vdr-plugin-vodcatcherVDR Vodcatcher plugin www-data15 years
vdr-plugin-weatherforecastVDR Weather Forecast Plugin www-data9 years
vdr-plugin-webvideoVDR Webvideo Plug-in www-data12 years
vdr-plugin-xineVDR Xine output Plugin www-data9 years
vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdrVDR XMLTV2VDR Plug-in www-data8 years
vdr-plugin-yaepghdVDR YAEPGHD Plug-in www-data16 years
vdr-plugin-zaphistoryVDR ZapHistory Plugin www-data9 years
vdr-plugin-zappilotVDR ZapPilot Plug-in www-data12 years
vdr-scripttoolsVDR Script-Tools www-data12 years
vdr-smarttvclient[no description]www-data12 years
vdr-vipclientVDR client for Motorola VIP www-data8 years
vdradmin-amVDRAdmin-AM www-data9 years
vdrffsVDR Fuse File System www-data
vdrnfofsFuse file system for VDR providing nfo/mpf files www-data13 years
vdrpbdVDR Power Button Daemon www-data4 years
vdrtvaVDR TV Anytime patch www-data9 years
x-vdrx-vdr www-data15 years
xeatre-vdr-patchesVDR Patches from Xeatre.TV www-data
xf86-video-ati-frcFRC (Frame Rate Control) patches for the XOrg ATI / Radeon driver www-data
xf86-video-intel-frcFRC (Frame Rate Control) patches for the XOrg Intel driver www-data
xine-libxine-lib git mirror www-data9 years
xine-lib-atmolightAtmolight post processing plugin for XineLib www-data14 years
xine-lib-frcFRC (Frame Rate Control) patches for xine-lib www-data
xineliboutputGIT mirror of the xineliboutput CVS repository from Sourceforge www-data10 years
xineliboutput-frcFRC (Frame Rate Control) patches for xineliboutput www-data
xxvXtreme eXtension for VDR www-data8 years