Bug #295
closedWhen replaying a recording or watching live TV some subtitles are not shown
I have the following problem with all Canal+ channels, with both live TV and replaying recordings: Some subtitles are not shown at all though they exist in the broadcast. I know they exist, since a DVD created from such a recording with the burn plugin contains the missing subtitles and are shown if replayed with, for example, xine. As an example I have a one minute recording of The Golden Compass from which I created a DVD image. When replaying the DVD image with the Finnish subtitles activated I see four subtitles more than when replaying with VDR.
I would appreciate if you could help me add some debugging in to the plugin that might point out why this happens. I could also upload both the recording and the DVD image somewhere suitable for you if necessary.
This happens with the current git, but has been an issue for some time now. The recordings are done with VDR 1.7.x and are in TS format.
Updated by etobi about 15 years ago
- Assignee set to etobi
- Target version changed from Version 0.2.1 to Version 0.3.0
This is the same issue as #262.
I need the following information:
- A small recording (1-5 min, the complete VDR recording dir!) which should contain teletext subtitles - you can use e.g. duckload.com to upload this.
- Your VDR's setup.conf and channels.conf
- Your VDR version number or - just to be sure - your VDR sources with the patch applied
Updated by phelin about 15 years ago
Sorry, didn't see the pre-existing bug about similar issue (and I still cannot find it in the bug list on ttxtsubs plugin).
I have uploaded a sample recording, my VDR sources and my config files. The sources contain directory PATCH, where you can find every patch I have applied.
You can download it here: http://duckload.com/download/418132/ttxtsubs-bug295.zip
Updated by phelin about 15 years ago
As an addition to my former update, I think that bug 262 is not similar to this one. Perhaps you didn't really get my point, which is that some of the subtitles are shown and some not for the same language. For example if I activate Finnis subtitles and follow a minute long discussion, it might be that 3-5 lines from that subtitled discussion are not shown, but the rest is. And those subtitle lines that were not shown are still present in the broadcast as well as in the recording if such is done. So, for some reason some subtitle lines are skipped and never shown.
Updated by phelin about 15 years ago
I forgot to add, that when replayed with VLC and its teletext subtitles decoder set to use override page 699, I can see all of the subtitle lines in that recording.
Updated by SPAM about 15 years ago
I have suffered from same problem for some time. I have found an workaround, so i can get most of the subtitle lines to show. From your config i see you have pretty big PES buffer for xineliboutput, try to change it to "small" or "tiny" from settings -> plugins -> xineliboutput -> local frontend -> decoder
When using small or tiny buffer, you don't need that much delay for subtitles. From my testings I noticed that if you use 1500ms or more delay some subtitle lines are dropping.
Updated by etobi about 15 years ago
@Petri: Thanks for uploading the sample. I can reproduce the problem (even with a small buffer size). VLC shows some subtitles, that ttxtsubs is missing. This is indeed different from #262.
I'll try to track this down soon. Scheduled for 0.2.2.
Updated by etobi about 15 years ago
- Target version changed from Version 0.3.0 to Version 0.2.2
Updated by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 984cb1fb2ffc667becb2e25daa4110a7cb084747.
Updated by etobi almost 15 years ago
Please test the current Git version. The problem was, that the frame buffer used by ttxtsubs was too small and dropped some packages.
Updated by SPAM almost 15 years ago
I can confirm, recordins works fine now, even with large buffer and 5000ms delay.
This changeset broke live viewing atleast with medium and large buffer. Now subtitles are 1-2 seconds late with 0ms delay and some subtitle lines are missing.
Updated by phelin almost 15 years ago
I can also confirm that the update both fixes the reported bug, but introduces a new one at the same time. I have not yet had the possibility to confirm the missing subtitle lines on live view, but I can confirm that the texts are a bit late even with 0ms delay.
Updated by etobi almost 15 years ago
Please check the syslog, if you have "ttxtsubs: buffer overflow!" messages in there, when watching live subtitles.
Updated by phelin almost 15 years ago
A small typo above... meant to say "any such messages".
Updated by etobi almost 15 years ago
Strange - I have no idea, how the last two commits could have affected the live view.
Updated by SPAM almost 15 years ago
I have done more testing and i haven't managed to reproduce missing live subtitle lines. At the time when i had some lines missing there actually was few hundred "ttxtsubs: buffer overflow!" messages at syslog.
During my experiments I noticed that liveDelay setting isn't used anywhere in current source, it's been removed at this commit http://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/?p=vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs.git;a=commitdiff;h=481745255e5bb50287595e3134f517c6cbdcccea#patch6
If I'm not missed somethig, live viewing uses currently replayTsDelay setting.
Updated by MrCoolSpan almost 15 years ago
johnadoe wrote:
I have done more testing and i haven't managed to reproduce missing live subtitle lines. At the time when i had some lines missing there actually was few hundred "ttxtsubs: buffer overflow!" messages at syslog.
During my experiments I noticed that liveDelay setting isn't used anywhere in current source, it's been removed at this commit http://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/?p=vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs.git;a=commitdiff;h=481745255e5bb50287595e3134f517c6cbdcccea#patch6
If I'm not missed somethig, live viewing uses currently replayTsDelay setting.
I got it to work after a long time, as etobi told me in the other post i need to use the patch ther coms whit ttxtsub, and not the ExtP-NG-vdr-1.7.14-V1.diff as it have a bug in the ttxtsub patch
so maby some one can tell me how to use the bouth, as ExtP-NG-vdr-1.7.14-V1.diff have some patch i can't find ells where