BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
debian-lenny-with-frc-patchesMerge branch 'ulf' into dlfPaul Menzel15 years
upstream-lenny-with-frc-patchesNow automatically raises Xserver sched prio for single processor systems.Thomas Hilber15 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2009-06-06Merge branch 'ulf' into dlfdebian-lenny-with-frc-patchesPaul Menzel
2009-06-06Now automatically raises Xserver sched prio for single processor systems.upstream-lenny-with-frc-patchesThomas Hilber
2009-06-06Forgot to implement switching off debug output.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06New options for xorg.conf, bug fix in radeon DRM.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Some minor corrections.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Removed unnecessary patch for in v0.0.9.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Rebase everything to xorg V7.4 (xserver V1.5) and DRM Git.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Workaround for sporadically lost interrupts.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Fix bug with triggering of recovery actions.Thomas Hilber
2009-06-06Rename options, rename every 1/25 s, graphic.Thomas Hilber