path: root/Makefile
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-05-24Detach STRIP from DEBUG flag (thx Tobias Grimm).Frank Neumann
2017-05-22Purge DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES, permanently enabled with t2s-rerunandtab.diff.Frank Neumann
2017-05-21Commit t2s_rerunandtab.diff (thx Neumann
2012-03-28Make overloaded-virtual an error in default CXXFLAGS.Ville Skyttä
2011-03-20Fix dist *.po dependencies.Ville Skyttä
2011-03-20Use LDFLAGS, make dist depend on up to date *.po.Ville Skyttä
2010-08-29Don't use msgmerge --lang.Ville Skyttä
2010-08-29Populate "Language" po header.Ville Skyttä
2010-08-29Pass package name and version to xgettext.Ville Skyttä
2010-08-29Update msgid bugs address.Ville Skyttä
2010-08-27Remove CVS keywords.Ville Skyttä
2010-02-28Makefile adjustments for VDR 1.7.13.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-14Ensure only one image library is used.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-13Add support for building with GraphicsMagick.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-13Interface/preprocessor directive cleanups.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-13Compile internal image quantizing code only in Imlib2 builds.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-13Replace internal freetype font handling with VDR's font facilities.Ville Skyttä
2009-07-09Use pkg-config for finding FreeType and Imlib2.Ville Skyttä
2009-06-21Removed backward compatibility to VDR < 1.6.0 (closes #137)Thomas Günther
2009-06-15Allow overriding 'strip' executable to use in debug builds.Ville Skyttä
2009-06-06Added chr13-optimizations (thanks to Christian Tusche / closes #39)Christian Tusche
2009-06-06Added brougs78-extensions (thanks to Andreas Brugger / references #39)Andreas Brugger
2009-06-042007-05-06: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.10a (text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.10a.diff)Christian Tusche
2009-06-032006-11-19: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.9a (vdr-text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.9a.diff)Andreas Brugger
2009-06-032006-11-19: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.9 (vdr-text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.9.diff)Andreas Brugger
2009-05-18Use pkg-configTobias Grimm
2009-05-16Locales for text2skin plug-in (VDR >= 1.5.7, skins + locale patch).Thomas Günther
2005-01-27- fixed some issues when using buggy compilerslordjaxom
2005-01-05- removed old documentationlordjaxom
2004-12-28- moved marquee into rendererlordjaxom
2004-12-19Initial revisionlordjaxom
2004-07-14- fixed display of scrollbar if there is no text presentv0.0.8lordjaxom
2004-06-25- on devices capable of full-color OSD, bpp's have no meaning anymorev0.0.7lordjaxom
2004-06-18- reimplemented image cache (fixes segfaults and speeds up image loading)v0.0.6lordjaxom
2004-06-16- fixed disappearing Scrolltext when Message was displayedv0.0.5lordjaxom
2004-06-13- added parameter alpha for imagesv0.0.4lordjaxom
2004-06-11- fixed VPSTime which was displayed on channels that didn't even have VPSv0.0.3lordjaxom
2004-06-07- fixed Timebar which sometimes displayed something beyond 100%v0.0.2lordjaxom
2004-06-05- added scrollable texts and "SymbolScrollUp" and "SymbolScrollDown"v0.0.1lordjaxom
2004-06-02- implemented image loading through ImageMagick (fixes crashes when runningv0.0.1-rc4lordjaxom
2004-06-01- fixed possible segfault when showing language logo (happened when channelv0.0.1-rc3lordjaxom
2004-05-31- "Background" may be initialized with a color nowv0.0.1-rc1lordjaxom
2004-05-23- Initial revision.v0.0.1-pre1lordjaxom