This is a plugin for vdr, the linux video disk recorder from Klaus Schmidinger, this plugin allows the display of digital images, like jpeg, tiff, png, bmp and some more, on the TV screen, using the DVB out device from vdr. Since vdr is a mpeg2 only software all images have to converted to mpeg2 stillpictures, thus it can not be compared to a dvd player supporting jpeg images.
Required, for version starting from release 0.4.0¶
- vdr 1.7.36 or newer supported
- fullfeatured dvb card, or other compatible output devices like xine-plugin
- to compile plugin depends ffmpeg
- to get information about viewed image libexif 0.6.13
- to run your will need package netpbm (check for "anytopnm") called from script/imageplugin.sh
- or as alternative package imagemagick (check for "convert") called from script/magickplugin.sh
- not necessary but useful utility file for better imagetyp detection, used by netpbm(anytopnm)
Required, for version starting from release 0.3.0¶
- vdr 1.6.x and some from series 1.7.x are too supported
Required, for version release 0.2.6 to 0.2.7¶
- vdr 1.3.47 and some from series 1.4.x are too supported
Required, for version release 0.2.0 to 0.2.3¶
- vdr 1.2.6 ..., some from series 1.3.x are too supported
Notes for older Releases, versions until 0.1.1
- vdr 1.2.6 ... (warning some patches revert the devicestillpicture code)
- mjpeg-tools 1.6.1+ (check for mpeg2enc, some prebuild package can maybe make trouble)
- netpbm 10.0
- utils/file (Determines file type using "magic" numbers)
Quick guide¶
Start the plugin, than select a image (or folder) and press OK.
At all modi¶
OK toggle OSD informations Play/Pause begin/halt slide Stop/Blue stop plugin
While watching pictures¶
Back stop plugin Red open menu with image commands Info show exif informations Left previous picture Right next picture Down jump three pictures back Up jump three pictures forward 7 jump five pictures back 9 jump five pictures forward 0 view original image 1 Rotate 90 Grad counter clockwise 3 Rotate 90 Grad clockwise direction 4 slide show - decrease the time (seconds) each picture shows 6 slide show - increase the time (seconds) each picture shows 5 Zoom inside image 8 Zoom outside image and call Jumpmenu
Zoom menu¶
Back Zoom outside image Left scroll zoomed frame inside picture to left Right scroll zoomed frame inside picture to right Down scroll zoomed frame inside picture to left Up scroll zoomed frame inside picture to up 0 view original image 5 Zoom inside image 8 Zoom outside image
Jump menu (3x3 preview)¶
Back view original image Left previous picture group (go 9 pictures back) Right next picture group (go to the next 9 pictures) 0 view original image 1 ... 9 pick the corresponding image
Short description how to build plugin¶
After obtaining latest release, extract this plugin, inside the vdr plugin folder
#> cd $VDR-SOURCE-DIRECTORY/PLUGINS/src #> tar -xzvf vdr-image-0.2.X.tar.gz #> ln -s image-0.2.X image
(your must adjust above term 0.2.X with your obtained release, like 0.2.4)
see also file README for more instructions and dependency of installation, like
#> less README
compile this plugin, from the vdr source directory, like all other plugins
#> cd $VDR-SOURCE-DIRECTORY #> make plugins
How to anonymously get the current source¶
git clone git://projects.vdr-developer.org/vdr-plugin-image.git image
Some external helpful links¶
- Additionally german informations and a good point for beginning. http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Image-plugin