Bug #1222
closedStrange symbols in the gap between played and total time while viewing recordings
It is actually a very minor bug. I use a VFD310 imon LCD with 16x2.
When I start viewing a recording the first line shows:
The already played time followed by two spaces followed by the total time.
At some point during viewing the spaces are replaced with strange symbols. I am not able to figure out what triggers this, but I never can watch a recording till the end without this happening,
After this, display never returns to spaces again (only if I stop and restart playing the recording), but the symbols can vary over time.
As both times and the second line are displayed correct, it is not a real problem, just not really beatiful.
I looked now a dozen times at the code but I am not able to figure out why this happens.
Updated by Ramirez about 12 years ago
Now I feel a little dumb. After changing the CharMap in the LCDd.conf the strange symbols represent the play progress.
So the case is closed.