diff options
8 files changed, 297 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 90fbcfe..20142fe 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
VDR Plugin 'text2skin' Revision History
+2007-05-06: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.10a (text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.10a.diff)
+- increased efficiency in drawing list items in the main menu
+- introduce relative Pos and Size of objects to given BasePos, BaseSize
+ (used to draw list items)
2006-12-03: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.10 (vdr-text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.10.diff)
- set EditableWidth. This is important for plugins like 'rotor' or
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4591578..625d43e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ ifdef DEBUG
CXXFLAGS += -g -fno-inline
- CXXFLAGS += -O2 -g
ifdef BENCH
diff --git a/display.c b/display.c
index 9960eac..8c03c12 100644
--- a/display.c
+++ b/display.c
@@ -962,11 +962,8 @@ cxType cText2SkinDisplayMenu::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token)
switch (Token.Type) {
case tMenuItem:
case tMenuGroup:
- if (Token.Index < 0) return false;
case tMenuCurrent:
- if (Token.Index >= 0 && Token.Tab == -1) return false;
if (Token.Tab >= 0) return false;
@@ -977,38 +974,63 @@ cxType cText2SkinDisplayMenu::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token)
return mTitle;
case tMenuItem:
- return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel
- && mCurrentItem != (uint)Token.Index
- ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]
- : (cxType)false;
+ if (Token.Index < 0) return false;
+ if( mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || !mItems[Token.Index].sel ||
+ mCurrentItem == (uint)Token.Index )
+ return false;
+ if (Token.Tab < 0) {
+ return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber
+ ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number]
+ : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text;
+ }
+ return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab];
case tIsMenuItem:
return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel
&& mCurrentItem != (uint)Token.Index;
case tMenuCurrent:
+ if(mItems.size() <= mCurrentItem)
+ return false;
if (Token.Index < 0) {
- if (mItems.size() > mCurrentItem)
- return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber
- ? (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number]
- : (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].text;
- else
- return false;
+ return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber
+ ? (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number]
+ : (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].text;
- return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel
- && mCurrentItem == (uint)Token.Index
- ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]
- : (cxType)false;
+ if( mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || !mItems[Token.Index].sel ||
+ mCurrentItem != (uint)Token.Index )
+ return false;
+ if (Token.Tab < 0) {
+ return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber
+ ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number]
+ : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text;
+ }
+ return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab];
case tIsMenuCurrent:
return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel
&& mCurrentItem == (uint)Token.Index;
case tMenuGroup:
- return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && !mItems[Token.Index].sel
- ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]
- : (cxType)false;
+ if (Token.Index < 0) return false;
+ if( mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || mItems[Token.Index].sel)
+ return false;
+ if (Token.Tab < 0) {
+ return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber
+ ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number]
+ : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text;
+ }
