The block plugin is a fork of the orphaned taste plugin 0.0.2d which was
originally coded by LordJaxom.
This plugin prevents you from being bothered by unwanted broadcasts.
Instead of those the screen will stay black, the sound muted, an info
message appears in the OSD and after a configurable pause the vdr
switches to another channel.
The block plugin also features an additional whitelist function as
well as a child protection mechanism (Parental Guidance).
Please do not install both plugins (taste AND block) since this
probably causes unexpected behaviour.
Latest news
Release: vdr-plugin-block 0.1.2
Important Bufgfixes. DVB age rating support.
Release: vdr-plugin-block 0.1.0
Release of Version 0.1.0
Now with additional whitelist function and several other features and bugfixes.
Release: vdr-plugin-block 0.0.4
Release: vdr-plugin-block 0.0.3
Manager: Midas