path: root/common.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-07-17Adapted to new recording format and variable frame rate (VDR >= 1.7.3)Thomas Günther
2009-06-21Removed backward compatibility to VDR < 1.6.0 (closes #137)Thomas Günther
2009-06-06Added brougs78-extensions (thanks to Andreas Brugger / references #39)Andreas Brugger
2009-06-032006-11-19: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.9 (vdr-text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.9.diff)Andreas Brugger
2009-06-032005-12-11: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.3 (vdr-text2skin-1.1-cvs_ext-0.3.diff)Andreas Brugger
2009-05-17Quick fix for VDR >= 1.7.3Thomas Günther
2009-05-16Replaced 'uint64' with 'uint64_t' to avoid problems on 64-bit machinesTobias Grimm
2005-01-27- implemented BENCH make optionlordjaxom
2005-01-02- defined some macros in preparation to 1.3.18lordjaxom
2004-12-21- dunnolordjaxom
2004-12-19Initial revisionlordjaxom
2004-07-14- fixed display of scrollbar if there is no text presentv0.0.8lordjaxom
2004-06-25- on devices capable of full-color OSD, bpp's have no meaning anymorev0.0.7lordjaxom
2004-06-16- fixed disappearing Scrolltext when Message was displayedv0.0.5lordjaxom
2004-06-13- added parameter alpha for imagesv0.0.4lordjaxom
2004-06-11- fixed VPSTime which was displayed on channels that didn't even have VPSv0.0.3lordjaxom
2004-06-05- added scrollable texts and "SymbolScrollUp" and "SymbolScrollDown"v0.0.1lordjaxom
2004-06-02- implemented image loading through ImageMagick (fixes crashes when runningv0.0.1-rc4lordjaxom
2004-06-01- fixed possible segfault when showing language logo (happened when channelv0.0.1-rc3lordjaxom
2004-05-31- "Background" may be initialized with a color nowv0.0.1-rc1lordjaxom
2004-05-23- Initial revision.v0.0.1-pre1lordjaxom