+ return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab];
case tIsMenuGroup:
return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && !mItems[Token.Index].sel;
@@ -1417,17 +1439,7 @@ void cText2SkinDisplayTracks::SetAudioChannel(int AudioChannel)
cxType cText2SkinDisplayTracks::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token)
- switch (Token.Type) {
- case tMenuItem:
- if (Token.Index < 0) return false;
- case tMenuCurrent:
- if (Token.Index >= 0 && Token.Tab == -1) return false;
- break;
- default:
- if (Token.Tab >= 0) return false;
- break;
- }
+ if (Token.Tab >= 0) return false;
int index = Token.Index;
if (index >= 0 && mCurrentItem >= (uint)mMaxItems) {
@@ -1440,17 +1452,28 @@ cxType cText2SkinDisplayTracks::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token)
return mTitle;
case tMenuItem:
- return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem != (uint)index
- ? (cxType)mItems[index]
- : (cxType)false;
+ if (index < 0) return false;
+ if( mItems.size() <= (uint)index || mCurrentItem == (uint)index )
+ return false;
+ return (cxType)mItems[index];
case tIsMenuItem:
return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem != (uint)index;
case tMenuCurrent:
- return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem == (uint)index
- ? (cxType)mItems[index]
- : (cxType)false;
+ if(mItems.size() <= mCurrentItem)
+ return false;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ return (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem];
+ }
+ if( mItems.size() <= (uint)index || mCurrentItem != (uint)index )
+ return false;
+ return (cxType)mItems[index];
case tIsMenuCurrent:
return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem == (uint)index;
diff --git a/render.c b/render.c
index 87df8a3..b300f9e 100644
--- a/render.c
+++ b/render.c
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ cText2SkinRender::cText2SkinRender(cText2SkinLoader *Loader, cxDisplay::eType Di
- mBaseSize()
+ mBaseSize(),
+ mTabScale(1.0),
+ mTabScaleSet(false)
if (mDisplay == NULL) {
esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: display for %s missing", cxDisplay::GetType(Display).c_str());
@@ -163,188 +165,113 @@ void cText2SkinRender::Update(void)
//printf("====\t%d\n", mDisplay->Objects());
-void cText2SkinRender::DrawObject(const cxObject *Object)
+void cText2SkinRender::DrawObject( cxObject *Object,
+ const txPoint &BaseOffset /*=txPoint(-1,-1)*/,
+ const txSize &BaseSize /*=txPoint(-1,-1)*/,
+ int ListItem /*=-1*/ )
if (Object->Condition() != NULL && !Object->Condition()->Evaluate())
+ txPoint pos;
+ txSize size;
+ pos = Object->Pos(BaseOffset, BaseSize);
+ size = Object->Size(BaseOffset, BaseSize);
switch (Object->Type()) {
case cxObject::image:
- DrawImage(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Bg(), Object->Fg(), Object->Mask(),
+ DrawImage(pos, size, Object->Bg(), Object->Fg(), Object->Mask(),
Object->Alpha(), Object->Colors(), Object->Path());
case cxObject::text:
- DrawText(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
- Object->Align());
+ if( ListItem >= 0 && Object->Display()->Type() == cxDisplay::menu )
+ DrawItemText( Object, ListItem, pos, BaseSize );
+ else
+ DrawText(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
+ Object->Align());
case cxObject::marquee:
- DrawMarquee(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
- Object->Align(), Object->Delay(), Object->Index());
+ if( ListItem >= 0 && Object->Display()->Type() == cxDisplay::menu )
+ DrawItemText( Object, ListItem, pos, BaseSize );
+ else
+ DrawMarquee(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
+ Object->Align(), Object->Delay(), Object->Index());
case cxObject::blink:
- DrawBlink(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Bg(), Object->Text(),
- Object->Font(), Object->Align(), Object->Delay(), Object->Index());
+ if( ListItem >= 0 && Object->Display()->Type() == cxDisplay::menu )
+ DrawItemText( Object, ListItem, pos, BaseSize );
+ else
+ DrawBlink(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Bg(), Object->Text(),
+ Object->Font(), Object->Align(), Object->Delay(),
+ Object->Index());
case cxObject::rectangle:
- DrawRectangle(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg());
+ DrawRectangle(pos, size, Object->Fg());
case cxObject::ellipse:
- DrawEllipse(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Arc());
+ DrawEllipse(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Arc());
case cxObject::slope:
- DrawSlope(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Arc());
+ DrawSlope(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Arc());
case cxObject::progress:
- DrawProgressbar(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Current(), Object->Total(),
+ DrawProgressbar(pos, size, Object->Current(), Object->Total(),
Object->Bg(), Object->Fg(), Object->Keep(), Object->Mark(),
Object->Active(), GetMarks());
case cxObject::scrolltext:
- DrawScrolltext(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
+ DrawScrolltext(pos, size, Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
case cxObject::scrollbar:
- DrawScrollbar(Object->Pos(), Object->Size(), Object->Bg(), Object->Fg());
+ DrawScrollbar(pos, size, Object->Bg(), Object->Fg());
case cxObject::block:
for (uint i = 0; i < Object->Objects(); ++i)
- DrawObject(Object->GetObject(i));
+ DrawObject(Object->GetObject(i), pos, size, ListItem );
- case cxObject::list: {
- const cxObject *item = Object->GetObject(0);
- if (item && item->Type() == cxObject::item) {
- txSize areasize = Object->Size();
- uint itemheight = item->Size().h;
- uint maxitems = areasize.h / itemheight;
- uint yoffset = 0;
- bool initialEditableWidthSet = false;
- mMenuScrollbar.maxItems = maxitems;
- SetMaxItems(maxitems); //Dprintf("setmaxitems %d\n", maxitems);
- for (uint i = 0; i < maxitems; ++i, yoffset += itemheight) {
- for (uint j = 1; j < Object->Objects(); ++j) {
- const cxObject *o = Object->GetObject(j);
- int maxtabs = 1;
- if (o->Display()->Type() == cxDisplay::menu)
- maxtabs = cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs;
- for (int t = -1; t < maxtabs; ++t) {
- if (!HasTabText(i, t))
- continue;
- int thistab = GetTab(t);
- int nexttab = GetTab(t + 1);
- cxObject obj(*o);
- obj.SetListIndex(i, t);
- if (obj.Condition() != NULL && !obj.Condition()->Evaluate())
- continue;
- obj.mPos1.x += Object->mPos1.x + (t >= 0 ? thistab : 0);
- obj.mPos1.y += Object->mPos1.y + yoffset;
- // get end position
- if (t >= 0 && nexttab > 0) {
- // there is a "next tab".. see if it contains text
- int n = t + 1;
- while (n < cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs && !HasTabText(i, n))
- ++n;
- nexttab = GetTab(n);
- }
- // set initial EditableWidth
- // this is for plugins like 'extrecmenu' and 'rotor'
- if ((obj.Type() == cxObject::text || obj.Type() == cxObject::marquee || obj.Type() == cxObject::blink) && !initialEditableWidthSet) {
- initialEditableWidthSet = true;
- SetEditableWidth(obj.Size().w);
- }
- if (t >= 0 && nexttab > 0 && nexttab < obj.mPos1.x + obj.Size().w - 1)
- // there is a "next tab" with text
- obj.mPos2.x = Object->mPos1.x + o->mPos1.x + nexttab;
- else {
- // there is no "next tab", use the rightmost edge
- obj.mPos2.x += Object->mPos1.x;
- /* not used anymore due to change to fontOsd
- but could be usefull if someone uses a differnt font
- if ((obj.Type() == cxObject::text || obj.Type() == cxObject::marquee || obj.Type() == cxObject::blink) && t == 1) {
- // VDR assumes, that the font in the menu is fontOsd,
- // so the EditableWidth is not necessarily correct
- // for TTF
- const cFont *defFont = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- const char *dummy = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ";
- int editableWidth = obj.Size().w;
- if (defFont != obj.Font())
- editableWidth = (int)(editableWidth * defFont->Width(dummy) / (1.1 * obj.Font()->Width(dummy)));
- SetEditableWidth(editableWidth);
- } */
- if ((obj.Type() == cxObject::text || obj.Type() == cxObject::marquee || obj.Type() == cxObject::blink) && t == 1)
- SetEditableWidth(obj.Size().w);
- }
- obj.mPos2.y += Object->mPos1.y + yoffset;
- std::string text = obj.Text();
- bool isprogress = false;
- if (text.length() > 5
- && text[0] == '[' && text[text.length() - 1] == ']') {
- const char *p = text.c_str() + 1;
- isprogress = true;
- for (; *p != ']'; ++p) {
- if (*p != ' ' && *p != '|') {
- isprogress = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (isprogress) {
- //Dprintf("detected progress bar tab\n");
- if (obj.Condition() == NULL || obj.Condition()->Evaluate()) {
- int total = text.length() - 2;
- int current = 0;
- const char *p = text.c_str() + 1;
- while (*p == '|')
- (++current, ++p);
- txPoint pos = obj.Pos();
- txSize size = obj.Size();
- DrawRectangle(txPoint(pos.x, pos.y + 4),
- txSize(size.w, 2), obj.Fg());
- DrawRectangle(txPoint(pos.x, pos.y + 4),
- txSize(2, size.h - 8), obj.Fg());
- DrawRectangle(txPoint(pos.x, pos.y + size.h - 6),
- txSize(size.w, 2), obj.Fg());
- DrawRectangle(txPoint(pos.x + size.w - 2, pos.y + 4),
- txSize(2, size.h - 8), obj.Fg());
- pos.x += 4;
- pos.y += 8;
- size.w -= 8;
- size.h -= 16;
- DrawProgressbar(pos, size, current, total, obj.Bg(),
- obj.Fg(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- } else
- DrawObject(&obj);
- }
- }
+ case cxObject::list:{
+ cxObject *item = Object->GetObject(0);
+ if (item && item->Type() == cxObject::item) {
+ txSize itemsize = item->Size(pos, size);
+ txPoint itempos = pos;
+ itemsize.w = size.w;
+ uint maxitems = size.h / itemsize.h;
+ mMenuScrollbar.maxItems = maxitems;
+ SetMaxItems(maxitems); //Dprintf("setmaxitems %d\n", maxitems);
+ uint index = 0;
+ // draw list items
+ for (uint i = 0; i < maxitems; ++i) {
+ if (!HasTabText(i, -1))
+ continue;
+ Dbench(item);
+ index = i;
+ itempos.y = pos.y + index * itemsize.h;
+ for (uint j = 1; j < Object->Objects(); ++j) {
+ item = Object->GetObject(j);
+ item->SetListIndex( index, -1 );
+ DrawObject( item, itempos, itemsize, index );
+ Ddiff( "draw item", item );
+ }
case cxObject::item:
@@ -354,6 +281,138 @@ void cText2SkinRender::DrawObject(const cxObject *Object)
+void cText2SkinRender::DrawItemText(cxObject *Object, int i, const txPoint &ListOffset, const txSize &ListSize)
+ bool initialEditableWidthSet = false;
+ int maxtabs = cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs;
+ txPoint Pos = ListOffset;
+ txSize BaseSize = Object->Size(ListOffset, ListSize);
+ txSize Size = BaseSize;
+ if( !mTabScaleSet ) {
+ // VDR assumes, that the font in the menu is fontOsd,
+ // so the tab width is not necessarily correct
+ // for TTF
+ const cFont *defFont = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
+ const char *dummy = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ";
+ if( defFont != Object->Font() )
+ mTabScale = 1.05 * (float)Object->Font()->Width(dummy) / (float)defFont->Width(dummy);
+ mTabScaleSet = true;
+ }
+ // loop over tabs
+ for (int t = 0; t < maxtabs; ++t) {
+ if (!HasTabText(i, t))
+ continue;
+ int thistab = (int)(mTabScale * GetTab(t));
+ int nexttab = (int)(mTabScale * GetTab(t + 1));
+ Object->SetListIndex(i, t);
+ //if (Object.Condition() != NULL && !Object.Condition()->Evaluate())
+ // continue;
+ // set initial EditableWidth
+ // this is for plugins like 'extrecmenu' and 'rotor'
+ if ( !initialEditableWidthSet ) {
+ initialEditableWidthSet = true;
+ SetEditableWidth((int)(Size.w / mTabScale));
+ }
+ // Start position of the tab
+ Pos.x = ListOffset.x + (t >= 0 ? thistab : 0);
+ // get end position
+ if (t >= 0 && nexttab > 0) {
+ // there is a "next tab".. see if it contains text
+ int n = t + 1;
+ while (n < cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs && !HasTabText(i, n))
+ ++n;
+ nexttab = (int)(mTabScale * GetTab(n));
+ }
+ if (t >= 0 && nexttab > 0 && nexttab < BaseSize.w - 1)
+ // there is a "next tab" with text
+ Size.w = nexttab - thistab;
+ else {
+ // there is no "next tab", use the rightmost edge
+ Size.w = BaseSize.w - thistab;
+ if ( t == 1)
+ SetEditableWidth((int)(Size.w / mTabScale));
+ }
+ // Does the current tab contain a text-progress bar?
+ std::string text = Object->Text();
+ bool isprogress = false;
+ if (text.length() > 5 && text[0] == '[' && text[text.length() - 1] == ']') {
+ const char *p = text.c_str() + 1;
+ isprogress = true;
+ for (; *p != ']'; ++p) {
+ if (*p != ' ' && *p != '|') {
+ isprogress = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isprogress) {
+ //Dprintf("detected progress bar tab\n");
+ int total = text.length() - 2;
+ int current = 0;
+ const char *p = text.c_str() + 1;
+ while (*p == '|')
+ (++current, ++p);
+ txPoint prog_pos = Pos;
+ txSize prog_size = Size;
+ DrawRectangle(txPoint(prog_pos.x, prog_pos.y + 4),
+ txSize(prog_size.w, 2), Object->Fg());
+ DrawRectangle(txPoint(prog_pos.x, prog_pos.y + 4),
+ txSize(2, prog_size.h - 8), Object->Fg());
+ DrawRectangle(txPoint(prog_pos.x, prog_pos.y + prog_size.h - 6),
+ txSize(prog_size.w, 2), Object->Fg());
+ DrawRectangle(txPoint(prog_pos.x + prog_size.w - 2, prog_pos.y + 4),
+ txSize(2, prog_size.h - 8), Object->Fg());
+ prog_pos.x += 4;
+ prog_pos.y += 8;
+ prog_size.w -= 8;
+ prog_size.h -= 16;
+ DrawProgressbar(prog_pos, prog_size, current, total, Object->Bg(),
+ Object->Fg(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ } else {
+ switch (Object->Type()) {
+ case cxObject::text:
+ DrawText(Pos, Size, Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
+ Object->Align());
+ break;
+ case cxObject::marquee:
+ DrawMarquee(Pos, Size, Object->Fg(), Object->Text(), Object->Font(),
+ Object->Align(), Object->Delay(), Object->Index());
+ break;
+ case cxObject::blink:
+ DrawBlink(Pos, Size, Object->Fg(), Object->Bg(), Object->Text(),
+ Object->Font(), Object->Align(), Object->Delay(), Object->Index());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
void cText2SkinRender::DrawImage(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg,
const tColor *Fg, const tColor *Mask, int Alpha, int Colors,
const std::string &Path)
diff --git a/render.h b/render.h
index cee31ab..c51bed7 100644
--- a/render.h
+++ b/render.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class cText2SkinRender: public cThread {
friend class cText2SkinDisplayReplay;
friend class cText2SkinDisplayMessage;
friend class cText2SkinDisplayMenu;
+ friend class cText2SkinDisplayTracks;
friend class cText2SkinStatus;
@@ -75,6 +76,10 @@ private:
typedef std::map<uint,tState> tStates;
tStates mStates;
+ // scalefactor for tabs in the menu list
+ float mTabScale;
+ bool mTabScaleSet;
// Update thread
@@ -83,7 +88,11 @@ protected:
virtual void Action(void);
// Drawing operations
- void DrawObject(const cxObject *Object);
+ void DrawObject(cxObject *Object, const txPoint &BaseOffset=txPoint(-1,-1),
+ const txSize &BaseSize=txSize(-1,-1),
+ int ListItem=-1 );
+ void DrawItemText(cxObject *o, int i, const txPoint &ListOffset, const txSize &ListSize);
void DrawBackground(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg,
int Alpha, const std::string &Path);
void DrawImage(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg,
diff --git a/xml/display.h b/xml/display.h
index 319cc7e..a9b2080 100644
--- a/xml/display.h
+++ b/xml/display.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
cxSkin *Skin(void) const { return mSkin; }
uint Objects(void) const { return mObjects.size(); }
- const cxObject *GetObject(int n) const { return mObjects[n]; }
+ cxObject *GetObject(int n) const { return mObjects[n]; }
class cxDisplays: public std::map<cxDisplay::eType,cxDisplay*> {
diff --git a/xml/object.c b/xml/object.c
index c63c2ea..81dc854 100644
--- a/xml/object.c
+++ b/xml/object.c
@@ -155,18 +155,25 @@ const cFont *cxObject::Font(void) const
return cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
-txPoint cxObject::Pos(void) const
+txPoint cxObject::Pos(const txPoint &BaseOffset, const txSize &BaseSize) const
- return txPoint(mSkin->BaseOffset().x + (mPos1.x < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().w + mPos1.x : mPos1.x),
- mSkin->BaseOffset().y + (mPos1.y < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().h + mPos1.y : mPos1.y));
+ txPoint bOffset = BaseOffset.x < 0 ? mSkin->BaseOffset() : BaseOffset;
+ txSize bSize = BaseSize.w < 0 ? mSkin->BaseSize() : BaseSize;
+ return txPoint(bOffset.x + (mPos1.x < 0 ? bSize.w + mPos1.x : mPos1.x),
+ bOffset.y + (mPos1.y < 0 ? bSize.h + mPos1.y : mPos1.y));
-txSize cxObject::Size(void) const
+txSize cxObject::Size(const txPoint &BaseOffset, const txSize &BaseSize) const
- txPoint p1(mSkin->BaseOffset().x + (mPos1.x < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().w + mPos1.x : mPos1.x),
- mSkin->BaseOffset().y + (mPos1.y < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().h + mPos1.y : mPos1.y));
- txPoint p2(mSkin->BaseOffset().x + (mPos2.x < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().w + mPos2.x : mPos2.x),
- mSkin->BaseOffset().y + (mPos2.y < 0 ? Skin()->BaseSize().h + mPos2.y : mPos2.y));
+ txPoint bOffset = BaseOffset.x < 0 ? mSkin->BaseOffset() : BaseOffset;
+ txSize bSize = BaseSize.w < 0 ? mSkin->BaseSize() : BaseSize;
+ txPoint p1(bOffset.x + (mPos1.x < 0 ? bSize.w + mPos1.x : mPos1.x),
+ bOffset.y + (mPos1.y < 0 ? bSize.h + mPos1.y : mPos1.y));
+ txPoint p2(bOffset.x + (mPos2.x < 0 ? bSize.w + mPos2.x : mPos2.x),
+ bOffset.y + (mPos2.y < 0 ? bSize.h + mPos2.y : mPos2.y));
return txSize(p2.x - p1.x + 1, p2.y - p1.y + 1);
diff --git a/xml/object.h b/xml/object.h
index bbc37a0..603019f 100644
--- a/xml/object.h
+++ b/xml/object.h
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public:
#define __COUNT_OBJECT__ (item + 1)
cxDisplay *mDisplay;
cxSkin *mSkin;
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ public:
cxSkin *Skin(void) const { return mSkin; }
const std::string &TypeName(void) const;
- txPoint Pos(void) const;
- txSize Size(void) const;
+ txPoint Pos(const txPoint &BaseOffset=txPoint(-1,-1), const txSize &BaseSize=txSize(-1,-1)) const;
+ txSize Size(const txPoint &BaseOffset=txPoint(-1,-1), const txSize &BaseSize=txSize(-1,-1)) const;
const cFont *Font(void) const;
const tColor *Fg(void) const;
const tColor *Bg(void) const;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:
const tColor *Keep(void) const;
uint Objects(void) const;
- const cxObject *GetObject(uint Index) const;
+ cxObject *GetObject(uint Index) const;
class cxObjects: public std::vector<cxObject*> {
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ inline uint cxObject::Objects(void) const
return mObjects ? mObjects->size() : 0;
-inline const cxObject *cxObject::GetObject(uint Index) const
+inline cxObject *cxObject::GetObject(uint Index) const
return mObjects ? (*mObjects)[Index] : NULL;