1d37c0f213f22a04df71710bebe3526f85 (diff)
- added scrollable texts and "SymbolScrollUp" and "SymbolScrollDown"v0.0.1
- added "MenuText", "MenuEventTitle", "MenuEventShortText", "MenuEventDescription", "MenuEventTime", "MenuRecording", "SymbolEventRunning", "SymbolEventTimer" and "SymbolEventVPS" - implemented image caching - added english and german README - removed some workarounds, and added a patch to vdr to the tree (will be included in 1.3.10) - fixed two bugs when displaying replay symbols - implemented tabbed texts in menu
Diffstat (limited to 'render.c')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/render.c b/render.c
index 0437c84..b12b5e9 100644
--- a/render.c
+++ b/render.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * $Id: render.c,v 1.16 2004/06/02 20:43:05 lordjaxom Exp $
+ * $Id: render.c,v 1.19 2004/06/05 18:04:29 lordjaxom Exp $
#include "render.h"
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ cText2SkinRender::cText2SkinRender(cText2SkinData *Data, cText2SkinI18n *I18n, c
mTheme = Theme;
mSection = Section;
mOsd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(Setup.OSDLeft, Setup.OSDTop);
+ mScroller = NULL;
mChannel = NULL;
mChannelNumber = 0;
mVolumeCurrent = 0;
@@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ cText2SkinRender::cText2SkinRender(cText2SkinData *Data, cText2SkinI18n *I18n, c
mMenuEvent = NULL;
mMenuRecording = NULL;
mMenuTextFixedFont = false;
+ mMenuScroll = false;
+ mMenuScrollUp = false;
+ mMenuScrollPage = false;
cText2SkinData::tIterator it = Data->First(mSection);
for (; it != Data->Last(mSection); ++it) {
@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ cText2SkinRender::cText2SkinRender(cText2SkinData *Data, cText2SkinI18n *I18n, c
cText2SkinRender::~cText2SkinRender() {
+ delete mScroller;
delete mOsd;
@@ -143,6 +148,11 @@ void cText2SkinRender::Flush(void) {
case itemSymbolFastRew:
case itemSymbolSlowFwd:
case itemSymbolSlowRew:
+ case itemSymbolScrollUp:
+ case itemSymbolScrollDown:
+ case itemSymbolEventRunning:
+ case itemSymbolEventTimer:
+ case itemSymbolEventVPS:
DisplaySymbol(item); break;
case itemVolumebar:
DisplayVolumebar(item); break;
@@ -172,6 +182,18 @@ void cText2SkinRender::Flush(void) {
case itemMenuYellow:
case itemMenuBlue:
DisplayMenuColorbutton(item); break;
+ case itemMenuText:
+ DisplayMenuText(item); break;
+ case itemMenuEventTitle:
+ DisplayMenuEventTitle(item); break;
+ case itemMenuEventShortText:
+ DisplayMenuEventShortText(item); break;
+ case itemMenuEventDescription:
+ DisplayMenuEventDescription(item); break;
+ case itemMenuEventTime:
+ DisplayMenuEventTime(item); break;
+ case itemMenuRecording:
+ DisplayMenuRecording(item); break;
@@ -180,41 +202,39 @@ void cText2SkinRender::Flush(void) {
void cText2SkinRender::DrawBackground(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg, const string &Path) {
- bool image = false;
- cText2SkinBitmap bm;
+ cText2SkinBitmap *bmp = NULL;
if (Path != "") {
char *p;
asprintf(&p, "%s/%s/%s", SkinPath(), mData->Skin().c_str(), Path.c_str());
- if (bm.Load(p)) {
- if (Bg) bm.SetColor(0, *Bg);
- if (Fg) bm.SetColor(1, *Fg);
- image = true;
+ if ((bmp = cText2SkinBitmap::Load(p)) != NULL) {
+ if (Bg) bmp->SetColor(0, *Bg);
+ if (Fg) bmp->SetColor(1, *Fg);
- if (image)
- DrawBitmap(mOsd, Pos.x, Pos.y, bm);
+ if (bmp)
+ mOsd->DrawBitmap(Pos.x, Pos.y, *bmp);
mOsd->DrawRectangle(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.x + Size.w - 1, Pos.y + Size.h - 1, Bg ? *Bg : 0);
void cText2SkinRender::DrawImage(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg, const string &Path) {
- cText2SkinBitmap bm;
+ cText2SkinBitmap *bmp;
char *p;
asprintf(&p, "%s/%s/%s", SkinPath(), mData->Skin().c_str(), Path.c_str());
- printf("Trying to load image: %s\n", p);
- if (bm.Load(p)) {
- if (Bg) bm.SetColor(0, *Bg);
- if (Fg) bm.SetColor(1, *Fg);
+ Dprintf("Trying to load image: %s\n", p);
+ if ((bmp = cText2SkinBitmap::Load(p)) != NULL) {
+ if (Bg) bmp->SetColor(0, *Bg);
+ if (Fg) bmp->SetColor(1, *Fg);
//mOsd->DrawRectangle(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.x + Size.w - 1, Pos.y + Size.h - 1, bm.Color(0));
- DrawBitmap(mOsd, Pos.x, Pos.y, bm);
+ mOsd->DrawBitmap(Pos.x, Pos.y, *bmp);
void cText2SkinRender::DrawText(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, const tColor *Fg, const string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align) {
- DrawTextTransparent(mOsd, Pos.x, Pos.y, Text.c_str(), Fg ? *Fg : 0, 0, Font, Size.w, Size.h, Align);
+ mOsd->DrawText(Pos.x, Pos.y, Text.c_str(), Fg ? *Fg : 0, 0, Font, Size.w, Size.h, Align);
void cText2SkinRender::DrawRectangle(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, const tColor *Fg) {
@@ -300,6 +320,15 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DrawMark(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, bool Start,
+void cText2SkinRender::DrawScrollText(const POINT &Pos, const SIZE &Size, const tColor *Fg, const string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align) {
+ if (mScroller == NULL)
+ mScroller = new cTextScroller(mOsd, Pos.x, Pos.y, Size.w, Size.h, Text.c_str(), Font, Fg ? *Fg : 0, clrTransparent);
+ else if (mMenuScroll) {
+ mScroller->Scroll(mMenuScrollUp, mMenuScrollPage);
+ mMenuScroll = false;
+ }
void cText2SkinRender::DisplayBackground(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
DrawBackground(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemBg(Item), ItemFg(Item), Item->Path());
@@ -315,13 +344,13 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DisplayLanguage(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
int current;
const char **tracks = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetAudioTracks(&current);
if (Item->Path() != "" && Item->Type() != "" && tracks) {
- printf("Languages: ");
+ Dprintf("Languages: ");
int i = 0;
while (tracks[i]) {
- printf("%s%s, ", tracks[i], i == current ? " (current)" : "");
+ Dprintf("%s%s, ", tracks[i], i == current ? " (current)" : "");
- printf("\n");
+ Dprintf("\n");
if (current < i) {
string path = Item->Path() + "/" + tracks[current] + "." + Item->Type();
DrawImage(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemBg(Item), ItemFg(Item), path);
@@ -444,22 +473,45 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DisplaySymbol(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
- } else if (mSection == sectionReplay) {
+ } else if (mSection == sectionReplay || mSection == sectionReplayMode) {
switch (Item->Item()) {
- case itemSymbolPlay:
- image = (mReplaySpeed == -1 && mReplayPlay) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
- case itemSymbolPause:
- image = (mReplaySpeed == -1 && !mReplayPlay) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
- case itemSymbolFastFwd:
- image = (mReplayPlay && mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
- case itemSymbolFastRew:
- image = (mReplayPlay && !mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
- case itemSymbolSlowFwd:
- image = (!mReplayPlay && mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
- case itemSymbolSlowRew:
- image = (!mReplayPlay && !mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolPlay:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed == -1 && mReplayPlay) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolPause:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed == -1 && !mReplayPlay) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolFastFwd:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed != -1 && mReplayPlay && mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolFastRew:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed != -1 && mReplayPlay && !mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolSlowFwd:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed != -1 && !mReplayPlay && mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolSlowRew:
+ image = (mReplaySpeed != -1 && !mReplayPlay && !mReplayForward) ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (mSection == sectionMenu) {
+ if (mScroller) {
+ switch (Item->Item()) {
+ case itemSymbolScrollUp:
+ image = mScroller->CanScrollUp() ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolScrollDown:
+ image = mScroller->CanScrollDown() ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mMenuEvent) {
+ switch (Item->Item()) {
+ case itemSymbolEventRunning:
+ image = mMenuEvent->IsRunning() ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolEventTimer:
+ image = mMenuEvent->HasTimer() ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ case itemSymbolEventVPS:
+ image = mMenuEvent->Vps() > 0 ? Item->Path() : Item->AltPath(); break;
+ }
if (image != "")
@@ -543,21 +595,26 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuItems(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
int index = 0;
while (yoffs < area->Pos().y + area->Size().h && index < (int)mMenuItems.size()) {
- if (index == mMenuCurrent) {
- POINT pt = { xoffs, yoffs };
- if (current->Pos().x != -1)
- pt.x += current->Pos().x;
- if (current->Pos().y != -1)
- pt.y += current->Pos().y;
- SIZE size = { current->Size().w, current->Size().h };
- if (ItemBg(current))
- DrawRectangle(pt, size, ItemBg(current));
- DrawText(pt, size, ItemFg(current), mMenuItems[index].name.c_str(), current->Font(), current->Align());
- } else {
- POINT pt = { xoffs + Item->Pos().x, yoffs + Item->Pos().y };
- SIZE size = { Item->Size().w, Item->Size().h };
- DrawText(pt, size, ItemFg(Item), mMenuItems[index].name.c_str(), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+ cText2SkinItem *item = (index == mMenuCurrent) ? current : Item;
+ POINT pt = { xoffs, yoffs };
+ SIZE size = item->Size();
+ if (item->Pos().x != -1)
+ pt.x += item->Pos().x;
+ if (item->Pos().y != -1)
+ pt.y += item->Pos().y;
+ if (ItemBg(item))
+ DrawRectangle(pt, size, ItemBg(item));
+ for (int i = 0; i < cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs; ++i) {
+ if (mMenuItems[index].tabs[i] != "") {
+ POINT pt2 = { pt.x + mMenuTabs[i], pt.y };
+ SIZE sz = { size.w - mMenuTabs[i], size.h };
+ DrawText(pt2, sz, ItemFg(item), mMenuItems[index].tabs[i], item->Font(), item->Align());
+ }
+ if (!mMenuTabs[i + 1])
+ break;
yoffs += Item->Size().h;
@@ -585,6 +642,40 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuColorbutton(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
DrawText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, text), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuText(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuText != "")
+ DrawScrollText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, mMenuText), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+ else
+ DELETENULL(mScroller);
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuEventTitle(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuEvent && mMenuEvent->Title())
+ DrawText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, mMenuEvent->Title()), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuEventShortText(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuEvent && mMenuEvent->ShortText())
+ DrawText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, mMenuEvent->ShortText()), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuEventDescription(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuEvent && mMenuEvent->Description())
+ DrawScrollText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, mMenuEvent->Description()), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuEventTime(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuEvent) {
+ const char *text = DayDateTime(mMenuEvent->StartTime());
+ DrawText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, text + 10), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
+ }
+void cText2SkinRender::DisplayMenuRecording(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
+ if (mMenuRecording)
+ DrawScrollText(Item->Pos(), Item->Size(), ItemFg(Item), ItemText(Item, mMenuRecording->Summary()), Item->Font(), Item->Align());
string cText2SkinRender::ItemText(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
return mI18n ? mI18n->Translate(Item->Text()) : Item->Text();
@@ -624,3 +715,12 @@ tColor *cText2SkinRender::ItemBg(cText2SkinItem *Item) {
return NULL;
return &Bg;
+int cText2SkinRender::GetEditableWidth(MenuItem Item, bool Current) {
+ cText2SkinItem *current;
+ if (Current)
+ current = mData->Get(sectionMenu, itemMenuCurrent);
+ else
+ current = mData->Get(sectionMenu, itemMenuItem);
+ return current->Size().w - mMenuTabs[1];