




Added by alib almost 15 years ago

02.04.2010 - 1.0.1

- Added fix for PHP version < 5.2.0
- added php module check and dynamic loading if possible.
- some client speedups and optimisations
- removed custom segmenter code, no need for a modifief version anymore
- now stores segmenter and ffmeg pids to kill them
- removed AT dependency

iStreamdev 1.0 (4 comments)

Added by alib almost 15 years ago



Read carefully the README before asking support.

03.29.2010 - 1.0.0

- Massive rework from scratch
- Now based on JQuery/JQTouch
- Fully Ajax/Json based. Server only send Json data to client.
- Client fully webapp compatible. All the client is loaded in the same html page.
- New skin with animated transitions. Hardware accelerated animations.
- Added recording from Channel info.
- Encoding status message is now updated live.
- Added new status "Encoding finished" for recording and videos files. It appears without "*" character before the name in Home sessions menu too.
- Added Electronic Program Guide with add timer feature.
- Dynamic minimise and compression of the css & js files. Now cached.
- gzip compression of all json data

iStreamdev 0.3.7

Added by alib about 15 years ago

Don't forget to update your config.php file with config_default.php.
Now you need to use modded segmenter version provided with the release.
No need of mediainfo anymore.

Check the readme file!


What's new:
01.03.2010 - 0.3.7

- fixed indentation
- good display of recording date & time and names
- epg characters encoding detection and conversion to utf8 if necessary
- fixed channels with coma. Something was still missing.
- added an option to enable/disable the VDR feature
- segmenter binary path is now configurable ( don't forget to update your config.php )
- cosmetics fixes
- added timers support: create/edit/delete.
- now support moviename.tbn, poster.jpg & folder.jpg thumbnails for movies
- added sources support for multiple media dirs.
- added mp3,aac,wav playback support.
- added switch auto to next track while playing audio files.
- added audio dir playback with itune style
- replaced mediainfo by getid3 (
- trick channel names having a \ for logos. Replace the \ by a space in the logo name. ex "CHAN\CHAN" gives "CHAN CHAN.png".
- fixed Thumbnails aspect/ratio. Now it checks sources resolution before generating the thumb.
- Added more info for video.
- no more killall ffmpeg command. Now the pid is checked and killed.
- allow multiple streaming sessions
- added button to kill all active sessions.


Added by alib about 15 years ago

- Added Media streaming. Only video files for the moment. Mediainfo is needed on the system. ( The Troll )
- fix logos channels size in channel list. Now it's ok ( thanks alex )
- now recordings show logo channel ( The Troll )
- fix channels with comma in the name to display epg ( thanks hendrikw01 & Mentox )
- default config moved to config-default.php

istreamdev-0.3.5 (1 comment)

Added by alib about 15 years ago

18.02.2010 - V.0.3.5

- fix SHELL environment necessary for apache account when login shell is /sbin/nologin (cf. cron manual) ( thanks alex )
- fix logos channels oversized in channels list ( thanks alex )
- fix memory buffer issue in svdrp php implementation causing timeout ( thanks hendrikw01 )
- backend rework to ease future evolutions ( TheTroll )
- No more 'ps aux | grep segmenter' calls to check if server is running, and less svdrp call. Now a status file is present in ram folder while broadcast is running. ( TheTroll )


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