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-\section{cUPnPResources Class Reference}
-{\tt \#include $<$resources.h$>$}
-Collaboration diagram for cUPnPResources:\nopagebreak
-\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
-int \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_5da9137336fa284040a823f53267b837}{getResourcesOfObject} (\hyperlink{classcUPnPClassObject}{cUPnPClassObject} $\ast$Object)
-int \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_eaffc72ee9faeb046a41b965ce61507f}{loadResources} ()
-\hyperlink{classcUPnPResource}{cUPnPResource} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_cfec64e65fa14c1efb653c9c4fbbc609}{getResource} (unsigned int ResourceID)
-int \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_974dd63afd52b87732800b7cf578a387}{createFromChannel} (\hyperlink{classcUPnPClassVideoBroadcast}{cUPnPClassVideoBroadcast} $\ast$Object, cChannel $\ast$Channel)
-int \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_47b243391bc9e1867bc16d4307f2af8a}{createFromRecording} (\hyperlink{classcUPnPClassVideoItem}{cUPnPClassVideoItem} $\ast$Object, cRecording $\ast$Recording)
-int \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_b2bac789a9caf023940dfc02a079c249}{createFromFile} (\hyperlink{classcUPnPClassItem}{cUPnPClassItem} $\ast$Object, cString File)
-\subsection*{Static Public Member Functions}
-static \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources}{cUPnPResources} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classcUPnPResources_c3136b664928d2214e76e0e65a4ace6a}{getInstance} ()
-\subsection{Detailed Description}
-The resource manager
-This manages the resources in an internal cache. It may create a new resource from a channel, a recording or a custom file.
-\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
-\subsubsection[{createFromChannel}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUPnPResources::createFromChannel ({\bf cUPnPClassVideoBroadcast} $\ast$ {\em Object}, \/ cChannel $\ast$ {\em Channel})}}
-Create resource from channel
-This creates a new resource from the given channel. It determines what kind of video stream it is and further details if available. It stores the resource in the database after creating it.
-\item[{\em Object}]the videoBroadcast item which holds the resource \item[{\em Channel}]the VDR TV channel \end{description}
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if loading was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} otherwise \end{itemize}
-\subsubsection[{createFromFile}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUPnPResources::createFromFile ({\bf cUPnPClassItem} $\ast$ {\em Object}, \/ cString {\em File})}}
-Create resource from file
-This creates a new resource from the given file. It determines all available information about the resource by analizing the content. It stores the resource in the database after creating it.
-\item[{\em Object}]the item which holds the resource \item[{\em File}]the file name \end{description}
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if loading was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} otherwise \end{itemize}
-\subsubsection[{createFromRecording}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUPnPResources::createFromRecording ({\bf cUPnPClassVideoItem} $\ast$ {\em Object}, \/ cRecording $\ast$ {\em Recording})}}
-Create resource from recording
-This creates a new resource from the given recording. It determines what kind of video stream it is and further details if available. It stores the resource in the database after creating it.
-\item[{\em Object}]the videoItem item which holds the resource \item[{\em Recording}]the VDR TV recording \end{description}
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if loading was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} otherwise \end{itemize}
-\subsubsection[{getInstance}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf cUPnPResources} $\ast$ cUPnPResources::getInstance ()\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}static\mbox{]}}}}
-Get the instance of the resource manager
-This returns the instance of the resource manager.
-\item[Returns:]the instance of the manager \end{Desc}
-\subsubsection[{getResource}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}{\bf cUPnPResource} $\ast$ cUPnPResources::getResource (unsigned int {\em ResourceID})}}
-Get a resource by ID
-This returns a resource by its resource ID
-\item[{\em ResourceID}]the resource ID of the demanded resource \end{description}
-\item[Returns:]the requested resource \end{Desc}
- \hypertarget{classcUPnPResources_5da9137336fa284040a823f53267b837}{
-\subsubsection[{getResourcesOfObject}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUPnPResources::getResourcesOfObject ({\bf cUPnPClassObject} $\ast$ {\em Object})}}
-Fill object with its resources
-This will load all the resources from the database, which are associated to the given object
-\item[{\em Object}]the object, which shall be filled \end{description}
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if loading was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} otherwise \end{itemize}
-\subsubsection[{loadResources}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUPnPResources::loadResources ()}}
-Loads all resources from database
-This loads all resources from the database into the internal cache.
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if loading was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} otherwise \end{itemize}
-The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize}