path: root/doc/latex/classcUpnpService.tex
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-\section{cUpnpService Class Reference}
-{\tt \#include $<$upnpservice.h$>$}
-Inheritance diagram for cUpnpService:\nopagebreak
-\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
-virtual int \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_e6d3522d580e5975f5a38d5bea88e29d}{subscribe} (Upnp\_\-Subscription\_\-Request $\ast$Request)=0
-virtual int \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_bbffca233e6aa193eda223cb7bfc2917}{execute} (Upnp\_\-Action\_\-Request $\ast$Request)=0
-\subsection*{Protected Member Functions}
-virtual void \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_f0976057350505eca781aafcaf6b1d14}{setError} (Upnp\_\-Action\_\-Request $\ast$Request, int Error)
-int \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_846cd44a1c014395278c3af339122656}{parseIntegerValue} (IN IXML\_\-Document $\ast$Document, IN const char $\ast$Item, OUT int $\ast$Value)
-int \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_925b7a9628230ce69b803afb8fee212f}{parseStringValue} (IN IXML\_\-Document $\ast$Document, IN const char $\ast$Item, OUT char $\ast$$\ast$Value)
-\subsection*{Protected Attributes}
-UpnpDevice\_\-Handle \hyperlink{classcUpnpService_359ba19926aab21f7a2e3c77ffc7f7ea}{mDeviceHandle}}
-\begin{CompactList}\small\item\em the UPnP device handle of the root device \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize}
-\subsection{Detailed Description}
-UPnP Service interface
-This is a service interface implemented by a UPnP service like CDS oder CMS
-It comes with some tool functions which are commonly useful for processing an event or action.
-\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
-\subsubsection[{execute}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}virtual int cUpnpService::execute (Upnp\_\-Action\_\-Request $\ast$ {\em Request})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}pure virtual\mbox{]}}}}
-Executes an action
-This executes an action initialized by a control point. The result is stored in the first parameter.
-\item[Returns:]An integer representing one of the following:\begin{itemize}
-\item {\bf {\tt UPNP\_\-E\_\-SUCCESS},} if subscription was okay\item or any other non null value in case of an error\end{itemize}
-\item[{\em Request}]Input and output parameters of an action \end{description}
-\item[{\em Request}]Input and output parameters of an action \end{description}
-Implemented in \hyperlink{classcConnectionManager_12fa6b0a9e20c3af663e3ca2b3c97dfb}{cConnectionManager}, and \hyperlink{classcContentDirectory_a0225df761512819b9c46f45b2a0f0d0}{cContentDirectory}.\hypertarget{classcUpnpService_846cd44a1c014395278c3af339122656}{
-\subsubsection[{parseIntegerValue}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUpnpService::parseIntegerValue (IN IXML\_\-Document $\ast$ {\em Document}, \/ IN const char $\ast$ {\em Item}, \/ OUT int $\ast$ {\em Value})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}protected\mbox{]}}}}
-Parses an integer value
-This tool function parses an integer value from a given {\em IXML\/} document. It is searching for the very first occurance of the demanded item.
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if parsing was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} if an error occured\end{itemize}
-\item[{\em Document}]the document, which is parsed \item[{\em Item}]the demanded item \item[{\em Value}]the value of the item \end{description}
-\item[{\em Document}]the document, which is parsed \item[{\em Item}]the demanded item \item[{\em Value}]the value of the item \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{parseStringValue}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int cUpnpService::parseStringValue (IN IXML\_\-Document $\ast$ {\em Document}, \/ IN const char $\ast$ {\em Item}, \/ OUT char $\ast$$\ast$ {\em Value})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}protected\mbox{]}}}}
-Parses a string value
-This tool function parses a string value from a given {\em IXML\/} document. It is searching for the very first occurance of the demanded item.
-\item {\bf {\tt 0},} if parsing was successful\item {\bf {\tt $<$0},} if an error occured\end{itemize}
-\item[{\em Document}]the document, which is parsed \item[{\em Item}]the demanded item \item[{\em Value}]the value of the item \end{description}
-\item[{\em Document}]the document, which is parsed \item[{\em Item}]the demanded item \item[{\em Value}]the value of the item \end{description}
-\subsubsection[{setError}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void cUpnpService::setError (Upnp\_\-Action\_\-Request $\ast$ {\em Request}, \/ int {\em Error})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}protected, virtual\mbox{]}}}}
-Sets an error on an action request
-This function puts a error message into the action request structure according to its error code
-\item[{\em Request}]the action request, to set the error for \item[{\em Error}]the error code of which the message should be obtained \end{description}
-\item[{\em Request}]the action request, to set the error for \item[{\em Error}]the error code of which the message should be obtained \end{description}
-Reimplemented in \hyperlink{classcConnectionManager_02014a637c6cb04cbfe10b3cb4ce6d1d}{cConnectionManager}, and \hyperlink{classcContentDirectory_a3b0df304987a0f2b17733c651d5b5c6}{cContentDirectory}.\hypertarget{classcUpnpService_e6d3522d580e5975f5a38d5bea88e29d}{
-\subsubsection[{subscribe}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}virtual int cUpnpService::subscribe (Upnp\_\-Subscription\_\-Request $\ast$ {\em Request})\hspace{0.3cm}{\tt \mbox{[}pure virtual\mbox{]}}}}
-Subscribes to an event
-This is a callback function to register a new subscriber for an event.
-\item[Returns:]An integer representing one of the following:\begin{itemize}
-\item {\bf {\tt UPNP\_\-E\_\-SUCCESS},} if subscription was okay\item or any other non null value in case of an error\end{itemize}
-\item[{\em Request}]Information about the subscription \end{description}
-\item[{\em Request}]Information about the subscription \end{description}
-Implemented in \hyperlink{classcConnectionManager_7990eba09a100e5e4ee5b01b87bcc16e}{cConnectionManager}, and \hyperlink{classcContentDirectory_17acd376a722e6e7de9ec0d4cabb707b}{cContentDirectory}.
-The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize}