


New VDR Teletext Subtitles plug-in release 0.2.0

This release brings an update and major refactorings of the VDR patch for VDR 1.7.12. The Subtitle OSD rendering has been simplified and now allows outlined texts.
Added by etobi almost 15 years ago

The changes:
  • Add Ukrainian translation by Yarema aka Knedlyk (Closes #130)
  • Some code refactoring
  • Major VDR patch update for 1.7.12 (Closes #236, References #139)) - The patch
    now covers the following changes to VDR:
    - Record teletext subtitles
    - Added setup option to enable teletext subtitle recording
    - Allow configuration of fixed teletetxt subtitle pages
    - Capture teletext subtitle pages from PMT
    - Pass teletext date ttxtsubs plugin
    Special Thx to Rolf Ahrenberg!
  • Fixed replay when the current live ttxtsubs page differs from the
    one in the recording - Thx to Rolf Ahrenberg (Closes #139)
  • Show colored subtitles if color information is provided e.g. for
    different speakers and dropped custom color settings (Closes #61)
  • Position subtitles always centered at the bottom, independent of the
    OSD resolution and dropped custom text position settings (Closes #231)
  • Render subtitles outlined (Closes #51)
  • Decrypt encrypted teletext stream (Closes #241)
  • Don't redisplay unchanged subtitle pages
