



New Snapshot

Added by dxm over 10 years ago

A new snapshot has been uploaded in the files section. It's merely a bugfix release striving to support vdr >= 2.1.2 and stealing e-tobi's i18n patches. Hoping I find the time to improve the overall plugin. Did not check through all available encoding possibilities :-/

Development continues (2 comments)

Added by dxm over 11 years ago

Dear users,

after two years stalling, the vdrrip plugin will be seeing improvements in the near future. Stay tuned :)

New snapshot

Added by dxm over 13 years ago

Fixes Bug #628 so vdrrip compiles with 1.7.18
  • Replaced ugly cRecordingInfo private accesses (Which are prohibited since 1.7.18) and use cRecording instead which is more clean

    Also available in: Atom