



burn-0.3.0 has been released (4 comments)

Added by FireFly almost 9 years ago

This release contains the following enhancments and bugfixes since 0.2.2:

- removed compatibility code of VDR < 2.0 - burn now requires VDR 2.0.0 or higher
- removed test directory
- fixed display of pmtPid (thanks to lhanisch, bug #1285)
- added support for RESDIR: resources are now automatically installed into RESDIR
- added description to README and patch file for mplex to avoid abort if only a few "buffer underruns" are detected (feature #1324)
- prefixed TMPDIR, DVDDEV and ISODIR in Makefile by BURN_ to avoid problems with other plugins
- README updated
- fixed warnings for po files
- fixed gdwrapper warning
- added support for cVideoDirectory of VDR 2.1.2+
- replace requant with m2vrequant (feature #1673 by anonymous)
- added 50-burn.conf for conf.d mechanism
- added support for VDR 2.3.1

burn-0.2.1 has been released (1 comment)

Added by FireFly about 12 years ago

This release contains the following enhancments and bugfixes since 0.2.0:

- removed unneccesary i18n definitions to compile with 1.7.27+
- fixed fsf address (thanks to , bug #1086)
- fixed "PRIO_PGRP not found" (thanks to , bug #1085)
- added support to sort recordings in VDR 1.7.29+
- added support for VDR 1.7.33 (bug #1180)
- minor target description update
- fixed wrong unchangeable storemode in case of missing DVD writer device (bug #1187)
- added support for Makefile of VDR 1.7.36+
- fixed display of directories with MPEG2 and H.264 recordings

burn-0.2.0-beta7 released (3 comments)

Added by FireFly over 13 years ago

This release contains the following features and bugfixes:

- fixed compiling on VDR 1.6
- adapted to VDR 1.7.20 and removed erroneously introduced dependency on liemikuutio patch
- removed video fifo which was only required by
- removed deprecated direct member access if compiled with VDR 1.7.21+
- fixed indention of folders in recording menu
- adapted recordings menu to VDR 1.7.21 layout
- fixed status menu updates
- outsourced settings for Project X to vdrburn-dvd.conf (thanks to for the idea and code snippets)

burn-0.2.0-beta6 released

Added by FireFly over 13 years ago

This release contains the following features and bugfixes:

  • fixed building with ENABLE_DMH_ARCHIVE=1 (thanks to Ville Skyttä, bug #475)
  • Finnish translation update (provided by Ville Skyttä, feature #473)
  • Use /dev/dvdrw as writer device by default (suggested by Ville Skyttä, feature #474)
  • changed shell of from sh to bash (reported by )
  • fixed subtitles definition in DVDs without menus
  • updated Italian translation (thanks to Diego Pierotto, feature #492)
  • added Slovak translation (feature #557)
  • fixed resource leak in scanner.c and pes.c
  • do no longer hide H.264 recordings but display them unselectable (there might still be some older recordings
    which are not recognized as H.264 recordings if the component descriptor in the info file is uncorrect)
  • fixed unneccesssary relinking with "make all" (bug #482)
  • added default setting if subtitles should be used (caution: default is NO)
  • fixed renaming of spumux file for son subtitles
  • changed default Datadir to /tmp
  • added ionice -c 3 to all disk intensive tasks in
  • fixed invoking of if previously selected, removed remaining code (thanks to Ville Skyttä, bug #476, and )
  • filter out streams which consist only of filler bytes (used as place holder PIDs)
  • track editor page has now a title to avoid crash of remoteosd plugin (thanks to for debugging)
  • refactored help key and ProcessKey of building menu
  • added recording length (in minutes) to recordings menu
  • fixed possible segfault in status display

burn-0.2.0-beta5 released (11 comments)

Added by FireFly over 14 years ago

This release contains the following features and bugfixes:
  • updated DMH archive part of vdrburn-dvd/ (thanks to )
  • made DMH archive optional via compile switch. Enable with ENABLE_DMH_ARCHIVE=1 (thanks to )
  • replaced offsetof by __builtin_ofsetof in scanner.c as it caused problems on some distris (suggested by )
  • removed support for burning CDs (DVD structures on CD-R)
  • removed support for, use Project X instead
  • added 100MB spare space in requant factor calculation to avoid oversized ISO images
  • allowed all chars of VDR locale for titels
  • fixed renamed menu names being ignored (reported by )
  • added recording title to track edit menu
  • converted all po files to UTF-8 (thanks to Ville Skyttä for the fi patch which led to that)

burn-0.2.0-beta4 released (1 comment)

Added by FireFly almost 15 years ago

This release contains the following features and bugfixes:

  • fixed teletext page calculation (reported by Petri Helin)
  • refactored handling of subtitles (dvb and teletext). Subtitels are now intergrated in the standard job handling
  • hide recordings from selection which have H.264_AVC as stream content type in their component description ("X 5 ..." in info(.vdr))
  • added Dutch translation (thanks to Carel Willemse)

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