path: root/dist
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-11-27epgdata2xmltv now handles wrong charset and encoding (only sort of!)v0.0.2Jochen Dolze
2011-11-18Changed parsing of qy.dtdJochen Dolze
2011-08-07Added log outputJochen Dolze
2011-08-07Fixed wrong content-type in epgdata2xmltv (cp1252 instead of latin1)Jochen Dolze
2011-08-01Updated error reportingJochen Dolze
2011-07-29Added more error info when xmltv data overlapsJochen Dolze
2011-07-26Added information filesJochen Dolze
2011-07-24Added epgdata importerJochen Dolze