path: root/doc/latex/classcSortCriteria.tex
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+\section{cSortCriteria Class Reference}
+{\tt \#include $<$search.h$>$}
+Collaboration diagram for cSortCriteria:\nopagebreak
+\subsection*{Static Public Member Functions}
+static cList$<$ \hyperlink{structcSortCrit}{cSortCrit} $>$ $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcSortCriteria_818579ec634d8b6f670a55545970b9e7}{parse} (const char $\ast$Sort)
+\subsection{Detailed Description}
+Creates a list with sort criteria
+This parser creates a list of sort criteria. It parses the sort criteria string from a {\em Browse\/} or {\em Search\/} request and stores the information in a {\tt \hyperlink{structcSortCrit}{cSortCrit}} structure.
+\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
+\subsubsection[{parse}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}cList$<$ {\bf cSortCrit} $>$ $\ast$ cSortCriteria::parse (const char $\ast$ {\em Sort})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}static\mbox{]}}}}
+Parses the sort criteria
+This parses the sort criteria and returns a list with valid criterias
+\item a list with valid sort criterias\item {\bf {\tt null},} otherwise \end{itemize}
+\item[{\em Sort}]the string container the sort criteria \end{description}
+The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize}