



Bug #1035


translation will not compiled, installed

Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
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in chanman-0.0.9 will the translation not compiled/installed

some missing in the Makefile

attached diff will fix this, works for me


anyway, after patching, on compile i get the following warnings warning: Empty msgid. It is reserved by GNU gettext:
gettext("") returns the header entry with
meta information, not the empty string. warning: Empty msgid. It is reserved by GNU gettext:
gettext("") returns the header entry with
meta information, not the empty string.


Actions #1

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Which vdr or which system do you have?


Actions #2

Updated by hd_brummy over 12 years ago

vdr-1.7.28 / vdr-1.6.0_p2
of course, only gentoo

but this is not depended on special distris
its yust some missings in the Makefile

you can drop the support for the gentoo ebuild,
this is still maintained by gentoo and i (try to) keep it always up2date,
same for the vdr-vdrmanager.ebuild
anyway, its your plugin, do what you want :)

Actions #3

Updated by hd_brummy over 12 years ago

oops, no gentoo ebuild here, sry

Actions #4

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to herrlado

OK, good idea with gentoo ebuild. Though my workstation is gentoo, my vdr is yaVDR, so it is not so
easy to try also if gentoo vdr bulding works 100%. But I will now delete the ebuild with the hint to use mainstream or overlay!

Regarding to the missings: Yes, This i18n stuff was already there. I wonted drop some support of 1.5 vdr compatibility support and deleted too much.
And as I use only englpish layout, so never noticed the missing translations.

So when I fix it, should I make some new release? Or you will do 0.0.9-r1 ?

And commond Question: Should I notify you for new releases? And if yes, how?


Actions #5

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

OK, done!

Actions #6

Updated by hd_brummy over 12 years ago

new release would be fine, if you are finishd with all the cleanups
but there is no hurry needed, :)

no notifcation needed, dont waste your time

users on irc #gentoo-vdr, or bump requests on, or reading the latest announced treads on linux-tv ML or should be enough to keep it up2date :)

Actions #7

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 0.0.10
Actions #8

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Actions #9

Updated by herrlado over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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