path: root/dist
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-03-20Changed code for c++11 compatibilityHEADmasterJochen Dolze
2017-03-13Added ID for Pro7 MAXX (thanks to MegaV0lt, Support #2158)Jochen Dolze
2014-08-10Increased timeout in epgdata2xmltv to 300 seconds, fixes bug #1869Jochen Dolze
2014-04-17Updated tvm id listJochen Dolze
2014-03-21Added new channel dist filesJochen Dolze
Added support for SxxExx subtitles in epgsource Added support for getting season/episode from description
2013-11-03Added XML_PARSE_HUGE to epgdata2xmltvJochen Dolze
2013-09-11Fixed bug in tvm2xmltv.distJochen Dolze
2013-09-08Added patch from Keine_Ahnung (support #1455)Jochen Dolze
2013-08-26Updated tvm2xmltv.xlsJochen Dolze
2013-07-15Added changes from Keine_Ahnung, closes support #1398Jochen Dolze
Fixed pointer bug
2013-04-21Added new channels to tvm2xmltv.dist, thanks to Keine_Ahnung (Ticket #1270)Jochen Dolze
2012-12-30Added patch for epgdata2xmltv Makefile partially (support #1125, thanks to ↵Jochen Dolze
2012-12-30Added entry in tvm2xmltv.dist file, thanks to swer, fixes #1198Jochen Dolze
2012-12-16Added change from Keine_Ahnung, fixes bug #1177Jochen Dolze
2012-10-06Updated tvm2xmltv.dist (contributed by maniac)Jochen Dolze
2012-09-02Added handling of content descriptorJochen Dolze
Added tvm2xmltv .xsl and channellist .dist files
2012-07-02Added channel update from dunar (feature #1024)Jochen Dolze
2012-06-07Added sorting of epg entriesJochen Dolze
Added episode, "tagestipp" and "toptipp" to epgdata2xmltv
2012-05-23Added patch from Der_Pit to epgdata2xmltvJochen Dolze
2012-05-17Added 'pid' tag for eventidJochen Dolze
Changed epgdata2vdr to use pid tag instead of category for eventid
2012-05-12Changed title- and shorttext-handlerJochen Dolze
Added epgsearch config examples
2012-05-07Improved epgdata2xmltv, added audio/video/starrating/icon-tagsJochen Dolze
2012-04-04Added cppcheck 1.53 suggestionsJochen Dolze
2012-04-01Added EpgHandler supportv0.1.0Jochen Dolze
2012-03-04Added season/episode handlingJochen Dolze
Changed epgdata size limit, reusing old downloaded files
2011-11-27epgdata2xmltv now handles wrong charset and encoding (only sort of!)v0.0.2Jochen Dolze
added eplist support
2011-11-18Changed parsing of qy.dtdJochen Dolze
2011-08-07Added log outputJochen Dolze
Added check before adding events Minor code updates/cleanups
2011-08-07Fixed wrong content-type in epgdata2xmltv (cp1252 instead of latin1)Jochen Dolze
2011-08-01Updated error reportingJochen Dolze
Updated parsing
2011-07-29Added more error info when xmltv data overlapsJochen Dolze
Added Makefile_ to build plugin with grabber
2011-07-26Added information filesJochen Dolze
Added error handler for libxml
2011-07-24Added epgdata importerJochen Dolze