path: root/dvbapi.h
diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <>2000-04-15 17:38:11 +0200
committerKlaus Schmidinger <>2000-04-15 17:38:11 +0200
commit735093b8faef4f667e6a6c65f7290858286816e3 (patch)
treef5b3cb133d5ec1ede63de04cf9c394bcf4a514a2 /dvbapi.h
parent571686d90996968c01a8bc560659e364efab2942 (diff)
Implemented actual record/replay; support for CICAM0.0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'dvbapi.h')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/dvbapi.h b/dvbapi.h
index 2e8406ee..3c447cf1 100644
--- a/dvbapi.h
+++ b/dvbapi.h
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@
* See the main source file 'osm.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: dvbapi.h 1.2 2000/03/06 19:47:20 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: dvbapi.h 1.3 2000/04/15 13:36:10 kls Exp $
#ifndef __DVBAPI_H
#define __DVBAPI_H
// FIXME: these should be defined in ../DVB/driver/dvb.h!!!
-typedef unsigned int u32;
-typedef unsigned short u16;
-typedef unsigned char u8;
+typedef unsigned int __u32;
+typedef unsigned short __u16;
+typedef unsigned char __u8;
#if defined(DEBUG_OSD) || defined(DEBUG_REMOTE)
#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include "../DVB/driver/dvb.h"
enum eDvbColor { clrBackground,
@@ -36,56 +37,15 @@ enum eDvbColor { clrBackground,
-extern const char *DvbQuality; // Low, Medium, High
-bool DvbSetChannel(int FrequencyMHz, char Polarization, int Diseqc, int Srate, int Vpid, int Apid);
-class cDvbRecorder {
+class cDvbApi {
- bool recording;
+ int videoDev;
- cDvbRecorder(void);
- ~cDvbRecorder();
- bool Recording(void);
- // Returns true if this recorder is currently recording, false if it
- // is playing back or does nothing.
- bool Record(const char *FileName, char Quality);
- // Starts recording the current channel into the given file, with the
- // given quality level. Any existing file will be overwritten.
- // Returns true if recording was started successfully.
- // If there is already a recording session active, false will be
- // returned.
- bool Play(const char *FileName, int Frame = 0);
- // Starts playback of the given file, at the optional Frame (default
- // is the beginning of the file). If Frame is beyond the last recorded
- // frame in the file (or if it is negative), playback will be positioned
- // to the last frame in the file (or the frame with the absolute value of
- // Frame) and will do an implicit Pause() there.
- // If there is already a playback session active, it will be stopped
- // and the new file or frame (which may be in the same file) will
- // be played back.
- bool FastForward(void);
- // Runs the current playback session forward at a higher speed.
- // TODO allow different fast forward speeds???
- bool FastRewind(void);
- // Runs the current playback session backwards forward at a higher speed.
- // TODO allow different fast rewind speeds???
- bool Pause(void);
- // Pauses the current recording or playback session, or resumes a paused
- // session.
- // Returns true if there is actually a recording or playback session
- // active that was paused/resumed.
- void Stop(void);
- // Stops the current recording or playback session.
- int Frame(void);
- // Returns the number of the current frame in the current recording or
- // playback session, which can be used to start playback at a given position.
- // The number returned is the actual number of frames counted from the
- // beginning of the current file.
- // The very first frame has the number 1.
- };
+ cDvbApi(void);
+ ~cDvbApi();
+ // On Screen Display facilities
-class cDvbOsd {
enum { charWidth = 12, // average character width
lineHeight = 27 // smallest text height
@@ -95,19 +55,70 @@ private:
enum { MaxColorPairs = 16 };
int colorPairs[MaxColorPairs];
void SetColor(eDvbColor colorFg, eDvbColor colorBg = clrBackground);
- void Cmd(OSD_Command cmd, int color = 0, int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0, int x1 = 0, int y1 = 0, const void *data = NULL);
int cols, rows;
+ void Cmd(OSD_Command cmd, int color = 0, int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0, int x1 = 0, int y1 = 0, const void *data = NULL);
- cDvbOsd(void);
- ~cDvbOsd();
void Open(int w, int h);
void Close(void);
void Clear(void);
void Fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, eDvbColor color = clrBackground);
void ClrEol(int x, int y, eDvbColor color = clrBackground);
void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor colorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor colorBg = clrBackground);
+ // Channel facilities
+ bool SetChannel(int FrequencyMHz, char Polarization, int Diseqc, int Srate, int Vpid, int Apid, int Ca, int Pnr);
+ // Record/Replay facilities
+ enum { dvbStop = 1, // let's not have 0 as a command
+ dvbPauseReplay,
+ dvbFastForward,
+ dvbFastRewind,
+ dvbSkip,
+ };
+ bool isMainProcess;
+ pid_t pidRecord, pidReplay;
+ int fromRecord, toRecord;
+ int fromReplay, toReplay;
+ void SetReplayMode(int Mode);
+ void KillProcess(pid_t pid);
+ bool Recording(void);
+ // Returns true if we are currently recording.
+ bool Replaying(void);
+ // Returns true if we are currently replaying.
+ bool StartRecord(const char *FileName);
+ // Starts recording the current channel into the given file.
+ // In order to be able to record longer movies,
+ // a numerical suffix will be appended to the file name. The inital
+ // value of that suffix will be larger than any existing file under
+ // the given name, thus allowing an interrupted recording to continue
+ // gracefully.
+ // Returns true if recording was started successfully.
+ // If there is already a recording session active, false will be
+ // returned.
+ void StopRecord(void);
+ // Stops the current recording session (if any).
+ bool StartReplay(const char *FileName);
+ // Starts replaying the given file.
+ // If there is already a replay session active, it will be stopped
+ // and the new file will be played back.
+ void StopReplay(void);
+ // Stops the current replay session (if any).
+ void PauseReplay(void);
+ // Pauses the current replay session, or resumes a paused session.
+ void FastForward(void);
+ // Runs the current replay session forward at a higher speed.
+ void FastRewind(void);
+ // Runs the current replay session backwards at a higher speed.
+ void Skip(int Seconds);
+ // Skips the given number of seconds in the current replay session.
+ // The sign of 'Seconds' determines the direction in which to skip.
+ // Use a very large negative value to go all the way back to the
+ // beginning of the recording.
#endif //__DVBAPI_H