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-\section{cDlna Class Reference}
-{\tt \#include $<$dlna.h$>$}
-Collaboration diagram for cDlna:\nopagebreak
-\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
-const char $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_a7ae0cc7b651bc6ccd82ef5da527d09a}{getDeviceDescription} (const char $\ast$URLBase)
-void \hyperlink{classcDlna_0250d3903e7dcbdc8ebadfacd4e6fb50}{registerProfile} (\hyperlink{structDLNAProfile}{DLNAProfile} $\ast$Profile, int Op=-1, const char $\ast$Ps=NULL, int Ci=-1, unsigned int Flags=0)
-void \hyperlink{classcDlna_e26b723ec63a60f397ce41bd95641dfa}{registerMainProfiles} ()
-const char $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_68a9565f022c7037c51ad337274d8c3a}{getSupportedProtocols} ()
-const char $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_992777f6c75dadd61bed6a75e03f1dfd}{getProtocolInfo} (\hyperlink{structDLNAProfile}{DLNAProfile} $\ast$Prof)
-\hyperlink{structDLNAProfile}{DLNAProfile} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_4eacc299d19fa20beba98d88d4230388}{getProfileOfChannel} (cChannel $\ast$Channel)
-\hyperlink{structDLNAProfile}{DLNAProfile} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_69dc71fe30130cafa399bb851ef5def8}{getProfileOfRecording} (cRecording $\ast$Recording)
-\hyperlink{structDLNAProfile}{DLNAProfile} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_4b5c30f707060b66c3980af70b7d8d08}{getProfileOfFile} (cString File)
-\subsection*{Static Public Member Functions}
-static \hyperlink{classcDlna}{cDlna} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcDlna_1e30449831b903d508dae6640039fc25}{getInstance} (void)
-class \hyperlink{classcDlna_02ebb94fd2cdff4bfb2da3267446d62b}{cUPnPServer}}
-\subsection{Detailed Description}
-Enable DLNA compliant media transfer
-This class enables media transmission with DLNA conformity. Its compliant with version 1.5 of the DLNA guidelines.
-\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
-\subsubsection[{getDeviceDescription}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}const char $\ast$ cDlna::getDeviceDescription (const char $\ast$ {\em URLBase})}}
-Device description document
-This will return the device description document with service type definitions as well as some DLNA specific information
-\item[Returns:]The description document \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em URLBase}]the URLBase to be set in the document \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{getInstance}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf cDlna} $\ast$ cDlna::getInstance (void)\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}static\mbox{]}}}}
-Returns the instance of DLNA object
-This will create a DLNA object instance. It will return the same instance on subsequent calls.
-\item[Returns:]the DLNA object instance \end{Desc}
-\subsubsection[{getProfileOfChannel}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf DLNAProfile} $\ast$ cDlna::getProfileOfChannel (cChannel $\ast$ {\em Channel})}}
-Profile of a channel
-Returns the DLNA profile of a VDR channel. It checks the video type to determine which profile will match.
-\item[Returns:]the matching DLNA profile \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em Channel}]the channel of which the profile should created from \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{getProfileOfFile}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf DLNAProfile} $\ast$ cDlna::getProfileOfFile (cString {\em File})}}
-Profile of a file
-Returns the DLNA profile of a file. It checks the content of the file with {\em ffmpeg\/} to determine which profile will match.
-\item[Returns:]the matching DLNA profile \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em File}]the file of which the profile should be created from \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{getProfileOfRecording}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf DLNAProfile} $\ast$ cDlna::getProfileOfRecording (cRecording $\ast$ {\em Recording})}}
-Profile of a recording
-Returns the DLNA profile of a VDR recording. It checks the video file to determine which profile will match.
-\item[Returns:]the matching DLNA profile \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em Recording}]the recording of which the profile should be created from \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{getProtocolInfo}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}const char $\ast$ cDlna::getProtocolInfo ({\bf DLNAProfile} $\ast$ {\em Prof})}}
-Protocol info of a specific DLNA profile
-Returns the protocol info string of a specific DLNA profile with its options and flags.
-\item[Returns:]the protocol info string of the profile \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em Prof}]the Profile of which the protocol info shall be returned \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{getSupportedProtocols}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}const char $\ast$ cDlna::getSupportedProtocols ()}}
-CSV list of supported protocols
-Returns a comma separated list with all supported protocols. This means, it returns the list of protocols of the registered profiles.
-\item[Returns:]CSV list of registered protocols \end{Desc}
-\subsubsection[{registerMainProfiles}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void cDlna::registerMainProfiles ()}}
-Registeres all known DLNA profiles
-Registeres all well known DLNA profiles with its known options \hypertarget{classcDlna_0250d3903e7dcbdc8ebadfacd4e6fb50}{
-\subsubsection[{registerProfile}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void cDlna::registerProfile ({\bf DLNAProfile} $\ast$ {\em Profile}, \/ int {\em Op} = {\tt -1}, \/ const char $\ast$ {\em Ps} = {\tt NULL}, \/ int {\em Ci} = {\tt -1}, \/ unsigned int {\em Flags} = {\tt 0})}}
-Registeres a DLNA profile
-Registeres a DLNA profile with specific optional options
-\item[See also:]\hyperlink{common_8h-source}{common.h} \end{Desc}
-\item[{\em Profile}]the DLNA profile \item[{\em Op}]operation mode \item[{\em Ps}]play speed (CSV list) \item[{\em Ci}]conversion indication flag \item[{\em Flags}]DLNA flags \end{description}
-The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize}