



Feature #1742


Play RTMP chanel in list ?

Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Hi there,
first of all I wont to thank you for creating this SW for motorola VIP boxes.
I'll like to play rtmp streams in my motorola VIP 1003.
Is it possible to add rtmp streem to chanels.js ?
If it is can you please show how ?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Actions #1

Updated by tv-user almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to tv-user
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50


If you can play the link from the commandline, so if motorola has the codecs for it, it should be possible.

Can you provide a demo link so I can test it.

If the box can play the link you can make a group eg group 5 and define ServerAdres[ 5 ] = "FullURL"
channels[ 5001 ] = "full url to media";


Actions #2

Updated by nikolaswc almost 11 years ago

Thanks for reply.
I'll send you via mail links.
Again thanks for helping.

Best regards.

tv-user wrote:


If you can play the link from the commandline, so if motorola has the codecs for it, it should be possible.

Can you provide a demo link so I can test it.

If the box can play the link you can make a group eg group 5 and define ServerAdres[ 5 ] = "FullURL"
channels[ 5001 ] = "full url to media";


Actions #3

Updated by tv-user almost 11 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

Looks like the Motorola firmware can't handle the rtmp information. One stream is displayed as text, the other one 'rtmp://' isn't processed but gives an error.

Motorola SDK gives this info:

The RTSP Source Element handles media streams stored on servers supporting the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RFC 2326).

The HTTP Source Element handles media streams stored on regular web servers using the Hypertext Transport Protocol HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616).

This module contains source elements reading streams from a file or from a multicast socket. The Multicast Source Element receives media streams from the network by joining multicast groups in accordance to Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 or 3 (RFC 2236).

The Bitband Source Element handles media streams stored on Biband Vision 3 servers.

Actions #4

Updated by essays about 10 years ago

tv-user wrote:
really thanks, am also finding this issues, any way thanks by custom essays writing service uk

Actions #5

Updated by tv-user about 10 years ago

I've looked into it again. But I can't play those streams. Maybe my kreatv is too old or is missing the flash parts.

Actions #6

Updated by tv-user over 4 years ago

  • Due date set to 02/25/2014
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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