



iStreamdev: iStreamdev 0.3.7

Added by alib about 14 years ago

Don't forget to update your config.php file with config_default.php.
Now you need to use modded segmenter version provided with the release.
No need of mediainfo anymore.

Check the readme file!


What's new:
01.03.2010 - 0.3.7

- fixed indentation
- good display of recording date & time and names
- epg characters encoding detection and conversion to utf8 if necessary
- fixed channels with coma. Something was still missing.
- added an option to enable/disable the VDR feature
- segmenter binary path is now configurable ( don't forget to update your config.php )
- cosmetics fixes
- added timers support: create/edit/delete.
- now support moviename.tbn, poster.jpg & folder.jpg thumbnails for movies
- added sources support for multiple media dirs.
- added mp3,aac,wav playback support.
- added switch auto to next track while playing audio files.
- added audio dir playback with itune style
- replaced mediainfo by getid3 (
- trick channel names having a \ for logos. Replace the \ by a space in the logo name. ex "CHAN\CHAN" gives "CHAN CHAN.png".
- fixed Thumbnails aspect/ratio. Now it checks sources resolution before generating the thumb.
- Added more info for video.
- no more killall ffmpeg command. Now the pid is checked and killed.
- allow multiple streaming sessions
- added button to kill all active sessions.

vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs: New VDR Teletext Subtitles plug-in release 0.2.0 (2 comments)

Added by etobi about 14 years ago

The changes:
  • Add Ukrainian translation by Yarema aka Knedlyk (Closes #130)
  • Some code refactoring
  • Major VDR patch update for 1.7.12 (Closes #236, References #139)) - The patch
    now covers the following changes to VDR:
    - Record teletext subtitles
    - Added setup option to enable teletext subtitle recording
    - Allow configuration of fixed teletetxt subtitle pages
    - Capture teletext subtitle pages from PMT
    - Pass teletext date ttxtsubs plugin
    Special Thx to Rolf Ahrenberg!
  • Fixed replay when the current live ttxtsubs page differs from the
    one in the recording - Thx to Rolf Ahrenberg (Closes #139)
  • Show colored subtitles if color information is provided e.g. for
    different speakers and dropped custom color settings (Closes #61)
  • Position subtitles always centered at the bottom, independent of the
    OSD resolution and dropped custom text position settings (Closes #231)
  • Render subtitles outlined (Closes #51)
  • Decrypt encrypted teletext stream (Closes #241)
  • Don't redisplay unchanged subtitle pages

iStreamdev: istreamdev-0.3.6

Added by alib about 14 years ago

- Added Media streaming. Only video files for the moment. Mediainfo is needed on the system. ( The Troll )
- fix logos channels size in channel list. Now it's ok ( thanks alex )
- now recordings show logo channel ( The Troll )
- fix channels with comma in the name to display epg ( thanks hendrikw01 & Mentox )
- default config moved to config-default.php

iStreamdev: istreamdev-0.3.5 (1 comment)

Added by alib about 14 years ago

18.02.2010 - V.0.3.5

- fix SHELL environment necessary for apache account when login shell is /sbin/nologin (cf. cron manual) ( thanks alex )
- fix logos channels oversized in channels list ( thanks alex )
- fix memory buffer issue in svdrp php implementation causing timeout ( thanks hendrikw01 )
- backend rework to ease future evolutions ( TheTroll )
- No more 'ps aux | grep segmenter' calls to check if server is running, and less svdrp call. Now a status file is present in ram folder while broadcast is running. ( TheTroll )

VDR UPnP Plugin: Version 0.0.2-alpha verfügbar

Added by methodus over 14 years ago

Die neue Version 0.0.2-alpha ist verfügbar.

Neben diversen kleineren Neuerungen ist es endlich nun möglich, Aufnahmen zu streamen. Die neue Version kann über das git heruntergeladen werden. Den ensprechenden Branch erhält man per

git checkout origin/experimental

Oder man lädt sich das Tarball im Downloadverzeichnis herunter.

VDR UPnP Plugin: Patch für libupnp-1.6.6 verfügbar (3 comments)

Added by methodus over 14 years ago

Viele DLNA-Geräte benötigen zusätzliche Headerangaben, um einwandfrei zu funktionieren. Das ist mit der aktuellen Version der libupnp nicht möglich, da hierfür geeignete Funktionen fehlen. Mediatomb, welches die libupnp in einer angepassten Version nutzt, bietet passende Funktionen an. Daraus entstanden ist ein Patch, der nun hoffentlich auch alle anderen DLNA-fähigen Geräte mit dem Plugin lauffähig machen.

VDR UPnP Plugin: Quelltextdokumentation verfügbar

Added by methodus over 14 years ago

Damit Fehler im Quelltext schneller behoben werden können, habe ich die Headerdateien (fast) vollständig dokumentiert. Es fehlen lediglich noch die Dokumentation über die Konstanten und der private Eigenschaften und Methoden der Klassen.

Die Dokumentation wurde mit Doxygen aufgearbeitet und kann hier eingesehen werden: UPnP/DLNA Plugin Source Code Documentation

Ich danke schonmal jedem, der mir beim Fehlerbeseitigen hilft!


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